Little Rock True Democrat, in an editorial on the position of
Missouri says:
Missouri, south of the
Missouri river, is almost for secession; the
Union men in that part of the
State are net so, from fear of the influence and power of
Gen Lyons, who is ruling the
State with a rod of from.
Gov. Jackson is expected to return soon, and
Southwestern Missouri will be disenthralled in a few weeks.
There are certain movements in actual operation or contemplated, that we do not deem it advisable to no ice now; but we feel assured that there will be sharp work there soon.--
Gen. McCulloch has had a severe task and has acted with his accustomed energy.
In this he has been ably seconded by his officers, and especially by
Quartermaster General Clarke.
With volunteers, all eager to fight, but undrilled; with but it the specie and a vast outlay to make,
McCulloch has had to work hard.
He has overcome these obstacles, and when he once takes the field will keep the enemy busy.
Gen Hardee is at his post and will soon commence operations.
With such officers and such men as they command, we need have no fears of the result.