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A large quantity of bacon and leather, en route for Virginia, and the property of speculators, was seized at the depot of the North Carolina Railroad, in Raleigh, on Wednesday.

In the ranks of the ‘"Baylard Guards"’ are three youthful sons of two ex- Presidents of the Republic of Texas; one son of Sam. Houston, and two sons of Anson Jones.

The Atlanta Confederacy learns that Dr. J. W. Lewis, Superintendent of the State Road, has tendered his resignation, to take effect at an early day.

The steamer V. K. Stevenson has been captured by the Federalists on Cumberland river, and taken to Cairo. She was loaded with pig metal.

Capt. James Hamilton, of the Artillery Corps, C. S. A., died recently in Memphis, of sun-stroke. He was a native of Georgia.

N. N. Flemming, Esq., has been elected Speaker of the North Carolina House of Commons, vice Mr. Dootch, elected Senator.

Dr. John A. Jordan, a prominent and useful citizen of Arkansas, died at Little Rock on Sunday week.

The telegraph cable between Forts Moultrie and Sumter has been laid successfully.

The Fort Smith Times says that recruiting to going on very rapidly in that place.

North Carolina her State Hospital at Petersburg.

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