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Mr. Vallandigham.

We know of no man on this continent who occupies a nobler position than Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio. In the midst of Lincoln's armed legions, and in the teeth of a subservient Congress, he hurls his denunciations with an unsparing hand at the executive usurper and his murderous party. How the so-called "Conservatives" of the North, who could speak boldly enough for us in the days of peace, and deserted us to a man in the hour of trial, must blush for their baseness when they look upon the spectacle of moral grandeur which Vallandigham's course in Congress presents! What a contrast to that mincing piece of affectation and pretension, that man of words, Edward Everett! Of all the great, heroic men of this continent, Vallandigham will go down to posterity unsurpassed, if equalled, by any other, a man worthy the greatest, most heroic day of Grecian or Roman fame.

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