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The war.
late news from the North.
Pusnacious proceedings of A. N. I. Union Democratic Association.
the Female Prisoners at Washington.
&c., &c., &c.

Our summary of war news is made up from very late Northern and Southern journals:

A war move of the Union Democrate of New York — their platform and Principles.

A number of individuals, desirous of organizing a People's Union Democratic Party, to sustain the Yankee Administration in the present exgencies of the Federal Government, held a meeting at Clinton Hall, New York, on the evening of the 16th inst., for the purpose of consulting upon and forming a plan to accomplish that object. The call for the meeting was signed by the following persons:

E. J. Brown, Waldo Hutchins, J. De Peyster Ogden, John J. Friedman, T, B. Lawson, John S. Cook, Daniel Witter, Albert G. Hyde, John L. Cilley, Jas, L. Smith, Joseph B. Varnum, Geo, Peckham, Edward Simpson, Clinton Rosevelt, John Merchant, William E. Frost, Thomas Munson, and Robert S. Lyon.

’ The platform of this new people's party, as agreed upon at a previous meeting of the above committee, is as follows:

Whereas, the primary object of this organization is to defend and sustain the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States; the vindication of the honor of the country by whatever antagouism assailed, at home or abroad; the suppression of rebellion and the punishment of treason; the encouragement and reward of loyalty, and to give our unfaltering support to the Government in the fratricidal conflict in which it is now involved; Therefore,

Resolved, That it is our fixed determination to defend, maintain and perpetuate the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States at every hazard, and at whatever cost of blood and treasure; and for that purpose to sustain, with all our individual and united power and zeal, the constitutionally chosen authorities of the Government in the prosecution of the existing war with unrelaxing, vigor and untiring energy, to the end that a permanent peace shall be secured by the utter extinction of the rebellion; that every loyal citizen shall be restored to and protected in the enjoyment of his rights and property; that armed traitors shall suffer the pains and penalties due their crimes, and that those laying down their arms and submitting to the Government may receive such pardon as its vindicated authority may grant to repentant rebels.

Resolved, That it is the duty of the Government to hold the slaves that may fall into its hands as other captured property and as a military resource applicable to useful war labor, and to deprive the enemy of an element of strength or utility in the prosecution of the rebellion, leaving to the wisdom of Congress, at the close of the war, the disposition of the slaves of rebel owners, and securing to loyal slaveholders every right to which they are entitled under the Constitution of the United States.

Resolved, That we recognise, in its broadest extent, the justice, policy and wisdom of the Monroe doctrine in relation to the non-interference of foreign Powers upon this continent, and that we consider it the duty of the Government to prevent the same by all the means and resource in its power.

At the meeting last night there were quite a respectable but not very numerous attendance.

Mr. E. J. Brown called the assemblage to order at eight o'clock, and took occasion to briefly explain the objects of the organization, as set forth in the above platform.

The first business before the meeting, was the adoption of the platform, as reported by Mr. Waldo Hutchins.

Mr. James M. Smith spoke strongly in favor of the principles enunciated in the platform, and moved its adoption.

Mr. De Peyster Ogden thought the platform was not explicit enough, and that it was necessary at the present time to state precisely what was contemplated by the organization. In conclusion Mr. Ogden proposed some few trifling alterations in the language of the platform.

Mr. Clinton Rosevelt supported Mr. Ogden's views at some length, and expressed himself as opposed to the last resolution referring to the Monroe doctrine. Our government, he thought, was not able to enforce that doctrine at present, and it was only showing our teeth, without being able to bite, to enunciate in now.

Mr. Hutchins followed in an elaborate analysis of the platform, speaking warmly in favor of it, and dissecting the arguments of Messrs. Ogden and Rosevelt, which he said, did not differ in any material point from the principles of the platform. The question was merely one of words, not principles.

After some further debate the platform, as published above, was unanimously adopted.

On motion of Dr. Manson, the following committee was then appointed to report rules and by laws for the organization:--Thomas Manson, J. De Peyster Ogden, J. J. Friedman, Isaac J. Oliver and Wyllis Blackstone.

After some further business of no interest, the meeting adjourned to reassemble at the same place one week from to-night.

The Washington Prisoners — the cause of their Arrests.

The Washington correspondent of the Philadephia Press furnishes that paper with the following list of Secession ladies who have been confined in the fifthy Yankee prisons by order of Lincoln and his besotted man Friday, Seward:

The first person incarcerated at the prison was Mrs. Rose O. H. Green how, as she signs herself. She was arrested on the 11th of August of the last year, and has been confined in the prison ever since. Her husband was formerly employed in the State Department in this city. She is a woman of letters, and was born in the South, although brought up in Washington. She is confined in her own house in one of the upper stories, and has the attendance of a servant, besides the company of her own daughter, an interesting girl of some twelve years. Besides these confined here were Mrs. Phillips, her sister, Mrs. Lovy, and her two daughters, Misses Fannie and Lena. Mrs. Phillips is a Jewess, and her husband married her at Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Lovy was a widow, and her husband, who was formerly in the army, died.--Her two daughters are finely educated.--These latter were, after being confined six weeks, sent to Fortress Monroe.

Next in the comes Mrs. Betty A. Hassler, who was born and reared in Washington. She possessed the least education of any woman ever confined in this prison. Her husband is a Southern man. She is fascinating in appearance, but has not much decision of character. She was released on parole by order of the Secretary of War.

Mrs. Jackson, the mother of the assassin of Elisworth, has also been confined at this point. She came here with nothing but a flannel gown on, and wearing slave shoes. She was incarcerated but two days and nights. She has now gone South to Richmond, where she has been endeavoring, with but little success, to obtain funds for the support of her family. It is rumored that she is not able to collect enough funds to support her from day to day.

Passassin, indeed! Was there ever a more righteous punishment dealt out than that inflicted upon this thieving ruffian, Elisworth. A deliberate and malignant lie; and the author of the correspondence knew it to be such at the time he penned the paragraph Already a fund amounting to $30,000 has been raised for the family of Jack on. -- Dis

Miss Lilly Mackle, a daughter of Mr. Mackle, a clerk in one of the Departments and belonging to one of the most respectable families of Washington, was also confined here for two months.

Mrs. M. A. Onderdonk who sometimes represents herself to be a widow and sometimes a wife, was arrested in Chicago some months since, and after being confined here six weeks was released on parole, Forty dollars were given her to pay her expenses back to Chicago, but instead of going there she went to New York. She was last heard of at St. Louis.

An English lady Mrs. Elena Lowe, who was arrested at Boston and whose son was with her, having come with a commission in the rebel army, has also been confined at this institution. The son was afterwards sent to Fort. Warren, and she returned to England.

Besides the above there were some eight or ten persons arrest at Alexandria and in this city, whose names are not remembered, and who, at or being confined at this prison were shortly after liberated on taking the cath of allegiance.

Miss Ellis M. Poole, allas Stewart, was arrested and brought to the prison on the 11th

of August, 1861. She came from Wheeling, where, after having been confined for some time in the prison there, she made her escape by tying the sheets together and letting herself down from the prison window. She has been in communication with the rebel leaders in Kentucky advising them to make certain changes. in their plan of operations. When arrested the second time, within ten miles of the enemy's lines in Kentucky. $7,600 of unexpended money, furnished by the rebels, was found upon her person. She has been a correspondent of the Richmond Enquirerand the Baltimore Exchange. Miss Poole is yet in confinement at the Sixteenth street jail.

Among the number yet confined here is Mrs. Baxley, formerley a resident of Baltimore. She was arrested on the 23d of December. She had just come from Richmond, and had been in conversation with Jeff. Davis, from whom she had obtained a commission in the rebel army for her lover, Dr, Brown,--She is, as she represents herself, a very ‘"explosive"’ woman, and it was from this fact that her arrest took place on board of the boat, while opproaching Baltimore from Richmond. This woman has refused to sleep under a blanket marked ‘"U. S.,"’ ever since her confinement here.

Passage of the mileage and per diem bill in the Texas Legislature over the Governor's veto.

The Houston Telegraph, noticing the fact that the lower branch of the Texas Legislature had passed the mileage and per diem bill over the Governor's veto, says:

‘ We think the Governor was right, and that the Legislature have no right to any better pay, than they give soldiers and other employees of the public. This is the general expression, so far as we have heard, and we regret that the Legislature should have done anything which to an outsider looks so unworthy, unpatriotic, and unjust.

Extremity of despotism.

A special correspondent at Columbus, Ky., has sent the Nashville Union and American the following tyrannical and brutal manifesto issued by General Smith at Paducah, Kentucky. The blanks are filled up and sent to such parties as Smith deems within the meaning of the proclamation:

[General order no. --]
Head'qes U. S. Forces.

Paducah, Ky., Jan. --1862
To carry out the spirit and intention of General Orders, No. 24, from the Headquarters of the Department of the Missouri, dated on the 12th ultimo, a copy of which is appended, it is directed that every person of legal age — male or female — who represents property within a circuit of twenty-five miles from this place, shall, by twelve of the clock, noon, on the --instant, take before the Provost Marshal in this city the following oath, to wit:

"I do swear that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State Convention or Legislature to the contrary notwithstanding. And further, that I do this with a full determination, pledge, and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever. And further, that I have not directly or indirectly given aid or assistance to the people of the States in rebellion against the Government of the United States. So help me God."

On all who fall to purge themselves of the taint of disloyalty to the Government of the United States in this manner, there shall be levied and collected (as provided in G. O. No. 24) an assessment in proportion to their taxable property, as ascertained by the county assessor's tax last, for the benefit of loyal inhabitants of Kentucky and Tennessee, who have been driven from their homes by those in rebellion.

The Provost Marshal will, with due care, make out a list of those persons thus presenting themselves as loyal citizens, giving the full name of the party, place of residence, description of property, where situated, etc.

A board of officers--to consist of Maj. John H. Hahn, 9th, Illinois, Provost Marshal; Capt. John C. Cox, Commissary of Subsistence; and Capt. Charles W. Lyman, Assistant Quartermaster--is appointed to aid in the execution of this order.

All persons now at Cave-in-Rock, Smithland, or this place, will at once present themselves before this board and make affidavit on such points as will satisfy the board of the Justice of the claim, and the amount to be appropriated to each individual of family. The board will also select suitable residences for the destitute, having in view the spirit of general order No. 24.

From the list presented to the Provost Marshal of those who may be regarded as loyal, the Board will then proceed to assess all others within the circuit named an amount in proportion to the taxable property of the individual, so as to make in all, for the first instatment, the sum of $5,000. Persons of Northern birth and education will (as directed in General Order No. 26, of December 28th ult, from the headquarters of the District of Calro) ‘"be taxed fifty per cent more than Southern persons of their class of guilt and means."’

The Board has full power to levy the assessment and direct Its distribution.

The Provost Marshal will collect and pay out the moneys so assessed, rendering every fortnight an account of the same to these headquarters, and will arrest and confine for trial by amilitary commission of recusants.

The commanding officer at Smithland will take the necessary measures to carry out the spirit and intention of this order, reporting his action at these headquarters.

By order of Brigadier-Gen. C. F. Smith, Assistant
Adjutant General.

George N. Sanders out for Congress.

George N. Sanders publishes a card in the Nashville Union and American, announcing himself a candidate for Congress in the 12th Congressional district of Kentucky. Mr. Sanders was one of the earliest champions of Southern independence. The following is an extract from his card:

‘ At Montgomery, the advance Kentuckian at the formation of the Confederate Government, I attached myself at once to its destinies. My political rights are therefore as old as the oldest, for under the Constitution we all take date from the new era.

I shall favor an aggressive war as the best mode of conquering peace with satisfactory boundaries. Geo N. Sanders.

January 16, 1862.

From east Tennessee

We take the following items from the Knoxville Register, of the 18th instant:

Dr. Hodsden, the floater for Knox and Sevier, was brought into the Confederate Court yesterday, to answer a warrant for treason issued by the Attorney General, and agreed to give bond and security in the sum of ten thousand dollars for good behavior during the war and loyalty to the Confederate Government, and upon assuming to pay the costs of the case, a nolle prosequi was entered by the Attorney General, and the prisoner was discharged.

In Taylorsville, the Court-House of Johnson, a few days ago, a pole from which the Confederate flag waved to the breeze, was cut down, but Mr. Butler informa us that this was the work of a lunatic named Samson Gress. The Union people of the town, he assures us, disapproved of the act. We trust there was no ‘"method"’ in Samson's madness.

Incidents at the bombardment of Fort Pickens

The following extract is from a letter written by an officer on board the United States steamer Richmond, after the bombardment of Fort Pickens:

‘ I went, by invitation of Lieut.-- of the Engineers, to visit the Fort; tooka circult first of the covered way, then to the parapets and ramparts. All around the Fort, inside and out, were marks of the enemy's at of and shell. on the glaces, here and there, are deep grooves, ending in a large hole, where the shot had plumped into it, and where there had been shell which had burst. The hole was a great excavation, into which you could drive an ox cart. Where the projectives have struck the standing walls they have chipped off patches of the brick work, (It is a brick and not a stone fort,) perhaps eight on ten inches deep, and where they struck the corners, larger portions have been removed, but in no case has any part of the fortifications received an injury tending in the least to weaken it, and this after two days heavy firing. The only man who was killed outright, during the two days action, was an artilleryman, who was passing into the casemates with some bread for the bake, house. A shell exploded at the other side of the area, and one piece, flying a distance of some two or three hundred feet passed throught his body, under his arms. He walked a few steps and fell dead.

There were many almost miraculous escapes. A shell was heard coming towards a gun on the parapet, and the men dodged under their bomb-proofs. The shell his fairly on the bomb proof, went through and dropped into a pail of water beside the officer. where it exploded. When the men came out again to resume their work, all they saw of the officer was his hools sticking.

out of a pile of rubbish. After digging him out, they stood amazed to see that be was not even hurt. He rose up, shock the sand from his hair and clothes, and coolly said, ‘"come, come! what are you standing here gaping all Load that gun there."’ At it they want again, as if nothing had happend. Another officer, who had charge of a battery of mortare, had no less than seventeen shells striks within ten yards of him. I saw the ground plowed up in every direction, and yet not a single man was hurt.

About twenty of some men who had been relieved from their guns, were sitting smoking and watching the firing in a corner, protected from shot by the walls, when half of a huge shell struck and buried itself right In the middle of the group, without disturbing them in the least. ‘"What's that? "’ asked one. ‘"The devill knows, and he won't tell,"’ indifferently responded another, and he went on smoking. A 10 inch columbiad came rolling toward the group, the suse whizzing and smoking‘"Wonder it that'll hit us?--"’Guess not, we're too near it" Crack went the shell, flying in every direction. but fortunately eccaping them all. The Confederate powder was poor, as also their shot and shell, except that portion which they succeeded in stealing before the rebellion broke out. Their practice, however, was said to be good. How could it have been otherwise? Uncle Sam taught them in his unparalieled school at West Point, but with little tought that the teaching would thus be employed.

Arrival of the Steamship Saxonia-- Dirrot through and for parts her mail arrangements.

From the New York Herald, of the 17th instant, we take the following:

‘ The Hamburg steamship Saxonia, Captain Ehlers, arrived at this port yesterday morning, from Gamburg, having left Hamburg at three P. M., on the 30th It The Saxonia having come direct front Hamburg, the brings no files of English papers. She has on freight 675 bales of cotton and two complete batteries, consisting of sixteent guns and sixteen ammunition wagons, besides an immense freight of merchandise generally.

Messrs. Kunhardt & Co, the New York agents of the Hamburg American Packet Company, furnish the folk wing explanation of the Saxonia not stopping at Cowes; The Saxonia, Capt Ehlers, arrived from Hamburg without touching, as is usual, at South-ampton, to receive mails and passengers.--The reason for this extraordinary course, whereby the company loses the mail and passengers, is, that the Saxonia had on board about 2,000 tons of arms and army goods, with two complete parks of artillery, consisting of sixteen heavy rifled cannon, and that it was understood in case the answer of the U. S. Government to the English dispatch on the Trent affair should not be satisfactory to Great Britain, the Saxonia, in stopping at Cowes to receive the mails, might not be allowed to proceed with these army goods; so that the Directors of the Hamburg American Packet Company resolved to make sure of the delivery of the arms and cannon in New York, by sacrificing their carriage of the mails.

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