By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers.
Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on,
Auctioneers ap 2
Auctioneers ap 2