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Latest Northern News.

From Northern dates to the 18th inst., we make up the following summary of news:

The struggle at Fort Donelson.

We copy from the Northern papers some further details relative to the fighting at Fort Donelson. The measure of their praise of their forces, it appears, is the amount of loss they sustained from the Confederate troops, who pressed them so pertinaciously in spite of their overwhelming numbers:

Saturday's contest

At daylight a large body of the enemy suddenly appeared on the extreme right wing of Col. Oglesby's command, and opened a terrible fire with cannon from their redoubt, playing at the same time upon our forces from the guns which had been placed in position on the night previous.

The camps of the Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first Illinois were most exposed. The whole brigade was at once formed into line as follows:

The Eighteenth Illinois Regiment hold the extreme right; the Eighth Illinois came next; then the Thirtieth Illinois; then the Twenty-ninth Illinois, supporting the right of Captain Schwartz's artillery, and the Thirty-first Illinois, defending the artillery on the left.

From the firing of the first gun until nine o'clock, the battle raged unremittingly, and with fearful loss on both sides. Again and again our troops drove the enemy back, but they were often reinforced, while our troops had, owing to the extended lines of the army, and also their position on the extreme right, to fight unassisted.

More gallant fighting never took place than that of the Union troops. Exposed to the terrible firing of triple their number, they stood their ground until, in some regiments, every officer was killed or wounded.

At last, and reluctantly, regiment by regiment, they slowly fell back, leaving Schwartz's battery and three of McAllister's guns in the rebel's hands. Retiring a few hundred yards they then made a stand, and Gen. Smith arrived with reinforcements and at once drove the enemy again into their works.

The rebels, from their advantageous positions, showered upon our ranks most murderous volleys of musketry, grape and canister, killing and wounding our men, almost by companies, at every round. Yet every man stood his ground bravely. These four regiments held their ground, dealing death, and dying and fighting against appalling odds, and in the face of every disadvantage. The Eighteenth Illinois regiment seems to have resisted the severest storm. Against their ranks the rebels directed the heaviest fire, but instead of falling back they advanced to the face of the enemy, and there stood in the very jaws of death, with scarcely a prospect that a single one would escape.

At one time, the Eighteeenth, being partially flanked, was exposed to a cross fire of both musketry and artillery, but our right wing soon relieved them. At this critical moment, Col. Lawyer fell. Captain Bush, acting Lieutenant-Colonel, then assumed the command, but was soon wounded; Captain Cruse was shot dead; Captain Lawler was mortally wounded; Lieutenants Munsford and Thompson were killed; Captains Dillon and Wilson, and Lieutenants Kelly and Scanlan, wounded; so that the daring ‘"Egyptian Regiment"’ stood before the almost overwhelming force without officers.

They fell in heaps, dead and wounded.--Companies were bereft of captains and lieutenants, and captains were almost bereft of companies; the other three regiments did their duty nobly. Colonels Oglesby, Marsh, and Logan, dashed along the ranks, waving their hats, and cheering their men on to the conflict. ‘"Suffer death,"’ cried Logan, ‘"but disgrace never! Stand firm!"’ and well they heeded him. Many fell dead and wounded. Among the latter were Col. Logan and Lieutenant Colonel White.

Never, perhaps, on the American continent, has a more bloody battle been fought.

An officer who participated, and was wounded in the fight says the scene beggars description. So thickly was the battle field strewn with the dead and wounded that he could have traversed acres of it by taking almost every step upon a prostrate body.

The rebels fought with desperation, their artillerists using their pieces with the most fearful effect.

On either side could be heard scores of those in command cheering on their men.

General Grant having, in command of the division, driven the enemy back with reinforcements and gained the lost ground, at once ordered an advance by General Smith on the left.

Charging under a hot fire up the steep hill on which was located the outer redoubt, our troops gained the high breast works, and with hardly a pause went over them, planting the Stars and Stripes over the walls under a most galling fire.

They then formed, charged, and drove the enemy back until he fell into a new position behind some batteries.

Our troops held their position during the night, repelling the repeated assaults of the enemy.

The scene within the captured fort after the surrender showed how terribly the rebel garrison had suffered. Everywhere were lying fragments of shells and round shot, half buried in the earth; tents were torn to pieces, gun-carriages broken, and blood scattered around.

In the left redoubt, where the assault had taken place, the dead bodies lay thickly, and abundant evidence of a stern resistance and gallant attack was visible. On the extreme right, where the desperate sortic was made by the garrison, similar scenes were visible.

Several of our men, when out of ammunition, rushed forward, and, although exposed to the full fire of the rebel artillery, gallantly drove their foes back with the bayonet, and captured their guns.

Dressor's and Schwartz's batteries were captured during the action, but the Eighteenth Illinois, with clubbed muskets, recovered. Dressor's battery, while the Thirty-fifth recovered that of Captain Schwartz.

Confederate loss.

It is impossible to state the precise extent of the captures, everything being in such confusion within the fortress. The 51st and 57th Virginia regiments, and several Arkansas, Alabama, and Texas regiments were among the forces which left with Pillow and Floyd in the night.

The rebel surgeons place their loss in killed and wounded at between three and four hundred killed and double the number wounded.

The following are the names of some of the rebel officers captured:

Col. Gantt, Col. Voorhees, Col. Forrest, Col. Brown, and Col. Abernathy.

The following dispatch shows that the Federalists have discovered that they have not captured Gen. A. S. Johnston:

Cairo, Feb. 17.--The steamer Memphis arrived from Fort Donelson this evening, bringing a Mississippi regiment of prisoners and some fifty or sixty wounded soldiers who were left at Mound City. Eight or nine others boats were on their way up with prisoners. The rebels who escaped from Fort Donelson went to Nashville or Clarksville, where it is supposed the rebels will make another stand.

The prisoners from Fort Donelson will probably be sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago.

It appears that the General Johnston captured at Fort Donelson is Bushrod Johnson, of Tennessee, a Brigadier General, and not, as first stated, Gen. A. S. Johnston.

The time it takes to go from Fort Donelson to Cairo is from 12 to 15 hours. Sometimes the boats drop off the news at Smithland and Paducah, but not always.

The War in Missouri.

The Federalists have been much exercised relative to the brave and sagacious Price.--They have had his army captured several times. The latest papers before us contain paragraphs contradicting the report that Price's army had been captured! We copy their telegraph about the pursuit of Price south of Springfield. They are yet to hear that he was finally overtaken and what he did when he was overtaken:

Springfield,, Me. Feb. 16--According to the latest advices, the Federal army was in vigorous pursuit of the rebels.

Price's army was in Crane Creek, seventy-nine miles from here, and our forces were five miles in the rear, preparing to make an early

start in pursuit the next morning. Price had placed his train in advance. About 100 wagons containing supplies for him, were brought into this place, from Forsyth, a few hours before his retreat. The rebel sympathizers here claim that Price will be reinforced by twelve or fifteen regiments from Bentonville, Arkansas, under Gen. Van Dorn, but Gen. Siegel, who is advancing on the rebel column on a different route than that pursued by Gen. Curtis, may strike a blow on their flank, and upset Price's calculations.

Four rebel officers and thirteen privates fell into our hands on Friday, and are now here. The officers are Col. Freeman, Major Berry, Aide-de-camp to Gen. McBride; Capt. Dickinson, Chief Engineer, and Captain Donnell, Quartermaster.

Maryland Remonstrating with the Puritans.

The Legislature of Maryland, elected under the military despotism and pledged to support the Administration, yet ventures to remonstrate with the Puritan element of the Government. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously passed by the House of Delegates, at Annapolis, on Tuesday last:

‘ Whereas, a bill was, on the 13th inst., reported to the Senate of the United States, by a committee of that body, "for the release of certain persons held to service and labor in the District of Columbia," in other words, for the abolition of slavery in said District: Therefore it is unanimously.

Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this General Assembly witnesses with great regret the efforts which are now making for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. The agitation of the subject is calculated to disturb the relation of master and slave within this State; and the success of the agitators in this scheme would strike a serious blow at the interests of the people of Maryland and impress them with the belief that the Government of the United States have not a due regard for their rights, institutions, and feelings.

Resolved, That the Governor of this State be requested to send copies of these resolutions to the President of the United States, and to the Senators and Representatives from this State, with the request that they shall lay them before the honorable bodies of which they are members.

Treason in Maryland and Protecting Provost marshals.

The Legislature of Maryland, while it protests against Abolitionism, must prove its fidelity to Lincoln. So, it has under considsideration a bill, to define and punish treason, of the most vigorous character, and another bill to protect two provost marshals appointed by the military commander in Baltimore in June last against what is called ‘"vexations litigation."’--viz: suits brought by citizens against said marshals for gross outrages of private rights. These measures will no doubt be passed by a body so ready to do the bidding of Lincoln.

Affairs on the Eastern Shore.

The Regimental Flag, published at Camp Wilkes, at Drummondtown, Virginia, and dated February 13th, gives a summary of affairs on the Eastern Shore. We make the following extracts:

Gave in their Adhesion.

Captain Le Cato, who had charge of their troops at Camp Johnson, near Pungoteague, before the arrival of our troops, and who then left and went over to Richmond, has got sick of it, and on Sunday night deserted them, run their blockade at Richmond, crossed the bay in an open boat, and early on Monday morning presented himself at General Lockwood's headquarters and took the oath of allegiance. Afterwards he was permitted to go to his home in Northampton county on his parole. Capt. Johnson also came over from Richmond at the same time and took the oath. He belongs in Princess Anne, Md., where he has gone.


Isaac Smith, a well-known rabid Secessionist, was arrested at his house on Tuesday night week, by a detachment from Col. Wilkins's Eastern Shore regiment. He was, it is alleged, engaged in running the blockade, giving aid and comfort to the rebels in the shape of provisions and other things contraband of war. At the time of his arrest there was also found in his house a large quantity of goods. He is now engaged in serving out his thirty days in the prison, at hard labor, feeding on Yankee rations, under supervision of Provost Marshal, Lieut. Foy.

Vessels and canoes.

Gen. Lockwood has issued an order directing that all vessels and canoes shall be brought within those inlets where guards are kept, and all such as are found elsewhere shall be seized and condemned. No vessel or boat shall be suffered to pass out into the bay between sunset and sunrise, and that any attempting to do so shall be seized and condemned.

Guarding the telegraph.

The Second regiment E. S. Home Guards, Col. Wilkins, is detailed for duty to guard the telegraph line from Salisbury, Maryland, to Cape Charles, Virginia. Headquarters at Drummond town; Lieutenant-Colonel at Newtown, Major at Eastville; one half of the command will be stationed below and one-half above Drummondtown.

Rejoicing at the North.

Washington was to be illuminated on Saturday, and as a part of the celebration the following order was published:

War Department, Washington,D. C., Feb. 18, 1862
Ordered by the President, Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, that on the 22d day of February, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, immediately after the Farewell Address of George Washington shall have been read, the rebel flags lately captured by the United States forces shall be presented to Congress by the Adjutant General, to be disposed of as Congress may direct.

By order of the President:
Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.


H'dqrs of the Army, Adj't Gen's Office, Washington, D. C., Feb. 18, 1862.
The general officers who, under the joint resolutions of Congress may be invited to attend the ceremonies in the chamber of the House of Representatives on Saturday, the 22d day of February, instant, will assemble in the old Supreme Court room at the capitol, in full uniform, at a quarter to 12 o'clock of that day.

By command of Major. Gen. McClellan.
L. Thomas, Adj't. General.

In the House of Representatives at Washington on Monday, as already announced, there was a wild and frantic joy upon the victory at Fort Donelson. They would neither adjourn nor proceed to business; but continued shaking hands, shouting and jumping for joy. On Tuesday resolutions of thanks to the armies in Kentucky and on our Atlantic coast generally were adopted.

Boston fired 100 guns and the Puritan Legislature passed thanks to the Federal soldiers. The 100 guns were fired by direction of the Mayor. The citizens intended to fire five hundred! Great people! How differently acted the people of the South when the great battle of Manassas was fought!

At Albany, the Legislature gave itself up to cheering, and bonfires were lighted in the streets; Washington city, a national salute; Auburn, New York, 100 guns; Geneva, 100 guns and bells; Troy, 100 guns; Rochester, Poughkeepsie, Burlington, Vermont, and Westchester, Pennsylvania, all of them guns or bells, or fires, and most of them celebrated with all these modes of exultation. In short, Lincolndom generally went mad over the victories achieved by their ‘"infernal gunboats,"’ as Mr. Foote calls them.

San Francisco.--By telegraph the Northern papers say they learn that the Donelson news has reached San Francisco and caused ‘"great rejoicing."’


It appears that Kansas is not done bleeding yet. The whole State appears to be in a shocking state of insubordination and anarchy, so that the recent order proclaiming martial law there is welcomed universally. A letter from Leavenworth to a Northern paper says:

‘ It is a lamentable admission, but it stands virtually recorded in the words of the order, that the people of Kansas are incompetent to manage their own affairs; that the State statutes are a dead letter, and that civil authority is powerless for the arrest or punishment of a single outlaw.

Rejected army clothing.

The following dispatch to the Baltimore Sun shows that the frauds of contractors are still occupying the attention of investigating committees:

Washington, Feb, 18.--The Military Board of inspectors appointed by the General-in-

Chief are engaged in examining the supplies recently received at the clothing depot from Philadelphia and New York. The result of their first day's labor was to condemn 25,000 infantry privates' coats, which articles cost the Government $167,750. From all appearances the board will continue in session for a long time. It is found necessary to order the erection of a huge shed for the purpose of storing rejected clothing. In order to protect the Government from thus being swindled by wholesale, and the better to secure the health and comfort of the army, efforts are making to organize a bureau to furnish the troops with clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and to be established similar to the other bureaus of the War Department, though separate and distinct from them all.

The defences and forces at Bowling Green

The following statement of the Confederate defences and forces at Bowling Green before the evacuation we copy from a Northern paper. If it be true, our force at that place was much less than we had supposed it to be:

No, of guns mounted

Lunette fort on Baker's Hill6
Lunette fort on Mount Alry6
Embankments on Price's Hill2
Embankments on Webb's Hill3
Bastion fort on Judge Underwood's Hill13
Lunette for on Hobson's Hill4
Lunette breastwork on Calvert's Hill2
Lunette breastwork on Grider's Hill3
Bastion fort on College Hill10

The number of troops were:

Thirteen regiments infantry7,500
One regiment cavalry reduced to300
A total of only7,800

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Bowling Green (Kentucky, United States) (2)
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Westchester (New York, United States) (1)
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Smithland, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Salisbury, Maryland (Maryland, United States) (1)
Princess Anne (Maryland, United States) (1)
Poughkeepsie (New York, United States) (1)
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Northampton County (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Missouri (Missouri, United States) (1)
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Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (1)
Eastville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Douglass (Nevada, United States) (1)
Crane Creek (Missouri, United States) (1)
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Gen Pillow (1)
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