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A New Wrinkle for the Faculty.

--We came across a case of veterinary practice over the bay a day or two since, says the Mobile News, which, for aught we can see, will apply equally well to the human subject, wherefore we especially commend it to the Medical Faculty of Mobile. A colored practitioner has undertaken the charge of a horse suffering from thrash or something of the sort, and concluding, very judiciously, we must say, that if the horse could only be got in good case the vis medicatrix naturæ would either effect a cure or be a powerful aid to the means used for that purpose, he has undertaken to fatten him. But the horse, though eating enough for three sound ones, does not improve a whit more than the lean kine in Pharaoh's dream. Thereupon our sable medico discovers that his patient eats so much that it keeps him poor to carry it, and has begun to mix alum in his feed, for the purpose, as he says, of drawing him up, so that he will not hold so much.

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