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Notes of the war.

The Enquirer publishes the following 11st of Virginia Officer in Lincoln's Army:

  1. 1. Brevet Lieutenant General Winfield Scott.
  2. 2. Colonel P. St. George Cooke, Second Cavalry.
  3. 3. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington Sea well, Eighth Infantry.
  4. 4. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward J. Steptor, Ninth Infantry.
  5. 5. Lieutenant-Colonel James D. Graham, Engineers.
  6. 6. Major Campbell Graham, Engineers.
  7. 7. Major Lawrence P. Graham, Second Dragoons.
  8. 8. Major George H. Thomas, Second Cavalry.
  9. 9. Major N. C. MeRae, Third Infantry.
  10. 10. Major T. L. Alexander, Eighth Infantry.
  11. 11. Major Albert J. Smith, Paymaster.
  12. 12. Major Benj. W. Bryce, Paymaster.
  13. 13. Major G. D. Ramsey, Ordnance.
  14. 14. Major T. S. S. Laidly, Ordnance.
  15. 15. Major F. N. Page, Assistant Adjutant General:
  16. 16. Major John F. Lee, Judge Advocate General.
  17. 17. Major William Hayes, Second Artillery.
  18. 18. Major William H. Gordon, Third Infantry.
  19. 19. Major George C. Waggaman, Assistant Quartermaster General.
  20. 20. Captain John Newton, Engineers.
  21. 21. Capt. J. W. Davidson, First Dragoons.
  22. 22. Capt. W. J. Newton, Second Dragoons.
  23. 23. Capt. T. G. Williams, First Infantry.
  24. 24. Capt. T. A. Washington, First Infantry.
  25. 25. Capt. G. Chapin, Seventh Infantry.
  26. 26. Capt. L. H. Marshall, Tenth Infantry.
  27. 27. Capt. Jesse L. Reno, Ordnance.
  28. 28. Capt. E, W. B. Newby, First Cavalry.
Several in the above list have been rewarded by Lincoln with promotion. Two of them, Majors George H. Thomas and Lawrence P. Graham, have been made Brigadier-Generals. Col. Cooke, who has been for some time in Utah, it was supposed, would retire from the Yankee service, and link his destiny with his native land for weal or woe. Possibly he may yet do so. The friends of Col. Steptoe have asserted with confidence that he, too, would be true to his State and to his name, and we are still unwilling to place his name on the list of Scott traitors. Before the commencement of our present troubles, in consequence of ill health, he obtained a furlough with a view to a somewhat protracted absence from the country. He returned from Europe, however, some weeks since, and was in Montreal the last we heard of him.

Condition of the North.

The New Orleans Commercial Bulletin gives the following result of a conversation with a citizen of Texas, who left New York a few days ago, and has recently visited various important localities at the North:

‘ He confirms the accounts which have been received here in respect to the diminished zeal for enlisting in the war in the North, and says that it is almost certain that drafting will there have to be resorted to in order to obtain soldiers, if they are obtained at all! The peace party is steadily gaining strength. There is a growing conviction that the struggle for the subjugation of the South cannot succeed and must finally fail, and that therefore it is useless to keep it up. Our informant thinks that every outrage committed by the Government only tends to strengthen and deepen the reaction that is going on. There is also a growing want of confidence in the Government, which the failure of all its plans hitherto, and the well known corruptions which have existed and are still believed to exist, have brought about. Large amounts of money are spent in New York to feed the poor, particularly the families of volunteers, causing a heavy drain upon the purses of those who are well to do in the world, and the winter is looked forward to with dread and apprehension.

Our informant says that there are, or were, two hundred peace papers in the North, and that the Lincoln despotism has come to the conclusion that it cannot succeed unless these can be silenced, and hence the recent ferocity upon everything like the freedom of the press — a ferocity which has scarcely ever been surpassed by any despotism in the world.

The conspirators are playing a desperate game, and may find the ground suddenly give way beneath them. But notwithstanding these manifestations in the North of opposition to the war, it behooves us not to be lulled into inactivity by them — not to place any reliance upon the active sympathy of any portion of the Northern people — but to strain every nerve to prosecute the war to the bitter end. We are strong enough to beat back the ruthless invaders of our sail, and, if need be, carry the war into the enemy's country — and as sure as there is a God of Justice in Heaven, we will by His aid, and with our own strong arms, soon establish our claim, beyond the peradventure of a doubt, to be recognized all over the world as a free and independent people.

A Turfite on the battle field.

Until we read the subjoined extract from the Richmond correspondence of the N. O. Delta, it had been our impression that ‘"the subject of this notice"’ was killed in the battle. Jackson is well known on all the Southern fields where horse-flesh is put to the test of bottom and speed:

James Jackson, of North Alabama, well known in New Orleans, particularly to Territus thereabouts, volunteered as a private, and joined the Fourth Alabama regiment which suffered so severely on the 21st. On the first charge of that gallant regiment. Jackson was shot through the lungs, and when the regiment was pressed back he was left among the killed and wounded. Shortly after, a Yankee approached him and said: ‘"Friend, you appear to be badly wounded; what can I do for you?"’ Jackson replied, ‘"some water, for God's sake. "’ The Yankee, in giving him the water, noticed a fine fob chain hooked in his vest, and said, ‘"young man, I see you cannot survive, give me your watch and I will send it to your mother."’ Jim looked at him askant and said: ‘"Horse, that game is played out; I know you will take the watch from me, and I want to make a trade with you. If you will place me in the shade, and fill my canteen with water, I will give you the watch." ’ The trade was struck in a minute, and after placing Jim in the shade, and filling his canteen until it gurgled over, Jim told him to ‘"unhook her and draw her out,"’ and before he left said to him, ‘"that if ever he should make a match race, and wished to know the speed of his horse, to time him with that watch, for he had given $285 for it at Liverpool, and there never was a better one turned out from the manufactory."’ Jim is getting well, having laid until Monday, about 10 o'clock, before he was found, and declares that his watch trade was the best he ever had made since he had arrived at man's estate.

Incident of the battle of Oak Hill.

A correspondent of the Memphis Appeal relates the following incident of the battle of Oak Hill, Missouri:

Mr. John A. Quarles, a young man of Arkansas, who had been prevented by illness from joining a company which went to Missouri from his neighborhood, left home as soon as he became well enough, with a view of joining McCulloch's army. He arrived at the camp just in time to take part in the great battle, and fought as an independent volunteer, in the hottest part of the field. He and another young Arkansian, A. McNeill, were taken prisoners in the battle, their guns, pistols, and all their money stolen from them, and they themselves were posted by the enemy in front of the ranks, and finally they were placed in the front of Siegel's battery, that they might be killed by their own friends! During the terrible storm of balls that came rushing from our troops against this battery, young Quarles had presence of mind enough to suggest to his companion that they should fall upon the ground, as though killed. It was not long before the gallant Louisianians stormed this battery and delivered the two young men from their terrible condition, and they yet live to fight under McCulloch again. While the deliverance of these young men is a source of joy to us all, what a picture does this narrative present of the thievish and murderous propensities of those monsters in human form, who are fighting Lincoln's battles.

What a Spanish General saw in the Federal Army.

General Lana, the Spanish officer mentioned in Mr. Russell's last letter as on a visit to Washington, writes a letter to the Diario de la Habana just after the battle of Manassas, from which we take a graphic and amusing extract:

‘ It is necessary to see this place to be convinced of what is occurring, and to form an idea of what kind of an affair an army is composed of men without any military habits, and led by officers — chiefs and generals — for the most part devoid of the necessary military knowledge. Excepting the war material in the transportation department, such as wagons, gun- carriages, ambulances, &c., which is magnificent, all else is a confusion of ill-clad men, without any military instruction, and, what is worse, without trying to acquire it, according to appearances, since during the time I remained there I have seen them pass days and nights in the camps without doing anything, with the exception of battalion drill for a short while in the morning, and again in the evening. As far as I have been able to observe, they have no large fields for manoeuvring or target exercises, which surprises me, since I know the fondness they have for it in this country. Nothing impresses you that there are seventy thousand men in the neighborhood preparing for war. Silence and tranquility reign in the city and camps, neither more nor less than if everything were in a normal state.

For all I have searched, I have not succeeded in finding either cavalry or artillery. --True. the latter they abandoned on the Bull Bonfield of battle, and the former they have never had, except in comparatively insignificant numbers. What they have is draught cattle, such as I have never seen anywhere; the harness and gun carriages are all bran new, since they lost those they previously had in the battle, and that, too, in great numbers — as every one says.

Certainly, all that money can procure is had here in abundance; but there are things which cannot be improvised. Hence it is that, according to my opinion, these gentry will be beach as often as they go into battle — at least for the present.

Nothing of all that is said by the Southern papers on the result of the battle is exaggerated. Here it is known perfectly well that the Federalists, besides having run away helter-skelter, lost about 19,000 muskets, seventy-odd cannon, all their wagons and provisions, field train, tents, and a great part of their knapsacks. It is only necessary to take a peep at an encampment, to notice that not one of these latter is to be seen. The soldiers use no more clothing nor uniform than what we understand by barrack dress, and their clothes are so clumsily worn, dirty and motley, that it is necessary to see to believe. Beards and long hair are also very much in fashion. I wonder if they imagine the enemy will be frightened by showing them dishevelled heads and dirty, hairy faces.

Southern Bound Travellers detained at Pittsburg.

On the noon train that arrived at Pittsburg from the East on Thursday, were several ladies and gentlemen, carrying with them a large lot of baggage checked through to Louisville, Ky. They were all taken into custody--eight or ten in number — and their baggage detained. The Post says:

‘ Two of the ladies were taken to the Saint Charles, and the balance of the party to the St. Clair Hotel, where they were searched. The ladies at the St. Charles are mother and daughter; they state that they have been residing for some time in New York, but that their home is in New Orleans, whither they are bound. They give as a reason for going South that they could not receive remittances of money, since the non-intercourse between the two sections has been so rigidly enforced. Their persons were searched by females, but nothing improper was found.

The party at the St. Clair consisted of two gentlemen, their wives and children, and a nervous, irritable French lady, who was much excited and greatly annoyed at her detention. Nine trunks were searched. With the exception of three small chests of homœopathic medicine, nothing contraband was found.

Seizure of property at Cincinnati.

Speaking of the seizure of property in Cincinnati, on Tuesday, under the confiscation law, the Gazette says:

‘ In the establishment of Rawson, Wilby & Co., No. 8 Columbia street, and that of Tomlinson & McLaughlin, the deputy marshal found about $9,000 worth of tobacco, selling on commission for a Virginia seceder. L. T. Hughes, off Columbia street, between Main and Walnut, acknowledges having in his possession a large amount of money, the proceeds of sales of Southern goods — probably $10,000. J. C. Butler on Columbia street, between Vine and Race, acknowledged having $300 in money and $700 worth of peach brandy, that belonged to an inhabitant of Dixie's land.

The North Carolina coast.

The Wilmington Journal, of Monday evening, thus alludes to the vessels seen off Fort Macon on Saturday last:

Official information received here states that four of the enemy's fleet had anchored off Fort Macon by seven o'clock on last Saturday evening. Nothing later has been heard from that point.

It is evident that the Federal Navy keeps hovering along our coast, and we can hardly say where it may attempt to make a descent. Our people in this section had better be on the alert. Ten hours steaming would put them off our immediate shores or in front of our batteries and forts. It is true that probably their four vessels off Macon have not a sufficient number of troops on board, if they have any, to attempt landing; but who knows but others may soon join him?

Federal account of affairs at Lexington, Mo.

The St. Louis Republican, of Monday week, has the following version of the affairs at Lexington. The story is improbable, and a it is well known that the truth is not permitted to appear in print in St. Louis, our readers may reverse this news:

‘ A gentleman who arrived in the Pacific cars last evening, from Warrensburg, Johnson co., gives some additional information in regard to affairs at Lexington. He had news direct from that city to Friday. At that time the troops in the entrenchments still held out against the Confederates. He says that on Wednesday the Confederate forces made a demand for the surrender of the troops in the entrenchments. This was indignantly refused. On Thursday the Confederates attacked the Union troops, and were repulsed, the loss of the former being fifty or sixty killed. The Union men had none killed, but some were wounded inside of the entrenchments Five or six Union men belonging to the Union troops, serving as scouts, had been killed in the neighborhood by the Confederates.

The assaulting party had no artillery. Their number was estimated at 2,500, but they claimed 4,000. The commanding officer felt quite confident of being able to sustain himself against any further attacks until reinforcements could arrive. They were certain to be there on Saturday night, and consisted of a regiment of Illinois troops, under command of Colonel Marshall, part of the Johnson county Home Guards, and part of a regiment of Home Guards, under command of Colonel McClurg--numbering in all about 1,200 men. This force would enable them to drive the Confederates from that section of the State, when aided, as they soon would be, by two or three regiments on the march from Jefferson City.

When near Georgetown, the Illinois regiment was fired at by a person from a window, with a double-barreled shot-gun, killing one man and wounding another. The person firing was captured, and proved to be Colonel Magoffin, the leader of the Secessionists in Pettis county. He is now a prisoner.

Captain Staples, who has been greatly instrumental in bringing about these troubles, was laying waste the country, sizing the wheat of Union men, and having it ground into flour for the use of the Confederate forces. Their day will soon be over.

Mr. Vallandigham and the war.

Hon. C. L. Vallandigham closes a recent letter contradicting certain Black Republican falsehoods about him, with the following emphatic expression:

But now allow me also to say that I am for peace — speedy and honorable peace — because I am for the Union, and know, or think I know, that every hour of warfare but so much diminishes the hopes and chances of its restoration. I repeat with Douglas. ‘ "War is disunion. War is final, eternal separation;"’ and with Chatham: ‘ "My Lords, you cannot conquer America."’

British neutrality.

A New York war journal thus indulges in a brief comment upon the course of a prominent Canadian paper:

The Toronto Leader, which appears to be in the secret service of Jeff. Davis, being strong in its support of the Southern rebellion, says that the American Government has spies in Toronto and other Canadian cities, whose business it is ‘"to hover about the hotels and other public places, and to telegraph to the Federal agents in the States the names and the descriptions of Southern sympathizers who travel in that direction."’ After the Leader throws off this announcement, it goes into a small paroxysm over this diabolical abuse of British neutrality.

Mississippi and the war.

It is reliably stated that Vicksburg, Miss., with a voting population of less than six hundred, has equipped and sent to the field eleven companies of infantry, two of artillery and one of cavalry. In addition to these, there are two other companies in process of organization, nearly full, and a full company of Home Guards.

The Vicksburg Whig says that President Davis, in reply to a dispatch from Governor Pettus, says ‘"we shall probably need all the companies you can furnish this fall."’ Thus it will be seen that all of Mississippi's patriotic sons will have an opportunity of taking a ‘ "place in the picture,"’ this fall.

The prisoners and the Juvenile Darkeys.

The Richmond correspondent of the Memphis Appeal relates an incident which we consider worth copying:

The prisoners still remain in their old quarters at Harwood's factory at the lower end of Main street. A gentleman who visited them a day or two ago has related to me a short dialogue as having occurred in his hearing at the prison, which is so good that I will give it to you. A group of grinning little negroes, just discharged from their daily labor. had gathered around a window of the factory, and were amusing themselves with comments upon the appearance of the captives. One of these latter, annoyed at being thus stared a and discussed by young Sambo, broke out a, the largest of them:

‘"Go away, you d — d little cuss; if it hadn't been for the like of you, I'd have never been in this pesky place."’

‘"Well, boss,"’ says small ebony, ‘"what you come 'ere for? We all nuver an you to come 'ere — nobody want you come 'ere — lemme 'lone."’

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