The War.
late and interesting news.
From our Southers exchanges, received last night, we make up the following interesting summary:
Head'rs Army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., April 8, 1862.
Soldiers of the Army of Mississippi!--I have put you in motion to offer battle to the invaders of your country.
With resolution and disciplined valor becoming men fighting as you are for all that is worth living or dying for, you can but march to decisive victory over the agrarian mercenaries who have been sent to despoil you of your liberties, your property and your honor.
Remember the precious stake that is involved in this contest; remember the dependence of your mothers, your wives, your sisters, and your children, is upon the result
Remember the fair, broad, abounding land, the happy homes and ties that would be dissolved and desolated by your defeat.
The eyes and hopes of eight millions of people rest upon you. You are expected to show yourselves worthy of your race and your lineage; worthy of the women of the
South, whose noble devotion in this war has never been exceeded at any time.
With such incentives to brave deeds, and in the trust that God is with us, your
Generals will lead you confidently to the combat, fully assured of ultimate and glorious success.
The battle of Shiloh.
Much to our regret, we received no
Memphis papers by the
Western mail last evening — The Knoxville.
Register has the following dispatch:
Chattanooga, April 7.--The fight at
Corinth yesterday was terrific, our victory complete and enemy totally routed.
Our loss heavy, including
Gen. Sidney Johnston,
Gen. Claiborne, of
Arkansas, and
Col. Bate, of
Horace, of the
Louisiana cavalry, mortally wounded The whole force of the enemy killed and captured.
Another private dispatch states that the killed and wounded of the enemy will reach from eight to ten thousand.
Register, of Tuesday, says:
Last night, just as we were going to press, the different church bells pealed forth the glad tidings of our glorious victory in the West The people caught up the joyous notes, and made the surrounding hills reverberate with their exultant shouts.
A sad, sad story remained.
Soon after the notes of victory died away, the solemn tones of the tolling balls announced that a nation mourns the fall of some of her noblest sons.
The here of the
battle of Shiloh is fallen!
The Confederacy contained few such men as
Albert Sidney Johnston.
The report that
General Van-
Dorn has reinforced
General Beauregard at
Corinth derives probability from the following, which we copy from the New Orleans
Delta, of the 5th inst.:
Corinth correspondent announces the arrival of
Gen. Van-
Dorn at that place on the 31st ult. This fact does not indicate a junction between
Gen. Van-
Dorn's forces and the army in
Tennessee; but it does suggest some degree of plausibility in the statement recently made, to the effect that the Western army was about to make a movement towards the
It is probable that
Gen. Van-
Dorn has gone to
Corinth with the purpose of reporting to
Gen. Johnston, and consulting with him in relation to the policy to be adopted.
At all events, the public may restessured that whatever is under taken by this brilliant and enterprising officer will be consummated with all the celerity and vigor of military genius, aided by the teaching of science and experience.
Atlanta Confederacy, of the 10th inst., publishes the subjoined private dispatch from
Between 6,000 and 8,000 Federal were killed and wounded, and about 4,000 prisoners taken — among them
Gen. Prenties.
Our loss in killed and wounded is from 3,000 to 4,000.
After a short fight on Monday morning at the
Tennessee river, our army fell back in good order eight miles in the direction of
Corinth, to a stronger position, and to wait reinforcements under
Gen. Van-
Dorn, who is reported to be at
Memphis with 12,000 men.
A private dispatch from a prominent officer engaged in the fight, says that
Gen. Jackson, of
Ga., and staff, are safe.
Lieut. J. J. Jacobus, of the Washington Artillery, of
Augusta, was killed in the battle.
Atlanta Commonwealth says:
We learn that the friends of this distinguished military leader are preparing to have his remains brought to this place for temporary interment, his sister and one of his nieces being sojourners here.
His wife is in
California, and thither, at some future day, his body may be carried for permanent burial.
Bristol Southern Advocate, of the 10th inst, says:
We had an interview on Saturday last with
Lieut. Crockett R. Billiard, who commanded
Capt. G. W. Mathes', company in the mountain battle, which came off in
Scott county,
East Tennessee, on Tuesday, the 1st inst.--
Lieut Millard was wounded in the upper part of the left arm. He brought with him the remains of
Henry Haley and
Samuel Jones, both members of his company, who were killed in the fight.
David Malone, of the same company, was wounded in the shoulder, and
Owen N. prisces and Alfred M:
Smith, also of the same company, were both wounded in the thigh.
The Confederates had only about thirty men engaged, while the enemy had from 70 100 men engaged.
Their entire force, however, was about 300.
The Confederates lost four men killed and eleven wounded--one mortally.
Our forces killed thirty of the enemy and took eighteen prisoners. They also took thirty horses and two hundred cattle — rather a bad lot — and what bacon they wished to use during their mountain four, which issued about a week.
Conference between a Committee of the citizens of Apalachicola and a Federal flag of truce.
Quincy (Fla.) Dispatch publishes the following account of a conference held a few day ago, by a committee of citizens of
Apalachicola with a flag of truce, sent by the commander of the blockading squadron at that place.
The firmness exhibited by the Floridians on the occasion is worthy of all commendation.
At about eight o'clock two boats bearing white flags were seen coming up the bay.--Messengers were at once dispatched to the
Bluff to stop any boats that might comedown.
Anson Hancock,
Mayor pro tem., selected R
G. Porter,
James A. Miller, and
T. Benezet, as a committee to act with him in holding communization with the boats.
Upon consultation, it was determined that the committee should place themselves in a conspicuous place so as to attract the attention of the boat, and on no account to
Holst a white flag, or other signal.
The citizens were to remain at a distance, and out of resent of communication.
By half-past 9 o'clock the foremost boat had such or'ed about a half a mile below the lower wharf, evidently waiting for a signal, They came and went to the "ways," and then waited some time.
After a while the boat came up to the "ways," and the officer announced himself as
Lieut. Abbott, sent by his commander,
Captain Stallwegger, of the blockading vessel, and desired to communicate with some of the principal citizens, S. B. then pointed out to him
Mr. Hancock,
Mr. Miller, and
Mr. Porter.
He then said that he had been sent by his captain, who was anxious as far as possible to assuage the horrors of war, to inquire if the town would capitulate, they having been informed that the place was evacuated Our reply was that the committee had no authority to capitulate, and that there was no one here with authority to do so. He then desired the committee to get a boat and come alongside, and converse With him in the stream, which was declined.
The committee then asked him to come ashore and converge with them.
He replied he had orders not to land, and then requested that at least two of the committee might come on board his boat for a few minutes, as he was desirous of communicating with them, and could not land.
Under these circumstances
Jas. A. Miller and
S. Benezet went on board, and the boat dropped off into the stream about fifteen or twenty yards.
Upon getting on board the boat the officer in command again announced himself as
Lieutenant Abbott, and again stated that he (
Abbott) had been sent by
Captain Stallwegger to inquire if the people of the place were ready to capitulate.
Captain sent him because he was aware that the place had been evacuated and the troops and munitions gone up the country; that there would be a force here in a few days to attack the place, and that he (the
Captain) was anxious to assuage the horrors of war as far as possible.
There, fore he desired to know if there were any persons here who desired protection to their property, and if there were any persons who would take the oath of allegiance, and, further, stated that they had also heard that the place was only occupied by a few persons, who had remained to protect their property.
They were informed that there were no persons here willing to take the oath, or who asked protection.
He asked them how we expected to protect property if unwilling to take the oath!
The reply was, we were subject to the contin gencies of war. That the circumstances of this war would be, we presumed, the same as all other wars.
That history had shown that in the first campaign the
Federals had burned towns and destroyed property, and that it was reasonable to suppose that in the second campaign the
Confederates would retaliate.
He again stated that in a few days a force would be here to attack the place.
He was told it could not be much of an attack, as there were none here to make a defence, if affairs should remain in the same situation as they are at present; but that we could give no statement as to the future, for we did not know what orders might be given for its reoccupation, or what changes might take place in the meantime.
We could make no promises.
At this, he informed us he would now put as ashore; which he did, and the conference ended.
They were polite and mild spoken, yet evidently not satisfied with the result of their mission.
They were neither greeted or welcomed on their arrival, or greeted on their departure. --The whole interview on the part of the committee was cold and reserved, and barely civil.
From the first to the last no flag or signal was displayed or even suggested by any man, woman or child in the place; nor was there any desire to hold any intercourse with them.
No answer whatever was made to their flag of truce.