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Major-General Crittenden.

--Shortly after the battle at Fishing Creek, a number of gentlemen from Mississippi held a meeting in the camp of the 15th Mississippi regiment, at Gainesboro', and performed an act of justice to Major-General Crittenden, by adopting the following resolution:

‘ Whereas, we, the citizens of Mississippi, now in the camp of our army at Gainesboro, on a visit to our friends and relatives of the 15th Mississippi regiment, had heard before our arrival at this place the many rumors with which the country and the press are now filled, all tending to the infinite discredit of Major-General Crittenden; and from the effect of which we like the rest of the country, were shocked and excited; and, whereas, we have found, to our great satisfaction, that these rumors obtain no credit in the army, and least of all in the 15th Mississippi regiment; but that on the contrary that regiment recognized a successful military movement in the extrication of the army under General Crittenden from its late position, in which it was almost surrounded by an overwhelming face of the enemy, we deem it due to our State, and to the country at large, to give publicity to these facts, obtained from personal intercourse with the army; Therefore,

Be it Resolved, That we, the undersigned; do heartily endorse the foregoing preamble, and that we will furnish a copy of the same to the press for publication.

The proceedings are signed by John R. Golding, Chairman; M. Conley, Secretary, and is others.

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