From the South.
The Abingdon
Virginian, of Friday, publishes the following.
For a week past, most contradictory and exaggerated accounts have reached us of the approach of the enemy to
Dublin Dep Wytheville,
Tazewell C. H. the S H. Works, &c., &c., some of which are untrue.
There was skirmish one day last week not f from
Mercer C. H, and that village was probably burnt by our soldiers as they retreated past it, but we do not know that any one was killed on our side, though a few were wounded.
Captain Jenifer and a few of his men have reached.
Wytheville, and this gave rise to a high state of excitement in some of the villages along the line of our rai ad In one of there towns.
we hear that the sounds of the cammer and saw were heard in every direction, as the merchants were engaged in boxing up their, code, and a large harness, making establishment sold out every set of harness it had to supply the vehicles that were required to convey to some supposed place of safety the frightened citizens.
Here, the people take things coolly and philosophically, and if there is more danger at any one place than another along the lines of the railroad, that place is shingon.
for our part, we do not believe that the
Yankees will get to our railroad at all, but suppose they should, is that any reason why men, women and children should free from th homes, and, to use a homely express on, jump out of the trying-pa into the fire ? Not The men are just as safe at home as anywhere outside of the army sun will fight a hundred fold be should they be reduced to alternative of fighting.
We repeat there is no serious cause of alarm in this end of the
State, and we verily be eve that there are men enough in this Congressional district, out of the ranks, to drive out all the
Federals that will venture in, will o bs and pitchforks.
We take the subjoined additional particulars from the
Southwestern Advocacy, of May--This paper is published at
Bristol, Tenn.
In this place, as well as all along the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, unbounded c tement existed last Saturday and Sunday, caused by the reported advance of the enemy upon
Wytheville, and the
Salt Work.
The excitement was caused by the enemy advancing into mercer county, some 1,000 1,500 strong.
Our small cavalry force, under
Col. Jenifer, attacked them on or near
Flat Top mountain, when a sharp skirmish ensured.
Insisting some four or five hours, in which we had one man killed and some wounded, while the enemy's loss was between forty and fifty killed and wounded, besides capturing some fifteen prisoners.
In the retreat of the enemy, by some means
Colonel Jenifer got it into his head that the enemy were being reinforced, when he ordered his men to make their escape.
He made his way to
Princeton, the county seat of
Mercer county, a beautiful little village, and had it burned up. He proceeded on some short distance, when he met the Forty-fifth Virginia regiment going to his relief.
He alarmed them by stating that the enemy was in hot pursuit, and for them to make their escape.
he hurried on to
Dublin or
Wytheville, and alarmed the people by stating, as well as telegraphing to the War Department that from 1,500 to 2,000 Federals were advancing upon the points above mentioned — Of course this caused excitement.
General Marshall has ordered his brigade to
Saltville, and preparations are being made to meet the enemy, should he advance, though it is said no enemy is within fifteen miles of
Colonel Jenifer was certain alarmed.
The ram Mississippi.
We find the following paragraph in the local column of the
Vicksburg (Miss.) Whig. Tuesday:
Two brothers named
Tift, were arrestee here on Sunday, at the instance of the
Provost Marshal of New Orleans, charged will burning the ram
They were sent out to
Jackson yesterday to
Gov. Pettus.
Since the above was received we learn that
Mr. Tift, one of the gentlemen referred to in the above paragraph, arrived in this city yesterday, having been discharged from custody by the
Court of Examination before which he was taken.
Mr. Tift was the contractor for the
Mississippi, and applied the torch when only it was found that it was necessary to save her from the enemy.
This statement is corroborated by other gentlemen from New Orleans, and it led to
Mr. Tift's discharge from arrest in
We further heard that on the night previces strong efforts were made to tow her to a place of safety.
One tugboat to hold her against the current of the river, as file down st eam about a mile, when another was procured, but with both together con only get her back to the old position.
If she could not be saved, of course it was wisdom to burn her rather than permit the enemy to obtain such a valuable prize.
The Prelude to the operations in Boards on Thursday
Norfolk Argus, of Friday, says:
Quite an exciting time was witnessed yesterday in our city.
At an early hour d the morning the sound of large guns came ming up from the direction of Jame river, which construed for several hour.
Every one was anxious to know what we going on, and many of our citizens flocked in
Town Point to get the best view they of anything that might heave in sight thing definite, however, could be found three Federal gunboats having passed
James river in the morning, that they were shelling one of our batteries, most likely the one at Dey's Point.
It is reported that the steaming A. J. While
Captain Tobias, was sent from the city early yesterday morning to bring up a schooner which a -inch Columbian had been and instead of doing so, the
Captain boat over to Old po t and gave informs probably that our forces were evacus
Sewell's Point.
Tobins, we man, and has been in charge of ever since the war began.
White longed to the and
Chesapeake nal Company.
We learn from persons from
Newell's P that the bombardment, as heavy as it was done the works there go harm w There were none of our men killed, tho Lieut Wall ce of the
Norfolk County Janson Grays, received a slight wound in ankle, and
Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the ankle, and
Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the Besides these, we learn that a young man who was on the
Sewell's Point road probably a mile from the battery, received a slight wound on the neck from a piece shell which exploded in the vicinity.
The New York Times, among its Southern Items, at announces th was ed out the enterprise of Southern as evidence of which ces that West &
Johnston, of
Richmond have in press a new by
Dr. son, of
Georgia, War Song of the
South, edited by "Bohemian," correspondent of the
Richmond "