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From Norfolk.

[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Norfolk, Jan, 22, 1862.
The principal topic of conversation here, is of course the Burnside Expedition, of which the rumors are various, indefinite, and conflicting. It is certain that active predations are being made to give the fleet a reception that will be warm and noisy.

Judging from the tide and the direction of the wind, there was more rough weather yesterday ‘ "out side,"’ as the sailors say. A nigh tide here is considered a sure indication of a storm somewhere along the coast, and it is not improbable that some of Burnside's vessels, it they have not yet got into port or been ‘"broken by the storms,"’ have had another gale to contend with. It is published that they have gone into Hatteras inlet; but persons who recently arrived here from Roanoke Island, state that no vessels connected with the Burnside fleet had been seen or heard from when they left, which was on Monday.

Three of the gentlemanly officers of the French frigate Pomore, left this city Monday morning for Charleston, South Carolina. After arriving at the depot of the Seaboard and. Roanoke Railroad, they were handed complimentary tickets for the ‘"round trip,"’ and politely acknowledged the kindness of Mr. Wilson, the President, and Mr. Robertson, the Superintendent of the Company.

It is rumored here that the French war ship Pomore, above mentioned, will go into the dry dock at the Confederate navy-yard here for repairs.

The demise of two aged ladies, nearly related to distinguished men, well known here and who long since passed away from the busy and exciting scenes of life, has recently taken place. I allude to the widow of the late Judge Robert B. Taylor, of this city, and Mrs. Jane A. Hope, the eldest daughter of the late Commodore James Barron.

Gen. Taylor is known to have been distinguished for his ability and surpassing eloquence as a jurist, as well as for his gallantry and soldierly bearing, when in command of the Virginia troops at Norfolk in the war of 1812.

The name of Commodore Barron has long since passed into history, and forms some of the most romantic and thrilling chapters among the chronicles of past events.

Miss Poole, a true-hearted and intelligent Virginia lady, who was for some time a prisoner at Washington, arrived here yesterday by flag of truce, and is sojourning at the Atlantic Hotel. She thinks, from observation and information gained at the Federal capital, that McClellan is preparing for another ‘"on to Richmond"’ movement.

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