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Our correspondence.

From Forfolk.
Agricultural operations — Norfolk Markets — from the coast — rumored intentions of the enemy.

Norfolk, Sept. 21, 1861.
Farmers in this section are engaged in saving their fodder, and it is probable that they were never favored with more suitable weather for gathering and curing this valuable appendage to their crops. The fodder is in fine order, well matured, and very large quantities are being stacked, ready for the increased demand for provender that is reasonably expected to be very great, especially for army purposes, for some months to come. Sometimes the fodder is greatly injured by high winds, which blow down the corn and tear the fodder into strings or narrow shreds. This year, however, there has been no wind strong enough in this section to injure the growing crops.

Our market is well supplied this morning with the usual seasonable productions of this section. Beef and mutton are plentiful, and sold at fair prices. Chickens 20a33; geese 50a75; eggs 18a25; sweet potatoes $1 per bushel; Irish potatoes 75; scuppernong grapes 8a10 per quart; cabbages 3a6--Other vegetables plentiful and cheap. Fish and oysters in good supply, and sold at reasonable prices.

There are a large number of carts and wagons in town to-day, as is usual on Saturdays, from the counties of Norfolk and Princess Anne, and from the neighboring counties of Carolina.

Corn, in the grain, has advanced in price in consequence of a scarcity. The market will, however, be fully supplied very shortly. We may quote the article now at 35a40, according to quality. There are no changes in current prices worthy of note. The supply of ordinary building shingles is greatly diminished in consequence of the demand for temporary building purposes — officers' quarters, &c.

I have information just from the coast.--There is nothing of importance to communicate. A strict look-out is kept to prevent the escape of slaves, as well as to watch the Federal ships that continue to prowl about, though now, for some reason, keeping at a respectable distance — probably on account of the masked batteries.

I have heard of no slaves escaping since the departure of those belonging to Messrs. Jas. S. Garrison and Dr. Baker, of Princess Anne. It is generally believed that they have succeeded in getting on board some of the Federal ships. Negroes, however, sometimes leave their homes and take to the woods and swamps, where they remain, with the hope of getting off in small boats, and they often turn up after an absence of weeks and months, and even years.

There is some talk about the intention of the enemy to land at some point between Cape Henry and Ocean View, and force a passage across to Kempsville; then taking the road round by Providence and approaching the city by the Great Bridge road, with a view to attack the town and attempt to take the Navy-Yard from some point on the southeast of the city. But little confidence is placed in this report — some contending that the attempted landing will be made to the westward of Portsmouth, not far from Pig Point, whence a large force will strike for the railroad, while the main body will try to fight its way to Portsmouth and the Navy- Yard, while the gun-boats will open upon the fortifications at Sewell's Point and other strongholds on the roads below the city.--But all this is mere surmise. The movements of the enemy are carefully watched, and it is quite certain that he will not succeed, should he ever make the attempt, in getting possession of Norfolk, the Navy-Yard, or any location within twenty miles of this place. Gen. Huger and his officers are prompt, vigilant, and active in preparing to receive the vandals. The only cause of fear is that they will not be in a sufficient hurry to pay us a friendly visit, and that our gallant men will have to wait a considerable time longer before they will have the pleasure of crushing down the ranks of the cowardly hordes of Yankees, who so greatly desire to desolate the towns, villages, and country places along our coast.

Some good suggestions are made in one of the Richmond papers in reply to a letter from a private in one of the camps near this city. It is urged that a special effort should be made to promote religious influences in camp. Certainly a vast amount of good might be done by clergymen and other pious men in the army, by judicious efforts to exert a proper moral and religious feeling among the soldiery. No better time than the present — no more suitable occasion--‘"the field is white to the harvest,"’ the laborers are few.

From Arkansas
Graphic sketch of the great battle in Missouri--Gallantry of McCulloch's troops.

Fayetteville, Ark. Sept. 5, 1861.
Your readers have doubtless ere this heard of the great battle of Wilson Creek, Mo., fought August 10th, between the Federal forces upon the one side, under Gen. Lyon, and the Missourians and Confederates, under Gen. Ben. McCulloch. The Federals had in the engagement near 10,000 men; Lyon, with 6,000 men, (among whom were 4,000 regulars, the remainder Kansas ‘"Jay-Hawkers."’ Illinoisans, and Iowans,) attacked us upon the North and West, and Col. Siegel, with 3,500 Hessians, attacked us upon the South. They took possession of every commanding point during the night, and at daylight began pouring a heavy fire of grape and shell into camp, while as yet we were half of us asleep, the others cooking breakfast. Our men were immediately ordered to form, which they did gallantly — some of the regiments, however, under a most galling fire, the enemy having succeeded, by mutiling the wheels of his gun carriages, in planting batteries within 300 yards of our lines. Col. Churchill's regiment suffered heavily in the early part of the engagement, the forces of Siegel having marched into his camp, before any one was aware of their being nearer than ten miles of us.

The regiment was formed as rapidly as possible, and during the remainder of the battle did signal service. I wish to speak more particularly of the ‘"Third Regiment Arkansas Volunteers."’ The regiment was not complete, there being but eight companies, and only 600 men — men in heart and courage, but boys in years, as the majority of the regiment are under twenty-one years of age.--They were defending Woodruff's battery in the morning; but on seeing the enemy making an attempt to concentrate his forces on the west, which position would give him greatly the advantage, the 3d Regiment was called upon to drive him from and occupy this ground, for it was evident that in that direction was to be the hardest fighting. The boys started off in ‘"double-quick"’ down the hill and across the creek. At the crossing they were met by Gen. Pearce, who cheered them on, saying as they passed, "They are on the hill, boys, and, God dang it, drive them off. Away went the ‘"gallant Third,"’ up a steep ascent, for nearly half a mile, when suddenly a masked battery belched forth upon them a shower of grape and canister — bullets, nails, and old iron of every conceivable shape — at which five of our men fell to the ground; and as they came down, the enemy, who were concealed in the bushes and undergrowth about seventy- five yards ahead, opened upon us a murderous fire of Minnie balls, which, with the shot from their artillery, passed over our heads. We needed no command to fire; they had given us provocation enough. As the boys said, ‘"D — n 'em, it's our time now."’ --It was soon discovered that the enemy were in great force, numbering about 4,000 of the regular army. The fire was kept up for 45 minutes, without intermission, they firing by platoon and company, we loading and firing at will. It was impossible for them to charge through our fire, for we soon discovered that we could load and fire in the ratio of ten times to their six. In three-quarters of an hour from their first fire they began a precipitate retreat over the hill; but, owing to the density of the brush, they were all gone before we found out that they were going. This was one of the most brilliant engagements on record. Our regiment sustained a heavy loss, losing 109 killed and wounded. Two hundred and fifty of the Federals were buried by our men, and nearly two hundred more were left upon the hill, where they were seen ten days after the battle.

Our entire force did not exceed 9,000 effective men, of which not more than 7,000 were engaged during the day, and not exceeding 5,500 at any one time. Our allies, the Missourians, fought nobly, and deserve great credit. Brigadier General N. B. Pearce displayed great coolness in his actions; seemed to have no fears for his own safety, but was cheering us on to the last. ‘"He deserves well of his country."’ General McCulloch was everywhere, and seemed to infuse his own spirit into the minds of all. Wherever he was seen, loud and deafening cheers rent the air, rising above the thunders of cannon. The Dutch under Siegel, many of whom were taken prisoners, afterwards said, ‘"They came there to fight men, not devils." ’ Our loss was, killed — with those who have since died of wounds received — about 475, and 400 wounded that will recover. This includes the Missourians, Texans, Louisianan, and Arkansians. The Federal loss — of which we are the best judges, as the enemy left them lying where they fell, and never came back to bury the dead or take care of the wounded — was over 1,100 killed, of which 355 are lying there yet, and near 1,200 wounded, a great many of whom have since died. We captured 300 prisoners. Chapters could be and will be written, detailing the many acts of personal bravery exhibited during the fight; but as I started to give merely a sketch of the battle, they will be omitted here. I must say that we had quite a number of negroes along as cooks, and they all acquitted themselves well. The negroes could not see their masters going into the fight, probably to return no more, without accompanying and standing by them to the last. One old darkey, while the grapeshot, shell, and bullets were whistling around him like hail, was heard to exclaim, ‘"By golly! what does de white folks mean?"’

F. G. W.

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