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War matters.
reports from the North,

From late Northern papers received at this office we make up the following summary of news:

Congressional proceedings.

Washington Dec. 4
--In the Senate, yesterday, a resolution expelling John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, now an officer in the rebel army, was offered, but objected to by Mr. Powell, of Kentucky, on the ground that as Breckinridge had already resigned, he could not be expelled. The resolution, however, was adopted by a vote of — yeas 86, nays none.

The standing committees were then announced. They are mainly the same as at the last session.

Mr. Hale submitted a resolution, which lies over, directing the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the present Supreme Court, and organizing another Court which will meet the requirements of the Constitution.

Mr. Wilson introduced a resolution providing for the release of slaves confined in prison in Washington. The subject was referred to the Committee on District of Columbia Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Wilson, the same committee were directed to consider the question of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia, and allowing compensation to loyal owners of slaves.

The Secretary of War was, on motion of Mr. Sumner, requested to furnish copies of General Halleck's orders to the army in Missouri referring to fugitive slaves.

In the House the negro question occupied a large portion of the session. Mr. Gurley gave notice of a bill to confiscate and declare free the slaves of rebels, also providing for their apprenticeship to loyal masters, and subsequent colonization. Mr. Hutchins, of Ohio, offered a resolution directing inquiry as to what shall be done with 45 slaves now in prison at Washington, and to prevent slaves from being similarly imprisoned here-after. Mr. Dunn, of Indiana, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire as to the practicability and expediency of acquiring in a ‘"congenial clime,"’ on any part of this continent, or on the adjacent islands South of the United States, a right to colonize and protect free negroes who may emigrate there to. The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Hutchins, of Ohio, asked leave to introduce a bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, out objection was made by Mr. Cox, of Ohio.

A resolution was adopted calling on the President for information respecting the intervention of France, England, and Spain in the affairs of Mexico.

A resolution requesting the President to adopt measures for an exchange of prisoners of war, was referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Holman, of Indiana, introduced a preamble and resolution, reaffirming the Crittenden declaration as to the cause and object or the war, which, on motion of Mr Stevens of Pennsylvania, was laid on the table, by a vote of 71 against 65.

A bill was introduced providing for the restoration of Alexandria county, Virginia, to the District of Columbia.

The Secretary of War was requested to report what measures have been or ought to be taken to expose and punish Major Lynde and other army officers who may be guilty of treason or cowardice in surrendering a larger and superior force of United States soldiers to Texan troops, so that those who are innocent may be relieved from blame, &c.

The Military Committee were instructed to report what change, if any, is necessary, to be made in the mode of payment of soldiers held as prisoners of war.

Scouting on the Potomac--Gen. Rosencranz--the News by the city of Baltimore.

From the New York Herald's ‘"Situation"’ article, of the 5th inst., we take the following items:

For several days past scouting parties from the divisions of Generals Porter, Smith, and Hancock have been searching the country on the Virginia side of the Potomac, in the direction of Vienna and Hunter's Mills, without finding any force of the enemy in that region.

General Rosencranz and his staff arrived at Wheeling yesterday to take up their winter quarters. The General has been offered his choice of several rebel residences for his winter home. It is probable that the campaign in Western Virginia is therefore at an end for the present.

The wealthy families of Savannah were flying to Macon and Atlanta, as they have been led to believe that ‘"dishonor, if not death, awaits every female that may remain, should the city be captured."’

The City of Baltimore brings some very important details of her own telegraphic reports concerning American affairs in Europe to the 21st ult.

The allied treaty against Mexico provides that England, France, and Spain shall ‘"seize"’ all the fortresses and military positions on the Gulf coast of the Republic. The London Times sees in the Mexican expedition a turning of the tide from the doctrine of ‘"manifest destiny"’ which has so long prevailed on this side, and argues that the United States cannot but view the presence of European troops on the continent of North America with feelings of mortification and distrust.

In an editorial on the great naval expedition to the rebel States, the London Times regards it rather as an expedient of the Cabinet to satisfy the people than a scheme devised by military genius. In the same article the Times says that ‘"by dismissing Gen. Fremont the Government repudiates the designs attributed to it by its friends on the other side of the Atlantic. Mr. Lincoln remains true to his promises and to the American constitution, and both these bind him to support the slave laws with which Gen. Fremont would venture to tamper." ’

Mr. Beresford Hope, M. P., in a lecture at Faversham on the war in America, contended and said he knew the majority of thinking men agreed with him, though they did not say it, that the best and readiest method towards restoring peace would be for the European Powers to recognize the independence of the South at once.

Exquisitely ridiculous — the Yankee Provisional Government of North Carolina--election of Governor — Proclamation, &c.

As we have already announced in the Dispatch, the farce of a Yankee Provisional State Government for North Carolina has been gone through with on the soil of that honored old State. During the sitting of the Convention many ordinances were adopted, among others one which sets forth ‘"that the ordinance of the Convention which assembled at Raleigh on the 20th of May last, proclaiming the secession of this Commonwealth from the Federal Union, such secession being legally impossible, is of no force or effect; and said ordinance, together with all other ordinances and acts of said Convention, or of the General Assembly, made and done in pursuance of the treasonable purposes of the conspirators against the Union, is hereby declared null and void."’

The Convention has adjourned, subject to be re-assembled on the call of the President.--The following are the proclamations of the new Governor to the people of North Carolina:

Proclamation by the Governor.

To the People of North Carolina: On Monday, the 18th of November, 1861. a Provisional or temporary Government for this Commonwealth was instituted at Hatteras, Hyde co., by a Convention of the people, in which more than half the counties of the State were represented by delegates and authorized proxies.--Ordinances were adopted by the Convention, declaring vacant all State offices, the incumbents whereof have disqualified themselves to hold them by violating their official oaths to support the Constitution of the United States, which North Carolina has solemnly accepted as the supreme law of the land; pronouncing void, and of no effect, the ordinance of secession from the Federal Union, passed by the Convention assembled at Raleigh, May, 20, 1861; continuing in full force the Constitution and laws of the State as contained in the Revised Code of 1855-6, together with all subsequent acts not inconsistent with our paramount allegiance to the United States; appointing a Provisional Governor, and empowering him to fill such official vacancies, and to do such acts as in his judgment might be required for the safety and good order of the State.

We have attempted no revolutionary innovations; we have made no change in the organic law, or sought to over throw or disturb any of the institutions of the State. In repudiating and resisting the wanton usurpation which has flagrantly defied the will and now crushes the liberties of the people of this Commonwealth, we act in pursuance of a sacred duty to North Carolina, and to that great Republic, our common country, which invested them with the high dignity of American citizenship. We fulfill, moreover, an imperative obligation to God, to civilization, to freedom, and to humanity. We obey that cardinal maxim of sound government which affirms that the popular welfare is the highest law.

The good and loyal men of North Carolina have been for months past without any domestic Government which they were bound to respect, and the apparent consent of a large majority of the citizens to the armed power of the revolutionists and traitors, who have unwarranted arrogated the governing authority of the State, has been not a voluntary and cheerful acquiescence, but a compelled and protesting submission to a military despotisms. The lives of citizens and their rights of property and person have had no protection amidst the anarchy, misrule and disorder which have prevailed throughout the Commonwealth. It had, therefore, become necessary for the most ordinary interests of society, as well as in vindication of our loyalty to the national authority, that our municipal government, suppressed and over-borne as it was by reckless and irresponsible usurpers, should be revived and maintained under the protection of the banner of the Union.

The temporary State Government which we have accordingly set on foot has the approval in advance of thousands of good and faithful North Carolinians, and should command the prompt and cordial adhesion of all loyal citizens of the State. Of the desperate and ill-starred fortunes of the rebellion, and of its ultimate and thorough suppression, no rational man can entertain a doubt. It has the recognition of no nation under heaven, and the world's sympathies are unanimous in its condemnation; it is everywhere regarded as not only a revolt against a most beneficent and paternal Government, but as assailing also law, order, progress, and all the great interests of mankind throughout the globe. It is an aggressive war upon popular liberty in the United States, and its claims can never be conceded short of an absolute surrender of the rights of man and a craven recantation of the holy creed of freedom.

I therefore call upon all the good people of this Commonwealth to return to their allegiance to the United States, and to rally around the standard of State loyalty, which we have re-erected and placed side by side with the glorious flag of the republic. I adjure you as North Carolinians, mindful of the inspiring tradition of your history, and keeping in view your true interests and welfare as a people, to rise and assert your independence of the wicked tyrants who are seeking to enslave you. Remember the men of Mecklenburg and the martyrs of Alamance-- dead, but of undying memory — and endeavor to repeat their valor and their patriotism.

Marble Nash Taylor,

Provisional Governor of North Carolina, Hatteras, Nov. 20, 1861.

Proclamation by the Governor.
State of North Carolina,
Executive Department.

To the People of North Carolina; Whereas, an ordinance of the Convention of North Carolina, passed on Monday, the 18th November, 1861, directs the Provisional Governor of this Commonwealth in the following-words, to wit:-- ‘"Whereas it is desirable that this State shall be represented in the Federal Congress, and maintain her due weight in the councils of the Union, therefore the Provisional Governor be directed hereby to order special elections in accordance with chapter sixty-nine of the Revised Code, as soon as possible and expedient, in any district or districts now unrepresented;" ’ and whereas the Revised Code of this State, chapter sixty, nine, and section fifth, provides as follows, to wit:--‘"If at any time, after the expiration of any Congress, and before another election, or' if at any time after any election, there shall be a vacancy in the representation in Congress, the Governor shall issue a writ of election, and by proclamation shall require the voters to meet in their respective counties, at such time as may be appointed therein, and at the places established by law, then and there to vote for a Representative in Congress to fill the vacancy, and the election shall be conducted in like manner as regular elections."’ And it appearing that the Second Congressional distract is unrepresented:

Now, therefore, I, Marble Nash Taylor, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby notify and require the good and loyal people of the second Congressional District of this State, qualified to vote for members of the House of Commons of the General Assembly, to attend at the several voting places in the said district, on Thursday, the 28th day of November, 1861, and cast their ballots for a representative of the State in Congress.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, at Hatteras, this, the 18th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1861, and of the independence of the United States the 85th. Marble Nash Taylor.

By the Governor.

Alonzo J. Stow, Private Secretary.

Hatteras, Nov. 18, 1861.

From Fortress Monroe and Newport News.

The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of 3d inst., says:

‘ We are evidently on the eve of an exciting campaign. Troops are pouring in at the rate of several thousand per day, and the cry is "still they come." The proper reason for the concentration of all this force at Old Point Comfort has not yet transpired, but in a few days we shall know what it all means.

Twenty-four prisoners--late members of the 19th New York Volunteers--confined at the Rip-Raps for mutiny, were pardoned by Major-Gen. Wool, and assigned to service in the Second regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Joseph B. Carr, at Newport News.

A company of the Fourth Alabama regiment crossed Warwick creek yesterday on a scout, and suddenly came to our pickets — The alarm, however, was given to our men in due time, and the result was merely skirmishing, without any serious consequences on either side, the rebels withdrawing quicker than they advanced.

Of the boldness of the rebels everybody here is astonished. This morning a rebel steamboat came as far as Sewell's Point, and, having shown her bow to our squadron, she backed as quickly as possible. A great many persons saw her, and in a few minutes after the apparition was seen the report was spread around that the Merrimac had come on a reconnoitre. We may, however, rest assured that neither the Merrimac nor the Yorktown has as yet left the dry dock, and we may rest safely from an attack from that source.

’ The Newport News correspondent of the Herald, same date as above, has the following:

‘ The appearance of our steamers in front of Newport News has caused great commotion in the rebel camp, and the Fourteenth Virginia regiment has been ordered to establish a branch camp five miles below Young's Mill. They probably "feel" as we do, that something is brewing in this department, and that whoever is hit will feel the blow.

Interesting from Missouri.

Sedalia,Mo., Dec. 4.
--The country west of here is again reported to be overrun by numerous bands of from 50 to 75 men, who represent that they are from Price's army.--They enter every Union man's house and carry off all the bedding, clothing, and provisions that they can find, and drive off all the horses and cattle. The large gangs have teams and wagons to transport their booty.--They will, undoubtedly, run to Price as soon as they can steal enough to supply their wants for the winter.

A detachment of cavalry left here this morning, and we shall probably soon hear of some skirmishes.

The St. Louis correspondent of the N. Y. Herald says:

‘ A gentleman just arrived from Sedalia states that there is much excitement in that town relative to the rumored approach of Price's rebel army. All sorts of stories are in circulation, most of them are averring that the whole rebel army of the Southwest is at Warsaw, on the north bank of the Osage, and making ready to fall upon our forces at Sedalia.

From Washington--Senator Green, of Missouri--Admiral Reynaud.

From Washington letters of the 2d instant, in the Baltimore Sun, we extract the following:

Senator Polk, of Missouri--not Green, as a slip of the pen made me say — has arrived here. Ex-Senator Green was at the Senate chamber to-day, and was cordially greeted by his old associates. The statement that he is on parole is erroneous. He was twice arrested by mistake, being taken for his brother, Martin Green, and was each time discharged. He has published no declaration concerning his political opinions.

The attentions bestowed upon Admiral Reynaud here by Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, were noticed yesterday. Admiral Reynaud is commander of the French portion of the tripartite expedition against Mexico, projected by Spain, England and France. The diplomatic or state dinner of Mr. Seward, in his honor, would therefore seem quite significant. Those powers, it will be recollected, invite the favor of the United States in behalf of the purposes of the expedition, which are alleged to be the restoration of order in Mexico and the securing of the indebtedness of that country to their respective subjects. The claims of our citizens against Mexico at this time are estimated at $3,000,000, though as it is alleged that Mr. Corwin, our minister, has just effected an advantageous treaty with Mexico, it is not likely that our Government is at all hostile to Mexico at this time.

The treaty with Mexico — proposed exchange of prisoners, &c.

The Washington telegraphic correspondence of the New York Herald, under date of December 2d, says:

‘ Information has been received here that one clause in the treaty with the Mexican Government provides for a loan of $10,000,000 by our Government, to be furnished in five annual sums of $2,000,000 each, in return for the commercial advantages and transit of United States troops through Mexican territory, guaranteed by the treaty. The sum appears to me an inadequate one if it be intended to relieve Mexico from her present difficulties.

Gen. McClellan is also understood to have made the most urgent representations to the President in favor of a regular and systematic exchange of prisoners, demonstrating that the interests of the country, no less than those of the army, to say nothing of the distastes of humanity, required this. He will probably succeed in having his views approved and acted on.

It is a subject of discussion here to-day, whether England will allow a vessel, with an unrecognized flag, to roam the high seas, over haul a merchant ship belonging to a friendly nation, seize her crow and chain them, burn the ship to the water's edge, and then enter a British port, keeping her piratical flag flying at her mast-head, and there to remain, Ender British protection, to be repaired, refitted, to be allowed to set sail again to perpetuate high crimes upon the seas, against the laws of nations.

Federal account of the capture of the Luct R. Waring — her arrival at New York.

We have already published accounts taken from Southern journals of the capture of the schooner L. R. Waring, near Savannah, Ga. The following account in reference to the capture, we take from a New York paper:

‘ The prize schooner Albion, of Nassau. N. P., formerly the Lucy R. Waring, of Baltimore, arrived at New York on Sunday. She is laden with arms, ammunition, salt, fruit, provisions, oils, tin, copper, saddles, bridles, and cavalry equipments, and is valued at $100,000. She was captured a few days since by the United States steamer Penguin, while attempting to run the blockade off the coast of South Carolina.

At 6 o'clock on the morning of the 25th of November, the officer of the watch on board the Penguin observed a sail bearing southeast, and distant about seven miles, heading in for Edisto island, S. C.; the wind at the time was west southwest, and blowing very fresh. The schooner had her lower sails set. The steamer's anchor was weighed immediately, and all steam put on to overhaul her.--As soon as this was perceived, the schooner bore away before the wind, when a gun was fired to bring her to; the shot fell short, and no notice was taken of it. The main gaff top-sails were set, and every endeavor made by those on board the schooner to get clear off.

At eight o'clock another gun was fired, the shot falling alongside, upon which more sail was made on board the schooner. In fifteen minutes another gun was fired, and the shot fell close under her stern. The British ensign was now hoisted on board the schooner, which still continued to make all sail. Another shot was fired, which caused her to heave to, after a most exciting chase, which had lasted three hours. When the Penguin came alongside and hailed her, the captain reported her to be the schooner Albion, of Nassan, N. P., from Nassau, and bound to New York, loaded with salt and fruits. When boarded, she was found to be also loaded with saddles, bridles, boots, shoes, leather, thread, and various other articles. The schooner was in command of captains Christy and Stevens, who wished to pass themselves off as Yankees, but, after a short time, admitted that they were residents of Savannah, Ga. They are also part owners of the vessel. The captains and crew were put on board the United States steamer Penguin. Master's Mate Geo. N. Hood was put on board with a prize crew, and ordered to proceed North.

Poisoning soldiers — Deserters from banks's army.

The Tonsontown correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing under date of the 2d inst., says:

‘ No little excitement prevails among the 78th Pennsylvania Regiment, Col. Hay, now stationed on the line of the Northern Central Railway, guarding the bridges. Two of their number, Forrester Little and — Sypes, were on Wednesday night last poisoned by drinking some whiskey tendered them by an unknown person, while on duty as guards at Lutherville. Sypes died on Friday, and his remains were conveyed to York on Saturday and interred yesterday. Little expired on Saturday, and to-day his remains were conveyed to Gettysburg, Pa., his birth-place, for interment. Both cases were examined by several physicians, and pronounced to be the result of poison administered by liquid. They were both young men, and said to be highly respected by those who knew them.

During the past week a number of Pennsylvania volunteers were arrested in Littles, town, Adams county, and Hanover, York county, Pa., as deserters from General Banks's column, and conveyed to Baltimore over the Northern. Central Railroad, where they were remanded to the proper officers.

Running the blockade of the Potomac.

A letter dated Washington, December 1st, published in the Baltimore Sun, says:

‘ The steamer Reliance came up to the Navy-Yard late this afternoon. Acting Master Haunum reports that at half-past 7 this morning all the rebel batteries at Shipping Point opened fire on a wood-laden schooner. About forty rounds were fired, but only one took effect, cutting away the jib halyards, which brought the jib down by the run. The wind was fair at the time, but the tide being on the ebb was against the schooner. The disaster to the jib did not prevent her from continuing on her course. She passed the batteries without further damage, and has arrived safely at Washington. The batteries on the Maryland shore replied to those of the rebels, and a brisk cannonade was kept up on both sides. Several of the enemy's shells were observed to burst about half a mile over on the Maryland shore. During the cannonade the Reliance went down part of the way to ascertain what the rebels were firing at, but before she came within range the firing had ceased. The name of the schooner has not been ascertained.

There is no doubt the rebels have artillery of sufficient force to reach any of the regiments of the brigades of Generals Hooker and Sickles, if they could only get the proper range. Some of the rebel guns along the Potomac carry over four miles.

Sudden Death of a Federal Major.

Daniel J. Sutherland, late Major in the U. S. army, with the appointment of Paymaster, was found dead in his room at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, on Saturday morning, 30th ult. He was a native of Philadelphia, aged 36 years, and his wife resides in Washington. Major Sutherland served with distinction in the Mexican war and elicited the warm commendations of Gen. Scott. He was present at the storming of Chepultepec, under Gens. Quitman and Shields, and at the close of hostilities he received two brevets fro gallant conduct in the field. During his stay at the Metropolitan he endeavored to get a commission under Gen. Burnside, but without success. He had previously made an application to Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, with similar result. Deceased was a man of good family, and was well skilled in his profession.

Vessels captured by the Privateer Beauregard--running the blockade.

From the Washington Star, of the 30th ult., we clip the following items:

‘ The Boston Merchants' Exchange has the intelligence that the privateer Beauregard, which was captured by Capt. Rogers, of the gun-boat W. G. Anderson, on the 12th inst, had taken two prizes before falling into the hands of Capt. R. The names of the vessels are not known, but one of them, it is known, had on board $4,000 in specie, which the privateers threw overboard to prevent its being. taken by the Anderson.

Four vessels, one from each of the following blockaded ports — Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville — had arrived at Nassau. This news is reported by steamer Karnak at New York.

The English schooner W. H. Northern, Capt. Silliman, arrived at Havana on the 20th inst., from Wilmington, N. C., and the American schooner Eclipse, Capt. Cook, sailed from Matanzas on the 18th.

Sent to Fort Warren.

From the Baltimore Sun, of the 4th instant, we take the following paragraph:

‘ Nine more of the prisoners confined in Fort McHenry on charges of treason, &c., have been sent to Fort Warren. Their names are "Zaronia" Thomas; George Julius of Washington county, Md; Robert W. Raisen, of this city; Robert C. Holland, Dorchester co,; Thomas Mortimer, Sergeant of Police in the Metropolitan Police of Baltimore; James Martin, policeman in the same force; Josiah Potterfield, and Edward C. Cottrell, of Princess Ann county, and Charles Coe, of this city. Of the number Messrs. Julius, Mortimer, Martin, Holland, and Cottrell, were offered their liberty upon taking the oath of allegiance, but they refused.

Captain Russell, U. S. N.--narrow escape of Prof, Lowe.

From the Washington Star, of the 2d inst, we take the following:

‘ It is stated that Capt. Russell, who burned the privateer Judith, at Pensacola, has been assigned to the new gun-boat Kennebec now building at Thomastown, Maine. It will be ready for armament on the 3d of December, and ready for service in three weeks. She carries one 11-inch pivot Dahlgren that will throw canister containing 300 large balls; one pivot gun, 20-pound rifled, and two 24-pound howitzers.

It is stated that about sundown Saturday last, as Prof. Lowe was making a reconnaissance in his balloon near Budd's Ferry, the rebel battery fired at him, the screw of a shell striking his car. No damage was done.

No pay for the eight-hour printers.

When the bills for labor by the journeymen printers in the Public Printing Office at Washington, were sent in for payment on Saturday last, the Comptroller, Mr. Whittlesey, returned them unpaid, with a letter containing his reasons. These were that while the men in the Army and in the Navy were worked night and day, and the clerks in the Departments many nights until 10 o'clock, and while printers throughout the Union work at least ten hours, he did not see why those printers in the Government employ could ask full pay for a day of less than ten hours.

Eastern Virginia Forts to be Opened — Government Cotton Agencies.

Washington, Nov. 30.
--The ports in the Eastern counties of Virginia, now under the protection of the Federal forces of Lock- wood's command, are to be immediately reopened for trade.

The Treasury Department proposes to appoint cotton agents for the Government in the Cotton States, with explicit instructions, which will be published.

Release of William P. Converse from Fort Lafayette.

From the New York Herald, of the 3d inst., we take the following paragraph:

Mr. William P. Converse has also been released from Fort Lafayette, upon his taking the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States, stipulating that he will neither enter any of the States in insurrection against the authority of the United States Government, nor hold any correspondence whatever with persons residing in those States, without permission from the Secretary of State; and also that he will not do anything hostile to the United States during the present insurrection. Marshal Murray was also instructed by the Department to cause' a police examination to be made of Mr Converse's baggage, in order that no correspondence or other improper papers should be conveyed outside the fort.

Address of Gen, Lane, of Kansas.

Gen. James H. Lane, of Kansas, delivered an address on Saturday at Tremont Temple, Boston, on the war. He took strong antislavery grounds, saying that his later experience had completely dissipated his old reverence for the institution of slavery. He briefly sketched the troubles in Kansas, in which he was an actor, and described the cause and common cement of the rebellion, asserting that Gen. Halleck's army was fighting to crush treason, but at the same time to preserve slavery.

Steamboat collision--eight or ten soldiers drowned.

Cincinnati, Nov. 30
--The steamer Belle Creole, from Cincinnati, for Pittsburgh, deeply laden, and the steamer Fall S one, from Kanawha, with a portion of Colonel Lytle's Tenth Ohio Regiment, came in collision last night, seven miles above the city.--The Belle Creole sunk almost immediately. The concussion knocked eight or ten soldiers into the river, and it is thought nearly all were drowned. The cargo of the Belle Creole is valued at $20,000. Insured in Cincinnati offices.

Capture of a prize schooner.

Washington, Dec. 1.
--Authentic information has been received here that a small, light-draft Canadian steamer has been seized off the coast of Maine by a United States revenue cutter. The steamer had on board about ten thousand Springfield muskets, clothing, boots, bank-note paper, caps, and munitions of war. She was cleared from Canada, and the cargo was consigned to parties in the Southern States.

Maryland Delegation in Congress.

Washington, Dec. 2.
--The representatives present in the House to-day; from Maryland, were Messrs. Calvert, May, and Leary, who voted to lay on the table the resolutions of Mr. Eliot, of Massachusetts, declaring that the President, and the officers in command under him, have the right to emancipate all the staves in any military district in a state of insurrection against the National Government.

Confiscation of a Southern vessel.

New London, Ct., Dec. 2.
--The bark Samuel Moxley, partly owned in Apalachicola, Fla., was seized to-day under the confiscation act by the collector at this port. The vessel had just arrived here, in ballast, from Sligo, Ireland.

Retaliation in the case of Ex Minister Faulkner--condition of Gen. Lander.

Washington, Dec. 4.
--Mr. Colfax, of Indiana, who offered the resolution in the House yesterday requesting the President to impose the same imprisonment upon Mason and Slidell that the rebels have extended to Cols. Wood and Corcoran, will offer a similar resolution to imprison Col. Faulkner in a manner similar to that dealt out to Mr. Ely, when it shall be positively known that he is treated other than as an honorable prisoner of war.

Brigadier-General Lander is still quite convalescent, and rode out this afternoon, the first time since he was wounded. He is impatient to rejoin his command.

From Kentucky.

Louisville, Ky., Dec. 4.
--A letter to the Democrat, from Somerset, on the Cumberland river, says that Haskins's Union troops, encamped near Somerset, on the Cumberland river, were attacked by the rebels who had planted artillery on the opposite side of the river, on Sunday last. The correspondent says that one rebel officer was killed, but gives no further particulars. The 37th and 38th Ohio had come to relieve Haskins, with artillery.


Lieut. A. W. Haversham, late of the U. S. Navy, E. W. Johnson, of Philadelphia, and William Key Howard, of Baltimore, were arrested in Baltimore on Monday last, 1st instant.

Hon. Geo. Cholwell was on the 30th ult., re-elected Mayor of Norwalk, Conn. He was the Union candidate.

A prize fight took place on Long Island, New York, on Monday morning last, between two ‘"roughs,"’ named Dorcey and Holloway. After thirty rounds had been fought, occupying fifty-five minutes, Dorcey was declared the victor.

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United States (United States) (13)
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (12)
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (9)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (4)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (3)
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (3)
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (3)
France (France) (3)
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Somerset, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Sedalia, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (2)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (2)
Maine (Maine, United States) (2)
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (2)
Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (2)
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
York (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Washington county (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (1)
Thomastown (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Sligo (Irish Republic) (1)
Shipping Point, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (1)
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Osage (Missouri, United States) (1)
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Norwalk (Connecticut, United States) (1)
North America (1)
Mexico (Mexico) (1)
Mecklenburg (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Matanzas (Cuba) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Long Island (New York, United States) (1)
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (1)
Havana (Cuba) (1)
Hannover (Lower Saxony, Germany) (1)
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Edisto Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Chepultepec (Alabama, United States) (1)
Canadian (United States) (1)
Canada (Canada) (1)
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (1)
Appalachicola (Florida, United States) (1)
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (1)
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