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General Assembly of Virginia.

Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1862.
The Senate was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Baker, of Grace Church, (Episcopal)

The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Board of Public Works, in response to a resolution of the Senate, giving an estimate of the earliest point of time at which the uncompleted work on the Covington and Ohio Railroad can be made available, by temporary tracks, for transportation purposes, as far westward as the Whits Sulphur Springs. The communication was laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.

The President also laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, recommending better organization for the defence of the cities and towns of the State, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed; and another communication from the Executive, enclosing a tabular statement made up from the reports of the banks of the Commonwealth, which was laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.

Bills reported.

Mr. Logan, from the Committee on General Laws, reported a bill to amend section 2d of chapter 175 of the Code, so as to provide for the temporary appointment of Commissioners in Chancery; also a bill amending section 9 of chapter 212 of the Code; and a bill to repeal sections 23 and 24 of chapter 108 of the Code of 1860, and to amend and re-enact section 26 of the same chapter.

Mr. Brannon, from the Committee on Finance, reported a bill to authorize the issue of registered certificates of State stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lieu of two lost bonds; also, a bill compensating Joseph J. White for the responsibility of registering, clipping and disbursing Treasury notes; and a bill to refund to Mrs. Cora Anderson the amount paid into the Treasury on a forfeited recognizance by her as administratrix of her husband, Frederick Anderson.

Mr. Carson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported House bill to amend and re-enact an ordinance to provide for the enrollment and employment of free negroes in the public service — with an amendment.

Resolutions of inquiry.

The following resolutions, inquiring into expediency, were adopted:

By Mr. Day: Of making an appropriation to meet the claims of persons whose property has been taken for public use.

By Mr. Harvey: Of refunding to Sutton & Dozier the sum of $24, paid as tax on land improperly charged to them.

Bill passed.

A Senate bill to protect citizens whose property has been sold under illegal process.

Railroad connection.

On motion of Mr. Quesenberry, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the House bill to provide for the construction of a railroad connection between the Orange and Alexandria and Manassas Gap. Railroads, and the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad.

The bill was advocated by Messrs. Quesenberry and Robertson, and opposed by Mr. Hart.

Mr. Coghill moved to amend the bill by striking out from the 1st section the words ‘"under the provisions of their charter;"’ by striking out from the 4th section all after the words ‘"transportation thereon,"’ and inserting ‘"the privileges hereby granted shall cease and determine;"’ and by striking out from the 1st line of the 5th section the words ‘"except as to said exemption from taxation."’ In advocating his amendments, Mr. Coghill indicated his decided opposition to the measure proposed by the bill.

Pending the consideration of the subject the Senate adjourned.

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