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Shipping News.

--The bark Miranda, Captain J. W. Simmons, from Rio, reached Hampton Roads on the 3d inst. She has a cargo of coffee consigned to Messrs. Goodhue & Co., New York. Captain Simmons reports over sixty American vessels in port at Rio, and forty- five of other nations. The captains of vessels refused to take cargoes for the United States, fearing capture from the Southern privateers. The exchange on England was 26½ per cent., with a down ward tendency. The West Indian, a large schooner, bound for Baltimore, expected to leave the same night with the Miranda. The Ella Virginia was in port with sails unbent. She is commanded by Captain Barker, 56 Ann street, Baltimore.--The bark Clara Haxall, Capt. Munson, of Richmond, was also in port, and wished to be reported. During the entire voyage of the Miranda, she came across but one war vessel, which was the U. S. ship Preble. The Preble overhanded her, and after an examination of her passes left. Captain Simmons states that all the foreign vessels (especially) were afraid to charter without being permitted to sail under their own colors. The English bark Mary, with a full cargo for the Balize, per orders, sailed. Business was exceedingly dull in Rio, the result to a great extent of the distressing condition of affairs in the States.

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