John W. Van Buskirk, until within a short time past resident of Norfolk, but who chummed old Scott and secured a lieutenancy in the Federal army, is among the prisoners taken at Manassas. On Saturday last, Mr. Brubeck was shot in Staunton, Va., by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of Mr. E. C. Randolph. He was badly wounded. The Norman cotton factory, belonging to P. Miller, located near Boliver, Tenn. was consumed by fire on Thursday night last.--Loss, $25,000, without insurance. John Bigelow, late editor of the New York Evening Post, has, it is stated, been appointed consul at Paris. It is a salaried office, paying $5,000 a year. There is no authenticated statement in regard to Garibaldi's offer of his services to the Federal Government. It is probably a canard. John Williams, a Baltimorean, has been arrested at Boston and sent to Fort Lafayette, New York, on suspicion of being an agent and officer of the Confederate States. The vestry room of an Episcopal Church in Philadelphia was robbed last Sunday, during the hours of service, of a black silk robe and scarf, a vest and a gold watch, belonging to the officiating minister. George B. Crittenden, of Kentucky, late of the United States Army, has been appointed a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. The Germans in New York are holding socialistic meetings. They demand that the city government shall provide work for them. Edwin Munro, a son of Judge Munro, was killed near Anderson, S. C., a few days ago, by an accident on the railroad. The prisoners at Fort Lafayette, N. York, are closely guarded, and no person is permitted to hold communication with them. The bulk of the officers of regiments from interior New York have resigned their commissions. The report that forty-four regiments have been accepted by the Abolition Government from Illinois is denied. Hon. John Merrill, ex-member of Congress, died at Orange, N. Y., On Saturday. Confederate flags have lately been hoisted in Connecticut by unknown persons. Mr. John Roberts was drowned at Baltimore last Saturday evening. A young man named Armstrong was hung in Philadelphia last Friday for murder.
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