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Mrs. Pearce, the venerable mother of the Mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, a lady almost eighty years of age, has carded, spun, and knit twenty-six pair of woolen socks, which she has presented to a company from that city, at Memphis, Tennessee.

Mr. John Paton, who claimed the honor of being the original inventor of the steam screw propeller, at the poor-house in Yarmouth, N. S., on the 27th of September.

Hugh Kirman, a gentleman of some prominence in Tennessee, and former resident of Nashville, died at Cumberland Furnance, Tenn., a few days since.

A man, named Ed. Manscoe, was shot in Memphis, Tennessee, a few days since, by another named Nuttall. He survived the wound only a few hours.

On the day of the burial of the killed at the battle of Belmont, Missouri, business was generally suspended.

In an affair, at Columbus, few nights since James Smith was killed by a man named Harrell.

Sylvester Mowry, a former Delegate from Arizona, was killed by the Indianian Arizona in September last.

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