House of Delegates.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1862.
House met at 11 o'clock A. M. The Speaker (
Mr. Kemper) in the Chair.
Mr. Sheffey, from the
Committee on Roads, reported a bill authorizing the sales of stock held by the
State in turnpike and plank roads.
On motion of
Mr. Fleming, the bill for the prevention of the distillation of grain by distillers, or other manufacturers, other than that grown by themselves, was taken up.
Mr. Collier moved to strike out the words ‘"other than that grown by themselves,"’ which was adopted.
Mr. McDonald, of
Hampshire, moved to amend by making it the duty of the
Courts, the moment of the presentation, to cause the grain and property of the defendant to be seized.
Mr. Sheffey moved to amend the amendment by giving the defendant ten days in which to give bond to answer the judgment of the court, and to have forthcoming all property liable to forfeiture under the judgment.
Adopted — ayes 72, noes 7.
Mr. Collier moved to further amend the bill by making the penalty not loss than $100 nor more than $5,000. Adopted.
Mr. Anderson, of
Rockbridge, moved to amend still further by providing that, after the presentation, if the defendant should continue to distill, the sergeant of the county or corporation shall seize the grain, still, &c., unless a competent bond is given by the distiller that he will desist.
Mr. Burke moved to amend further by providing for the prevention of the distillation of fruit as well as grain.
Mr. Wynne moved to amend by putting the bill in force on and after the 4th of March, and continue during the war, instead of from its passage.
Mr. McDonald, of
Logan, moved to amend the amendment by giving five days notice after the passage of the bill by both Houses.
Mr. Wynne accepted ten days as a substitute, and the amendment was adopted.
Mr. Bradford said that as it was evident that the bill was very incomplete, he moved to refer it to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Baskerville proposed as a substitute that the bill be referred to the Finance Committee, with instructions to report a bill entirely to prevent the distillation of grain and to prevent its exportation from the
Mr. Anderson, of
Rockbridge, moved to amend
Mr. Bradford's amendment, by referring the bill back to the Special Committee on Distillation of Grain.
House then rejected the motion of
Mr. Bradford by a vote of ayes 35, noes 46.
Mr. Harrison moved the previous question on the bill, which was adopted.
House then ordered the bill to its engrossment by a vote of ayes 26, noes 28
The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were referred to the appropriate committees:
Mr. Steger: Of increasing the compensation of the
Sergeant of
Richmond for keeping and supporting prisoners.
Mr. Irby: Of refunding a certain sum of money to
J. H. Haskins.
Mr. Walker: Of refunding a certain sum of money to
W. W. Hook.
Mr. Rowan: Of amending the charter of the town of
Union, in Monroe county.
House then adjourned until evening.