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The Cherokee Nation Passes an Ordinance of Secession.

--A dispatch from St. Louis, on the 4th, states:

‘ In consequence of the secession of the Cherokee Nation, and its alliance with the rebels, Colonel McNeill, assistant Provost Marshal, has issued his proclamation, notifying the St. Louis Building and Saving Association that the sum of $33,000, being part of an annuity paid the Cherokees by the United States Government, now on deposit in that institution, is, under the act of Congress, forfeited to the United States, and confiscated to their use and benefit.

Rev. Mr. Robinson, a Missionary teacher in the Cherokee Nation, has arrived in this city. He reports that Chief John Ross has finally succumbed to the secession pressure. On August 20th, he called his counsel together at Talequah, and sent a message recommending the severance of their connection with the United States, and an alliance with the Southern Confederacy.

The Council approved of the recommendation, and appointed Commissioners to make a treaty of alliance with the Southern Confederacy. The Confederate Commissioners assumed the payment of the annuities heretofore received by the Cherokees from our Government.

The Creek Indians have raised 10,000 men for service in the Confederate army, and the Cherokees have formed a home guard, 1,200 strong.

It appears that the troops sent into Arkansas by Ben. McCulloch, after the battle of Springfield, were posted on the border of the Cherokee Nation to intimidate the Council and force John Ross to yield to the demands of the rebels.

Colonel St. George Cooke. of the Utah, forces, arrived to-day. His regulars, 600 in number, will reach Leavenworth in three or four days.

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