The Confederacy and Negro emancipation — Munchausen!
--A batch of Confederate letters were seized not long since by the
Federals near
The New York
Times's correspondent says:
"The most important of the batch, however, is addressed on the outside to a firm in
St. Louis, but was found to cover a letter to a distinguished Kentuckian, from a relative who holds a high position in the rebel army.
In it he urges his relative to bring
Kentucky into the Southern Confederacy, asserts with confidence that it will certainly be recognized by
England and
France before April, and gives the particulars of a scheme of gradual emancipation and negro colonization, which he says
Jeff. Davis has sent to
England and
France for approval.
I have no doubt there is some truth in the matter, though
England is little likely to be hoodwinked, I should think, by men whose sole object in creating the rebellion was to extend and perpetuate the slave system.