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Splendid does

--The following copied from a late New York paper, will interest all fanciers of the canine race:

Mr. Francis Butler has shown us two of the largest and most powerful dogs we have ever seen. These noble animals, leonine in size and strength, which he calls Prince and Bruno, were bred by him, on his place at Bushwick, Long Island. Prince, the Siberian bloodhound, is nephew to the renowned Giant Prince, with whom Mr. B. was introduced to the Queen at Windsor Castle, when Her Majesty was pleased to entitle him the King of Dogs. Yet his successor, the subject of the present sketch, although but ten months old, promises fair to outstrip him in beauty and muscular proportions. Even now he trots carelessly along with a boy of fourteen upon his back. He is already over seven feet in length, thirty-four inches in height, and weighs about one hundred and sixty pounds; color, black and white spotted; short hair. Bruno's color is black and tan, with long flowing hair. He looks something like an overgrown domesticated bear, with the exception of his fine, open, intelligent countenance. In size he nearly equals Prince, although outward appearance they form a perfect contract Mr. B. has taken great pains in producing this breed, and as far as we can judge, with perfect success. Bruno's weight is about one hundred and forty pounds; his height thirty three inches. They are both perfectly trained and docile — lambs with their masters; yet lions on guard.

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