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Rarey and a Mustang mare.

--In New York on Saturday evening, Mr. Rarey, the horse tamer, delivered another lecture, and, during the evening exhibited a Mustang mare. When brought in she took a survey of the house, and then as Rarey approached in front, rose on her hind legs, and quick as lightning struck at him with her fore feet. For several minutes she thus met his every advance, and showed a desperate malice, and agility of the most extraordinary nature. The audience shuddered with apprehension lest Mr. Rarey might be killed, and breathed freer as he escaped unharmed. It was really a dangerous thing to take up the leg of such an animal, and all of Mr. Rarey's motions were made in the most deliberate and cautious manner. The mare finally, in striking out, caught her left fore foot in the bridle, and fell to her knees. When she rose, Mr. Rarey by an adroit motion managed to get her foot in his hand, and holding it gently, he had the strap buckled and the leg confined in a moment. The other leg was then secured, and the struggle commenced. The Mustang fought long and well, but her exertions only exhausted her the sooner; and at the end of a quarter of an hour she gave up the contest, and suffered herself to be mounted and ridden all around the ring.

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