Late Northern war News.
attack on a Baltimore ship by a Confederate battery--Premature Reports of a movement of General Banks's division — the war in Missouri--a skirmish in Western Virginia, &c.From the Baltimore papers, of the 10th, we gather the following items:
Attack on a Baltimore ship — Exploit of the gun-boat Daylight.
United States Gun-Boat Daylight, Off Cape Henry, Oct. 11, 1861.
Yesterday, at the close of a heavy gale, when had lasted for sixty hours, it was reported by the officer of the deck that a battery, whose existence had been previously unknown to us, situated on Lyanhaven Bay, had opened fire upon the American ship John Clark, of Baltimore, which had arrived from Havre the day previous, and, anchoring in the bay during the gale, with two anchors down, had dragged within its range.
We could see the enemy's shell dropping about the ship in all directions.
In a short time we ran down to the ship, and opened a brisk fire upon the battery, which was as vigorously returned and sustained for forty minutes, when having effectually silenced their guns and thrown several broadsides into them, which elicited, however, no response, they having ‘"shot up shop,"’ we turned our attention towards extricating the ship from her perilous position, which we finally did by sending a part of our crew on board and getting her off, under her canvas, having failed in several attempts to get a line aboard of her to tow her off, owing to the heavy sea and strong tide prevailing.
This occupied one and a half hours after we had fired the last shot, giving our adversary every opportunity to renew the combat.
Finally, we got under way and anchored near the outer light-ship, and, while ruminating over the events of the day, were run foul of by the John Clark as she stood for her anchorage, smashing a portion of our upper works, starting several knees forward, carrying away one of the flukes of our anchor, and doing other damage — throwing herself into our aims, as it were, with an unwieldy gratitude for which we were entirely unprepared.
The Clark was struck once or twice, I believe, by fragments of shells, but sustained no material damage, and this morning in charge of a pilot, stood on up the bay towards Baltimore.
From Gen. Banks's division.
Darnestown, Oct. 12.
--A general court-martial for this division has just been instituted.
It is composed as follows: Major Atterbury, of the 9th New York, President; Lt Van Beren. New York 9th; Capt. Kinsler, Pennsylvania 24th; Lieut. Magnigan, do.; Captain Savage, Massachusetts 2d; Lieut. Blown, do.; Captain Gould, New York 28th; Captain Prescott, New York 9th. Captain Charles H. T. Collies, Judge Advocate.
On the evening of the 9th one of the sentinels of the New York Thirty-fourth discovered a boat containing six men coming into the mouth of the Seneca river.
Concealing himself, he allowed the boat to reach the canal aqueduct, when he challenged them.
Instead of answering the challenge, the leader said to the others, ‘"Boys, by G — d they've got us, pull back like h — l."’ The sentinel gave the alarm and fired, wounding or killing at least, one of the party, but before he could receive assistance or load his piece they were bearing upon them, and the boat and crew consequently escaped.
The spot where this occurred is near the farm of a man named Cross, and the men in the boat were probably his friends coming to communicate with him, or ascertain his fate, as well as to get inside our encampments and report their condition, positions, and movements to the rebel leaders.
It is stated that Cross himself spent several days visiting our camps — disguised as a teamster and riding a muts — before being arrested.
It is currently reported that Col. Chantry of the Thirtieth Pennsylvania, has been removed from his command and that the regiment is in an inefficient shape.
Voting took place last Tuesday in the Pennsylvania regiments belonging to this division.
In the Thirtieth and Forty-sixth there was but little interest taken in the matter, but in the Twenty- ninth the ‘"boys"’ went into it with a will.
There the election was conducted according to Philadelphia usages.
Polis were opened in the several company streets, challengers appointed, orators made stump speeches on the old plan, and the whole camp at times resounded with cheers for this and that candidate.
Towards the closing of the polls mimic rows were indulged in, but nobody was hurt.
In the evening bonfires and hurrahs succeeded, and finally a procession was formed, headed by the band and torches, which marched through the various streets, had the ceremonies concluded by a grand serenade to Col. Murphy.
Some of the regiments are preparing apparently for winter quarters.
The Second Massachusetts are preparing spacious stables for their horses, and digging cellars for their tents.
Paymaster Stone visited this regiment yesterday and distributed the much needed pay of the officers and men.
Details of News from Washingnon.
We copy the following from the Washington Star, of the 15th: ‘ All was quiet upon our front to 2 P. M. to-day, the enemy's scattering pickets only being visible in the distance. Gen. McClellan returned yesterday afternoon from the other side of the river. We hear that he will again proceed there to-day, ere nightfall. Brigadier General Harney is in this city.--He was at the office of the Adjutant General to-day. As we go to press to-day a story floats over the city, saying that Gen. Banks threw fifteen thousand and yesterday eleven thousand troops over the river. They were all ‘ "men in buckram."’ He made no movement to cross the river whatever. At about 5 P. M. on Saturday, a portion of Beauregard's force, consisting of at least, three regiments in sight, made their appearance near Minor's hill, a considerable eminence about two miles from Lewinsville, in the direction of Falls Church. Our pickets had been driven in from that point on the night before, and such demonstrations had been discovered (in the way of increased picket guards, &c.,) in that vicinity, in the course of the forenoon, as caused dispatches to be sent here that induced Gen. McClellan to hasten over there some what earlier in the day than usual. These demonstrations were the discovery by scouts from the respective commands of Gen. Smith and Gen. Fitz. John Porter, of signs of three or four strong bodies of the enemy, stretching along a line mostly concealed by woods, only four miles distant from our advanced entrenchments, from Lewinsville on the right, to nearly opposite Munson's hill on the left. The body seen about Minor's and Prospect hills, were a portion of this force thrown further forward than the rest. A portion of this force was cavalry, and another portion artillery, consisting of a battery of six heavy pieces that had evidently been wheeled into position as though about to open upon the Union forces opposite them. It was, however, plain, from the efforts of the enemy to hide themselves as much as possible, that no attack was designed by Beauregard that afternoon, while the signs indicated that he might venture one by daybreak yesterday (Sunday) morning. Prince de Joinville, by-the-bye, remained Saturday night over the river with the staff of General McClellan, at Smoot's house, a point between Lewinsville and Prospect hill. We hear that General McClellan, at 2 A. M. yesterday morning, telegraphed to the President that B. seemed disposed to open the ball in a few hours, and that he (McC.) was entirely prepared to defeat him, in whatever force he might essay the experiment. To that end our whole army on the other side of the river laid upon their arms on Saturday night, ready to spring into line at the first tap of the long roll. At 3 A. M., various columns of troops on this side of the river were put in motion; among them were some fifty pieces of artillery, and perhaps four thousand cavalry. All these reserves proceeded across the river to a position from which they could instantly move in any direction to the immediate front line, wherever the exigencies of the anticipated engagement, might possibly require them. By daybreak, however, the different detachments of Beauregard, previously seen in front of our lines, had disappeared. It soon became evident that they had retired from so close juxtaposition to any part of our position. Orders were then sent to our artillery and cavalry reserves to return to the several positions on this side from which they had advanced a few hours before. Before noon yesterday they retraced their steps and were again quietly in camp. It is evident that Beauregard's movement of the day before was a more reconnaissance in some force, to ascertain our precise position on the recent extension of our front line. It, however, made extensive and prompt movements of our whole army necessary, as a precaution, which were executed in a manner calculated to give our general officers increased confidence in their troops. For thirty-six hours the city has been full of the wildest imaginable rumors of battles, movements, &c., the ground for them being simply the circumstances we narrate above. Our belief is that at 6 A. M. to-day a body of our troops, accompanied by some six hundred sappers and miners, proceeded to lay Minor's hill bare with the axe; so that by nightfall it will have ceased to afford opportunities for concealed reconnoisances of our positions on the right, or for a possible attack upon those positions from the cover of dense woods. In the course of the day yesterday a commencement was made in the work of clearing Minor's hill of possible future cover for an attacking force. By the time we go to press to-day it will have been finished, and an Union force so posted upon it that no more of the enemy's scouts will venture upon it. Its occupation by Gen. McClellan, as explained above, is equivalent to a forward movement of his advance of perhaps two miles. At one time yesterday forenoon Gens. McClellan, Barry, Stoneman, Fitz. John Porter, Butterfield, and Morell--six general officers--were together on that hill. ’From Fortress Monroe.
Fortress Monroe, Oct. 15.
--Twelve of the New York Zouave regiment were yesterday taken by the rebels a short distance above Newport News. Lieut. Geller, who was in command of the party in quest of fuel, is under arrest for cowardly behavior.
The frigate Susquehanna will sail for the blockade off Savannah on Tuesday.
Army movements — the supply of Clothing to the troops, &C.
Washington, Oct. 14.
--It has been reliably ascertained that the Confederate force which made its appearance west of Lewinsville on Saturday, consisted of only one company of infantry, and another of cavalry.
The promptitude of our troops in obeying important orders during the last two days, has elicited encomiums from the most prominent military officers, and strengthened confidence in their efficiency for any conflict in which they may be called to participate.
Gen. Van Vliet, of the Quartermaster's Department, is assiduously engaged in the business of providing overcoats and blankets for our troops.
As these articles are from time to time received, they are rapidly distributed by Capt. Thomas, of the Clothing Department.
The contractors in the Northern cities do not furnish the supplies as expeditiously as the wants of the soldiers require, it being the purpose of the Government to allow none to cross the river unless they are comfortably clad.
From the line of the Potomac — Premature Reports of a movement of Gen. Banks's division.
Washington, Oct. 14.
--The rebels, on Saturday, advanced to Pohick Church, twelve miles from Alexandria, and barricaded the road with wagons; but our pickets paid no attention to them.
Reports have been current for several days past that Gen. Banks has crossed the Potomac, and even hard fighting is rumored, but it is certain that no such information had officially reached Washington to-night.
Yesterday the rebels made a reconnoissance at Edwards's Ferry, several prominent officers, judging by their uniforms, being engaged in that business.
Commissioners to the London World's Fair.
Washington, Oct. 14.
--The Commissioners appointed to the World's Fair at London organized to day by electing Secretary Seward chairman, and the Superintendent of the Census Bureau, Mr. Kennedy, secretary.
Of the thirteen commissioners, Edward Everett only was absent, and he sent a letter of excuse.
A committee was appointed to wait on the President, with a request that he send a national vessel to England to convey such goods as American contributors may desire to exhibit.
Gen. Walter Jones, an aged and distinguished retired lawyer, died here to-day.
Officers Reinstated.
Washington, Oct. 14.
--The War Department has ordered Gen. Sherman, commanding the Department of the Cumberland, to reinstate all the officers of the 24th Illinois regiment, who were illegally discharged by Gen. Fremont, through the instrumentality of Col. Hecker.
It is further directed that the charges which the directly interested parties may have to make — the one against the other — be submitted to General Sherman for such action as the general interests of the country shall require.
The committee of aggrieved officers will leave Washington to-morrow to report themselves for duty.
Washington items — all quiet on the Potomac.
Washington, Oct. 14.
--There is nothing new from the lower Potomac to-day.
Richard A. Lucas, belonging to this city, a minor, was brought before Judge Merrick to-day, on an application to be discharged from Col. Tait's First District regiment.
The decision of the Court was that there was strong circumstantial evidence that the petitioner enlisted with the consent of his parents, and the application was accordingly refused.
The war in Missouri.
Syracuse, Mo., Oct. 13.
--Letters from rebels in General Price's army have been intercepted and brought here.
They are dated the 9th instant, and represent that Price and his army was within ten miles of the Osage river, near Papensville, and that he has 2,000 wagons, 16,000 horses, and from 18,000 to 20,000 men.
St. Louis, Oct. 13.--In the Convention, yesterday, Mr. Hendricks, from the Committee on Elections, introduced a bill to postpone the State election till the first Monday in August, 1862, and providing for the continuance of the present provisional Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State in office till their successors be duly elected and qualified.
The balance of the day was occupied by speeches from Messrs. Uriel Wright and Birch.
One of the gunboats in course of construction at Carondelet was launched yesterday.
Syracuse, Mo., Oct. 14.--A deserter from Price's army reports great dissatisfaction among the rebels, many of whom would lay down their arms if they could be secured against punishment for acts committed against the Government.
Gen. Price, on Wednesday, was at Johnstown, in Bates county, going South.
Gen. Fremont's movements are hindered by a want of transportation facilities.
A skirmish in Western Virginia.
Cincinnati, Oct. 13.
--Yesterday afternoon, at a point fourteen miles south of General Rosencrans's advance, and eight miles from the Confederate encampment on Green river, a detachment of forty men of the Thirty-ninth Indiana Regiment, attacked three hundred Confederates, half of which were cavalry, without loss, killing five and wounding three.
The whole Confederate force was driven back beyond Bacon creek.
The case of Col. Rankin.
Toronto, C. W., Oct. 14.
--In the case of Col. Rankin, arrested here some days ago for trying to enlist men for the Union army, the magistrates have decided to bind him over to take his trial.
Arrest of Mrs. Jackson.
Gen. McCall sent out a party Sunday morning, and arrested Mrs. Jackson, mother of Elisworth's murderer, and her half-brother, named Moore. Her house was situated within the rebel lines, and was used as a headquarters for their scouts. It is believed that much information has been furnished them from this source. She said there had been some thirty there, and she gave them a cup of tea. She or Moore would not give any satisfaction to the men sent by Gen. McCall, and were accordingly handed over to the provost guard here.--Wash. Cor. Phil. Inq.Affairs in New York.
The following is a summary of news from New York up to the 4th inst: ‘ The amount of the taxable property of the State has just been determined by the board of equalization. The board has advanced the aggregate valuation from $1,419,297,560, the figure for the last year of peace, to $1,441,767,430 in the present year of war — an augmentation of very nearly $22,500,000. The city of New York gains by a very much larger ratio; the valuation in 1860 being $550,078,788, and in 1861 rising to $571,078,798, a gain of $21,000,000. In fact, the additional valuation may be said to fall bodily upon the city. The tax for 1860 was 3-5-6 mills, amounting in the aggregate to $5,440,610.49. The city firemen are making preparations for a grand tournament on Thanksgiving Day. The whole department will take part, and the spectacle, it is expected, will be one of the most exciting ever witnessed in this city. Instead of having the Union ticket before the people at the coming election, there is a prospect of having one from each of the following organizations: A Straight Republican party; a Union Republican party; a Tammany Hall party; Mozart Hall organization; Cooper Institute organization; Fifth Avenue Hotel organization; Tax-payers' organization; Medical College organization. The rest of the Confederate prisoners on Governor's Island were on Saturday transferred to Bedice's Island, by the steamer Bedford, a portion of them having been removed on Friday. The ship J. Morton, just arrived from Liverpool, was seized on Saturday. Four sixteenths of her is owned in New Orleans. The schooner Martha T. Gause, of Wilmington, Del., attempted to run the guardboat stationed at the Narrows on Saturday morning, and was brought to by a shot from Fort Lafayette. ’Affairs in Philadelphia.
Below will be found Philadelphia intelligence to the 14th October: The main connection of the Pennsylvania Central railroad, the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, and Chicago line, 460 miles in length, from Pittsburg to Chicago, will be sold on the 24th of October. A special enactment was passed last winter by the Legislature of Pennsylvania authorizing the sale. This was also sanctioned by the various States through which the road passes, and J. Edgar Thomson, Samuel J. Tilden, J. F. D. Lanier, Samuel Hanna, and L. H. Meyers, of the Pennsylvania Central, will become the purchasers, the lowest price for which the property can be bought being $500,000. Professor Lowe is constructing in this city four new balloons for Government use. These new ones vary from thirty-one to thirty-five feet in diameter at the widest part, and, including the cords and basket, are about one hundred feet from top to bottom. Their material is of strong brown Pongee silk, doubled and varnished four times. Professor Lowe is now forming a balloon corps for the working and transportation of his various balloons, who will probably rank as lieutenants, and will receive $3 a day till their rank and pay shall be definitely established. Mr. John H. Willets, an old and respected citizen of Philadelphia, died at his residence, in Franklin street, on Friday. He was for a long period Librarian for the society of which he was a member, including the Spruce, Green, and Race street meetings, the library being located in the new meeting-house on Race and Cherry streets. The U. S. steam sloop-of-war Brooklyn has been stripped, preparatory to commencing the necessary repairs. A thorough inspection of the vessel, made by Master Carpenter Davis, has shown that it is necessary to thoroughly overhaul her. Considerable of her upper works are rotten; and some of her planking is in the same condition. The crew of the United States steamer Mystic were paid off at the Navy-Yard on Saturday. The schooner San Juan, which was captured off Hatteras Inlet on the 28th of September, by the U. S. frigate Susquehanna, arrived on Friday night, in charge of prize master Wm. U. Grozier. The schooner is about 130 tons burthen and is loaded chiefly with salt. She was from one of the West India Islands, and was bound to Elizabeth, N. C. Her owner is of that State.Additional from California.
Pacific Springs, Oct. 12.
--The pony express, going east, passed here this morning.
Gen. Sumner has issued his proclamation, ordering the manning of the forts in the department of California, by volunteers, and concentrating the regulars at convenient points for their embarkation for Panama.--Lieutenant Colonel Merchant will detail four companies, of twenty men each, from his regiment, to garrison Forts Churchill, Humboldt, Bragg, Crook, Gaston, Umpqua, and Scranton.
Capt. McMahon, recently appointed on Gen. McClellan's staff, started for Washington, overland, on the 6th inst.
The firm of Burton & McCarty, liquor and provision dealers at Sacramento, was closed by attachment on Thursday.
Their liabilities are said to be between $70,000 and $80,000.
John C. Falls & Co., of Marysville, have failed for a large amount.
A very fine regiment of horsemen is now being formed in this State by W. Rosse, a Royal Texas Ranger, and is nearly full, although, for the purpose of procuring picked men, the organization is kept from the public.
They style themselves Cossacks, and are intended to perform similar service for the American army that the Russian Cossacks do for the Russian army.
They are good horsemen, using the rifle going at full speed, and are also expert in throwing the lasso.
The men are represented as wonderfully proficient.
Their services have been tendered to the Government.
The Synod of the Pacific representation of the Old School Presbyterian Church met at Napa on Tuesday.
Resolutions were passed complimentary to the Rev. Dr. Scott, and lamenting the demonstrations of personal violence at San Francisco. The Rev. Dr. Anderson and one other member voted against the resolutions.
Resolutions of loyalty to the Government were also adopted.