The War.
of Shiloh--Gen'l Grant's report — Doings at the --news from the South &c., &c.below the official report of General officer who commanded the Federate the battle of Shiloh. It will be while he claims a "success" at the second day's fight, he is forced to heavy disasters, and so far from there was any panic among the troops, confesses that they order, while he was unable to.
Special report of Gen. Grant.
McLane, Adjutant General's of the Mississippi St. Louis --It becomes my duty again to battle fought between two great contending for the maintenance Government ever devised, and the destruction. It is pleasant to of the army contending for principles. morning our pickets were driven in by the enemy. five divisions stationed at this drawn up in line of battle to meet battle soon waxed warm on the varying at times to all parts It was the most continuous firing and artillery ever heard on this and was kept up until night. When having forced the entire line to nearly half-way from their camps to at a late hour in the afternoon a effort was made by the enemy to and get possession of the land seaports, &c. was guarded by the gun boats Captains Gwyn and Shir commanding, with four 20-pounder and a battery of rifled guns.-- a deep and impassable ravine for cavalry, and very difficult for this point, no troops were except the necessary artillerists, infantry force for their support moment the advance of column a part of the division Nelson, arrived, and the two General both being present, an advance immediately made upon the point of the enemy were soon driven back.-- much is due to the presence of Tyler and Lexington, and their Captains Gwyn and Shirkusen, the night the division under Gens. and McCook arrived. New Wallace, at Crumple Landing, was ordered at an early hour morning to hold his division in readily moved in any direction to which it was ordered. At about eleven o'clock was delivered to move it up to Pittsburg owing to its being led by a circuit did not arrive in time to take part action. the night all was quiet, and feeling moral advantage would be gained being the attacking party, an advance as soon as day dawned, and the the gradual repulse of the enemy of the line from 9 till probably 6 the afternoon, when it became the enemy were retreating. the close of the action the advance J. J. Nord's division arrived in time in the action. was too much fatigued from two fighting and exposure in the open drenching rain during the inter night, to pursue immediately, and the in cloudy and with heavy rain, the roads impassable for artillery morning. Sherman, however, followed the finding that the main part of the retreated in good order. Hospitals wounded were found all along as far as the pursuit was made.-- of the enemy and many graves found. herewith the report of General , which will explain more fully of the pursuit and the port taken separate command. I cannot take notice in this report but will do so when the reports of the division are handed in. Huell commanding in the field distinct army, long under his which did such efficient service, by himself in person on the field, better able to notice those of who particularly distinguished than I possibly can. a duty, however, to a gallant and Brig.-Gen. W. T. Sherman, to mention, that he not only was in command during the entire of the action, but displayed great judge skill, and management of his men, severely wounded in the hand on day, his place was never vacant. He wounded, and had three horses under him. this mention of a gallant officer management is intended to the other commanders--Major-Generals John A. and Lew Wallace, and Brigade-Generals S. Hurlbut, B. M. Prentiss, E. L. Wallace — all of whom main their places with credit to themselves Gen. Prentiss was taken Prisoner the first day's action, and Gen. W. H. place was severely and probably wounded. His Assistant Adjutants General Wm. McMichael, is missing, and probably taken prisoner. * * * * * The country will have to mourn the loss of brave men who fell at the battle of or Shiloh, more properly. loss in killed and wounded will in a day or two; at present I can it approximately at 1,500 killed and wounded. of artillery was great — many pieces disabled by the enemy's shot, and some all their horses and many men. There probably not less than two hundred killed. loss of the enemy in killed and left the field was greater than ours. In an estimate cannot he made, as of them must have been sent to Corinth that points. The enemy suffered terri demoralization and desertion. of truce was sent to-day from General Beauregard. I enclose a copy of the correspondence.Doings at Washington.
for the abolition of slavery in the of Columbia was signed by President Lincoln on the 16th of April. In his announcing the fact, he says he has desired to see the National Capital from the institution in some satisfactory . debate on the Confiscation bill, Senate well, of Kentucky, argued that the that and other measures of the session destroy slavery in the States. He that in one instance ninety slaves had best through Baltimore from Banks's to Philadelphia, and that forty five belonging to a loyal citizen of Kentucky had been sent by military authority to The military arm was used to take to the free States, and without the which were made to the return of future slaves by military officers to their own interesting scene occurred in the U. S. Representatives on the 16th, while making an appropriation of thirty dollars to enable the Government to the two and three year volunteers was consideration. Dawes, of Mass., said it would be to have some friend give a information as to where this thirty was going. There were, he knew, regiments, composing all officers, their pay, and not in active service. Vallandigham of Ohio, said it was, to rumor, not to meet a deficiency, provide for a defalcation in the War . Blair, of Mo.--I ask the gentleman to name of his informant. of Pa., (rising very excitedly,) figures should be five hundred and -two thousand men. He wanted to what authority the gentleman from made his assertion, and whether men into this House and put difficulties way of the Administration. Vallandigham claimed the floor, and the gentleman to order. If stealing is of the Administration it is called to call it to account. It was asserted stealing was going on; this rumor he and it was not to be met by the treason. Covode, (very much excited.)--I deny Vallandigham.--I do not yield the the gentleman is entitled to no excitement on both sides of the House, of "order, order." Vallandigham, resuming, remarked was rumored that Secretary Chase had to Pennsylvania to confer with the of War, Cameron, with regard to Mr. Covode, of Penn., wished to reply — but-- Mr. Vallandigham.--I do not yield. The gentleman is entitled to no courtesy from me. The gentleman's manners (Covode's) were not of such a character as to entitle him to such a courtesy; and that, instead of meeting the charge as it ought to have been met, he (Covode) indulged in threadbare and infamous insinuations. The time had gone by for all that. No man could thus now be silenced. Mr. Blair, of Mo., asked the gentleman (Mr. Vallandigham) whether he was responsible for the charge he had made. Mr. Vallandigham replied that he stated it as a rumor, implying a charge against the Department. He wanted information to show the necessity for the passage of this bill. Mr. Blair, of Mo., said the remarks against this measure were unreasonable. Mr. Vallandigham said enough had been disclosed by the investigating committee relative to frauds to justify him in referring to rumors of this kind. It would not do for the friends of the Secretary of War to put on the garb of virtuous indignation after the mass of evidence produced by the Committee on Government Contracts. Mr. Dawes, of Mass., thought the proper authorities ought to furnish some information upon which Congress should act. Nobody could fall to see in the streets of Washington men who ought to be with their regiments, who were after the first drafts upon the Treasury. The Committee then rose and reported the bill to the House, with recommendation that it pass. The bill was then passed.The fall of Fort Pulaski.
Late Northern papers contain full accounts of the bombardment and surrender of Fort Pulaski, which, it seems, was preceded by the following correspondence between the Federal commander and Col. Olmstead: Headq'rs, Department of South, Tybee Island, Ga., April 10, 1862.
To the Commanding Officer, Fort Pulaski:
--I hereby demand of you the immediate surrender and restoration of Fort Pulaski to the authority and possession of the United States.
This demand is made with a view to avoiding, if possible, the effusion of blood, which must result from the bombardment and attack now in readiness to be opened.
The number, calibre and completeness of the batteries surrounding you, leave no doubt as to what must result in case of refusal; and as the defence, however obstinate, must eventually succumb to the assailing force at my disposal, it is hoped you will see fit to avert the useless waste of life.
This communication will be carried to you under a flag of truce by Lieut. J. H. Wilson, United States Army, who is authorized to wait any period not exceeding thirty minutes from delivery for your answer.
To the Commanding Officer, Fort Pulaski:
Headquarters Fort Pulaski, April 10, 1862.
Major-General David Hunter, commanding on Tybee River.
--I have to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, demanding the unconditional surrender of Fort Pulaski.
In reply I can only say that I am here to defend the fort, not to surrender it.
In the two days bombardment, according to the Northern accounts, the Confederates had one man killed and four wounded, and the Federals had one man killed.
It will cost the Yankee Government $50,000 to put the fort in the same condition of defence it was previous to the engagement.
The number of prisoners taken by the enemy is 860, including the commander, staff and line officers.
The Yankee writer says that "the troops in the fort marched out and stacked their arms, and the officers surrendered their swords and small arms to Major Halpim, with a few remarks as they laid down their weapons.
The officers were greatly chagrined, of course, at the result, but talked as boldly and defiantly as ever."
Major-General David Hunter, commanding on Tybee River.
Terms of capitulation.
The following are the terms of capitulation agreed upon for the surrender to the forces of the United States of Fort Pulaski, Cockspur Island, Georgia:- Article 1.--The fort, armament, and garrison to be surrendered to the forces of the United States.
- Article 2.--The officers and men of the garrison to be allowed to take with them all their private effects, such as clothing, bedding, books, &c.; this is not to include private weapons.
- Article 3.--The sick and wounded, under charge of the hospital steward of the garrison, to be sent under a flag of truce to the Confederate lines, and at the same time the men to be allowed to send any letters they may desire, subject to the inspection of a Federal officer.
Signed this 11th day of April, 1862.
Chas. H. Olmstead,
Col. First Vol. Reg't of Georgia, Fort Pulaski.
Q. A. Gilmore,
Brigadier-General Volunteers, commanding United States forces, Tybee Island, Ga.
Chas. H. Olmstead,
Col. First Vol. Reg't of Georgia, Fort Pulaski.
Q. A. Gilmore,
Brigadier-General Volunteers, commanding United States forces, Tybee Island, Ga.
The document was sent to the district commander, and accompanied by the following communication from the General of the attacking brigade:
Fort Pulaski, Ga., April 11, 1862.
General H. A. Benham, Commanding Northern District Department of the South, Tybee Island, Ga.:
--I have the honor to transmit herewith the terms of capitulation for the surrender to the United States of Fort Pulaski, Ga., signed by me this 11th day of April, 1862.
I trust these terms will receive your approval, they being substantially those authorized by you as commander of the district.
The fort hoisted the white flag at a quarter before two o'clock this afternoon, after a resistance since eight o'clock yesterday morning to the continuous fire of our batteries.
A practice his breach in the walls was made in eighteen and a half hours firing by daylight.
General H. A. Benham, Commanding Northern District Department of the South, Tybee Island, Ga.: