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Arming the people.

--The Ordnance Department of Virginia, corner of 7th and Cary streets, which from the date of its organization in April last, has worked with the greatest zeal and activity, presented a scene yesterday of the most busy character and calculated to infuse deep gratification into the heart of every patriotic citizen. Several new companies of the recently organized local force, in addition to thirteen companies of the same force armed there on Friday last, were marched to the corner of 7th and Cary, and here supplied by order of Governor Letcher with superior arms. All day long our citizens crowded there giving up their arms for the use of the Army, and no doubt to-day and for days to come, the Ordnance Department of Virginia, at the corner of 7th and Cary, will present the same gratifying scene of our people calling there to aid our glorious cause by handing in their arms. The Ordnance Department of Virginia has done nobly and well, distributing as it has done (and as may be seen by the report published by the Department) an immense amount of arms, not only to the troops of the State, but to troops in various States of our Confederacy.

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