The Charleston Courier is accountable for the steepest pun of the season. Mr. B. Schur, of that city, was burned out, but has already made a fresh start. The Courier says his motto is--‘"B. Schur you'r right, then go ahead."’ B. Schur will insure this time. The name of Maynardsville, the county seat of Union, Tennessee, has been changed by the Legislature of that State to Priceville, in honor of Major-General Sterling Price, of Missouri. Emmett R. Johnson, a son of ex-Governor Herschel V. Johnson, died at Columbus, Georgia, on the 30th ult. The Savannah Republican and the Charleston Courier appeared, on New Year's day printed upon cheats of considerably outplayed dimensions. Simeon Marshall, who resided a few miles west of Raleigh, N. C., was taken up on Thursday last in a very drunken condition and put in the guard house. In a few hours thereafter he was found dead.
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