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Unionism in the South.

We do not know whether the Yankees are sincere or not in their expressions of surprise at finding so little Union sentiment in Nashville and other portions of the Southern country now occupied by their armies. With their hands dripping with the blood of the sons, husbands, and brothers of the South, they profess to have anticipated a cordial and fraternal hug from the Southern people. It is possible they may have been deceived as to the existence of a strong Union party in the South, but we are inclined to doubt it. They would like to subjugate us through the action of a party within our own borders, and thus escape the inconsistency and odium of forcing a foreign despotism upon our people; but if this cannot be effected, they will face the music, and quarter armies in the invaded States, supporting them at the expense of the subjugated. There is no earthly hope of deliverance from the despotism which they call "Union" but the most determined and eternal resistance.

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