
Runaway in jail.

--Was committed to the jail of the county of Westmoreland, on the 20th of May last, a Negro Man, calling himself James Toliver. The said Negro is of a tanny complexion, and is about 5 feet 6 inches high, and about 36 years about his person. The said Negro head a red flannel shirt, dark green coat, and black pants. He was sold from this county in October, 1860, by Mr. John E. Wilson, to (he says) Mr. Andrew Jones, of Wilmington, N. C. from which place he ran away, that Mr. Jones lives now in Richmond. The owner of said Negro will come forward, prove property, charges, and take him away, else he will be desiring the law directs.

Geo. W. Cold by, acting Jailor

je 26-- Westmore and County, Va.

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