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Partial list of killed & wounded
in the
fights of Saturday and Sunday.

We present our readers this morning with a partial list of our killed, wounded and missing in the battles of Saturday and Sunday last, on the Chickahominy, near this city. We will endeavor to collect and publish, as soon as possible, full and comprehensive reports of all the casualties which have and may occur in the great struggle now being made for the preservation of our Capital and the success of our cause:

List of casualties in the rich Tenth Virginia regiment.

Headquarters 18th Virginia, June 2d, 1862.
I send you the casualty list of our regiment, which you will please publish in your paper:

Lieut-Col H A Carrington, wounded in shoulder.

  1. Company a — killed Corporal Samuel M Payne; Privates Wm F Gregory, Martin Templeton, Newton a Walker. Wounded: Serg't Wm F Wilson, in neck; Corporal R a Walters, slightly in leg; Privates Frederick Behman, in arm and side; Thos C Bowe, in hand Jos Brezz'la, in shoulder; John a Dalton, in face; Henry Dalton, in face; O T Glasgow, in arm; Jas Hubbard, in arm and leg; Chas W J Speer, in leg; Christopher C Keen, in arm; Michael C Kelp, in head; Calvin B Moore, in face; Chas Owen, in leg; Jas M Hall, in arm; Reuben J Powell, in thigh; Isaac Roly, in hip; Samuel F Swanson, in shoulder; Wm B Smith, mortally, in thigh; Wm E Watson, in shoulder; Nat Wilson, in side; John R Fountaine, in arm, amateur member missing; a J Lewis and John Campton, supposed to be killed or severely wounded.
  2. Company B--killed: Jno M Moore, Michael C Toorney, Jos Slayton, Samuel W Oakes. Wounded; W F Filppen, severely; Corpl Jno E Edwards, in shoulder; R M Payns, in hand; Lewis Gravely, in head; Warren Westbrook, in head; Thos J Baines, in leg; Wm H Mal comb; in leg; Henry P Moore, in foot; Jno H Redd, in hand; Marshall Campton, in side; J M Crenshaw, in hand.
  3. Company C--killed: Jos M Jenkins, a S Foster, L T Robertson. Wounded: James C Banghan mortally; Lieut M P Vaughan, severely; Privates J H Phaup, severely; C V Vaughan, severely; T P Robertson, Jacob L Osborne, Ransom Hudgins, Hiram O Folkes, Wm T Gibbs.
  4. Company D--wounded: Privates Sterling a Daniel, John H Singleton, John S Harris missing: Privates Geo W Adams, Charles H Gilliam, (supposed to be killed)
  5. Company E--wounded: Edward a Johnson, in head; W B Bagby, shot in the foot; J T Isbell, in hand; W R Frayser, in face; M B Cilft, severely injured by contusion of spine.
  6. Company F--wounded: Lieut W J Morrisett, slightly in left braise; O T east, dangerously; J E Chappell. Missing: B J Harvey, W M Davidson.
  7. Company H--wounded: Privates Addison Coleman, in head; Peter F Pankey in leg.
  8. Company I--Private L N Ford, wounded in arm.
  9. Company K--wounded: Samuel Morrison, in head; John J Franklin in hand.


Gen. Pickett's brigade went into the action about ten minutes after the fight commenced on Sunday, between 7 and 8 o'clock, and remained until the last gun had been fired.

Private Banentine, Co C, 4th Georgia, being unable to find his own regiment, fell into Co. K. 18th Virginia, fought gallantly, and was killed in the action.

R. McCulloch. Adjt. 18th Va. Vols.

List of killed and wounded in the Second Florida regiment.

Richmond, Va., June 2, 1862.
Please publish the following list of casualties in the Second Florida regiment. This regiment is in Early's old brigade, now commanded by General Garland, and was gallantly led by him in the battle of Saturday. Our brigade being in the front, led the charge, and were badly cut up. The Second-Florida regiment went into battle with 436 men, rank and file and had 187 killed and wounded.

Thomas M. Palmer,

Surgeon Second Florida regiment.


Major G W Call.

  1. First Company.--Capt O S Flagg, Corp George Mickler, and Corpl Robert Syms.
  2. Second Company.--Capt J H Pooser, Privates W Taylor and R J Irwin.
  3. Third Company--Private M Papy.
  4. Fourth Company.--Lieut D T Reynolds, Privates H Boyt and A L Driggers.
  5. Fifth Company.--Capt N Butler, Privates J Parrish, G Stewart and N Lang.
  6. Sixth Company.--Privates John Wilson, D Richardson and S Smith.
  7. Seventh Company.--Private Jesse Pennington.
  8. Eight Company — Capt T A Perry, Corpl J M Drew, Privates B Lauter and J Plane.
  9. Ninth Company--Corpl L M. Gresham, Privates A C Roberts, J H. Peeples, J E Tacker, and J B Carson.
  10. Tenth Company--Privates N Wilson, J T Bryant, J L Long, and Thos L Blanton
  11. Eleventh Company.--Privates F Burns and C S Shippey.


Lieut.-Col. Pyles, severely.

  1. First Company.--Lieut Brown, Lieut C L Wript, Serg J Roberts, Serg R Corbyn, Privates D P Hurlbut, B Masters, J Register, M Berant, H McClellan, Thomas Aybar, W Booth, S Brown, R Wilson, 8 Griffith, C W Johnson.
  2. Second Company.--Lieut Tillinghast, Serg W C Butler, Corp'l C S Rains, Corp'l R Cobb, Privates A C Butler, T L Darcy, W W Howard, H E Daffin, R A Jenkins, J L McNulty, J R B Owens, W G Peacock, T P Player, G E Pooser, W R Tuten, W E Bell, R Jordan, E S Barnes, W A Collier, S H Wood.
  3. Third Company--Lieut Carlisle, Lieut W B Watson, Privates E Burroughs, T C Boy J, A Caine, A Dupont, B Dupont, J Gallagher, Geo Hoiloman, J Ivers, W Jones, P Pelicier, A F Walker, F Bal zell, D L Dunham, J T Hull
  4. Fourth Company.--Capt McCartan, Serg M M Alexander, Corp'l H R Cross, Corp'l C M Brown, Privates Jos Alexander, D D Barleson, T W Albriton, E F Lyhea, W H Broad water, J J Anglin, L S Hendricks, E F Williams, J R Zetrower.
  5. Fifth Company.--Lieut J O'Neal, Serg W F Sollo, Privates E F Decotts, T Saunders, A Butler, G Cameron, J T Edwards, J Morrison, S P Bryant, E A Moore, Richard Cole, G Arnold.
  6. Sixth Company--Capt Musgrove, Lieut A J Stewart, Serg J L Dutton, Serg M Harrington, Corp'l R Wolf, Corp'l B Houck, Privates D Edwards, H Hore, J McKinley, T Coleman, J Moring, James Wilson, Henry Wilson, W Jordan.
  7. Seventh Company.--Capt Duncan, Lieut James Underwood, Corp'l W Williams, Corp'l W Belott, Privates John Kendrick. Thos Overstreet, Wm Mathis, Scott Hale, James Dorming, Hardy Dorming, Willis Cason.
  8. Eight Company — Lieut J R Kimbrew, Serg M P C Brooks Privates J M Wadsworth, T P Quiett, D Evers, E Greer, R O Bond. N Parker, J T Bish p, J J Horton, J C Hogan, J A Bird, J M Wilder.
  9. Ninth Company--Capt W R Moore, Serg A T Stockes, Privates R Allen, H J Carson G W Green, D Hoctor, L Kinsey, F Wolf.
  10. Tenth Company.--Capt L Williams, Lieut J J Thompson, Serg M F Cox, Serg L R Cummings, Serg T J Sanchez. Corp'l D H Bennett, Privates John A Canson. T McCain, D W Robinson, C L Dickins, J H Stunders, J Moore, J J Thomas, C D Rawis, J F Strach, J J Williams.
  11. Eleventh Company--Captain Ballentyne, Serg Riley, Corp'l Brewer, Privates Bryan, G Clifford, C P Clark, W H Dennison, G Flournoy, W Harrison, J Nall, D B Reed, J B Turner, Luke Waters.
Georgia and Florida papers requested to copy.

List of casualties in the 23d North Carolina regiment, Col. D H Christin, (Gen. Garlan's brigades) in the engagement on Saturday.

List of casualties among the non-commissioned officers and privates very heavy, not now fully ascertained — supposed to be 30 killed and 120 wounded. The officers and men displayed the greatest gallantry, advancing steadily under the most galling fire, and driving the enemy back to his entrenchments, a distance of one mile from the place of attack. In charging the redoubt all of the field officers fell, and many of the companies were

left without commanders, which caused the regiment to get much scattered, but the men fought on with great bravery, displaying many personal acts of daring courage. A full report will be made as soon as the casualties are known, W. P. Gill,

Acting Adj't 28d N. C. Regiment.

P. S--Captain Geo. T. Baskerville, company I, a brave and competent officer, is now in command of the regiment. W. P. G.

List of killed, wounded and missing of the 28th Virginia regiment, (Col. R. C. Allen,) in the fight of Sunday, June 1.

Major N C Wilson, slightly wounded in the face.

Ser't-Maj J Harvey Phelps, arm shattered above and below elbow.

  1. Company a--Lieutenant Fink commanding: none.
  2. Company B--Lieut McCartey commanding: Corp'l Wm S Houston and Jacob V Reynolds, Privates Henry Eanes, Nath R Thomas, Philip Sarvor, a J Minnick, and G H C Suodgrass, killed. Privates G W Harizell, severely wounded in head; Wm H Jones, slightly in head; Jas S McClanahan, arm broke; a G Caldwell, slightly in shoulder; D E Paitsell, severely in band; Jno F Paitsell, mortally in abdomen; Wm L Luck, in had; S B Paxton, slightly in hand; F B Leffel, mortally in side, Reuben Brisance, slightly in hip; and Audy Tucker, slightly in forehead. Privates Alfred Myers and J W Carroll missing.
  3. Company C--Capt. Speasard commanding: Privates Wm J Givens and John M Givens, killed; Privates David Elmore, dangerously wounded in shoulder; Marquis D Hutchison, mortally in abdomen; Benj F Climbell, dangerously in eye and face; and W F Mathews, dangerously in hip.
  4. Company D--Lieut Stewart, commanding Privates a L Holdfian, wounded in hand; C Meddor, slightly in head.
  5. Company E--Captain Board commanding: Corporal C Boon, slightly wounded in arm; Private W P Sears, severely in wrist.
  6. Company F--Captain Nelson commanding: none.
  7. Company G--Capt Wright commanding: Lieut D T Hubbard, wounded in arm Privates Wm H Mitchell, and Andrew J Hall, killed; Robt Creasy, mortally in hip and ankle; Robt N Hart, mortally in abdomen Jas P Payne, mortally through body; Wm Barker, in hand; a J Rice, hand; Jas a Hogan, severely in shoulder; Admire Turner, severely in wrist; Jno W Bibro, severely in shoulder; John L Morris, severely in thigh; Robt D Mitched, slightly in foot; Tazewell Whorley, in back; Uriah Ayers, slightly in hand; Jno H Creasy, severely in knee; Lewis G Creasy, slightly in face; Andrew J Skinnell, severely in shoulder Jesse Stephens, slightly in shoulder; Thos P Williams, slightly in hand and shoulder; Jno D Williams, slightly in hip; Calvin P Dearing, slightly in shoulder: Josiah Williamson, severely in thigh; Jno Roberts, in hand; Milton H Ferguson, severely in shoulder; a L Scott, severely in breast; C S Nance, in arm; Lewis Bates, slightly in leg; Geo R Turner, slightly across the body; and W a Morgan, arm broken. J N Angel and T G Hubbard, missing.
  8. Company I--Lieut Gish commanding: Privates a M Brooks, wounded in hand, and Benjamin Gatherie, slightly in shoulder.
  9. Company K--Capt Robertson commanding: killed none; Lieut Young, severely wounded in thigh; Sergt John Breckinridge, dangerously through body; Sergt Gray bill, right arm broke. Privates a Q Ayres, dangerously in thigh; Effiah Brugh, arm and thigh, and John W. Smiley, severely through left shoulder.

Total killed11
Total wounded57
Total missing4

C. C. Wertenbaker, Adjutant.

List of casualties of the Nineteenth Virginia regiment or Sunday, June 1, 1862, near Richmond.

  1. Company A.--Capt John C Culin. wounded in leg; Sergt C H Wingfield, hand; Privates James Collier W P Kidd, and James R Jones, killed; A J Brown, wounded in arm; J J brown, do; John B Dodd Jr; face, slight; R L Dobbins, breast, slight John W Houchens, arm, badly; Marion Pearce, head and shoulder; Charles Lightbaker, shoulder; A C Wingfield, hand; M W Wingfield, wrist and arm.
  2. Company B.--Sergt Wm Mullen, shoulder, badly; Privates Lucien Cox, arm; A Duun, do; M D Johnson, do; G Y Shepherd, very slight; Palmer Hamner, missing.
  3. Company C.--Sergt Charles Evans, wounded in arm.
  4. Company D.--Corpl W. H. Ferguson, allie, Privates J C Anderson, body; Wm A Crank, do; B N Drambeller, do; W D Harris, mortally; S H Straughan, arm; James A Sutherland, leg; Ausin Woody, hip; H H Hughes, hip and arm; L Walker, foot and arm.
  5. Company E.--Corpl R P Ferguson, mouth, badly; Privates D H Byers, arm, do; G Eastin, arm, slight; J Y Flynt, hand and arm; J W Leake, bowels, seriously; R B Wood, thigh broken by ball.
  6. Company F.--Corpl Daniel Murphy, shoulder; Privates John Spruce, do; James Taylor, hand; George Madison, missing.
  7. Company G.--Wounded — Private H T Stratton, in thigh; Wm Harlow in thigh; H E Ponton, in hand; Wm B Graves, in hand; Wm L Jones, in face; R H Ponton, in hand; Wm P Spencer, in arm.
  8. Company H.--Killed--Private John Pendleton. Wounded — Private J A Barbour, in hand; R Christian, in both arms; badly; R W Cox, in foot; J W Davis, in shoulder, badly; J Y Jennings, in head, slight; J R Johnson, in leg, badly; Ed B McGinnis, in head, badly; Geo W Mays, Sr, in thigh, slight; James W Mays, arm broken; P P Stinnett, in arm, slight; R N Stinnett, mortally; Henry Ward, finger shot off; Corp'l E L Cox, in hip, arm, and thigh, badly.
  9. Company I.--Wounded — Capt D G Waller, mortally; Serg't Daniel Higginbotham, mortally; Private John T Evans, seriously; S B Logan; D T Dogan slightly; Benj Hartless, slightly; Jesse C Wright, slightly; E W Smith, very slightly; Chas martin, slightly.
  10. Company K--Wounded — Priv W H Woods, badly, in side; R A Hawzins, Sr, in hand, slight; S H Martin, on ankle, slight; A H C Wheeler, on face, slight.
Wm N Wood,

A. Adjutant 19th Va. Reg't.

Lieut. Paul's Battalion.

In this battalion the following losses among the officers occurred:

‘ Killed.--Captain Macoin, of the Chasseurs; Lieut Bourges, do Wounded — Col Coppans, Capt McG Gcodwyn, Crescent Blues Lieut. Sanders, do; Capt Spencer, Catatonia Guerrillas; Lieut Vene, Chasteurs; and Frers, of the Zouaves. Capt De Lisle, Acting Quarter-Master of the Battalion, was also among the wounded. He was wounded in taking the colors of the 54th Pennsylvania regiment. A very gallant act, which, through mistake, was yesterday attributed to another person in our account of the battle. The battalion, out of 200 men, lost all but 73. Among the Chasseurs the following were wounded: Sergeant Petitpain; Privates Daguerize, Boulet, Bourgeois, Bouset, Delahaye, Ganel, Hon, Marshal Smyler.

King William Artillery

The following are the casualties in the King William Artillery, Captain Thos. H. Carter, commanding:

Killed--Lt Wm B Newman; private Thos S Jones.

Wounded.--Serg'ts Lynch, mortally; Cocke, severely; Waring; King severely; 1st Lt W P Carier, severely; corp'ls W H Robins; G T Tibbs, severely; privates Whitlock, severely; E L Woodly, severely; P S. de, severely; G Tignor, do; R B Johnston, J R Read, R H Lipscomb, W Madison, Juan Stanley Neale, severely; R C Robinson; B U Burnett; R B Mitchell, A Atkins, B F Davis. R Hilliard, H B Grubbs, Robt S Myland, Geo B Stacy.

The two last were not regular members of the company, but acted as volunteers for the day.

Casualties in the 9th Virginiaa regiment--
550 strong rank and file

Lieut.-Col. David G Godwin, by being thrown from his horse.

Capt. Mason's Company.--Corpl C H Winfrid, wounded in the hand; Private B Turner, leg, slightly.

Capt Vermillion's Company.--Lieut L A Biliously, wounded in the hip; Privates Jac Dunderdale, slightly in the neck and jaw; Wm Foreman, T N Forbes, in arms; W A Nevil, severely in the arm; B A Williams, in the leg; L Williams, foot; Wm S Wright, arm.

Capt Cleves's Company.--W J Thomas, side mortally; Alonzo Roaue, head; Arthur Harvey, shoulder, slightly.

Capt. Shivers's Company.--Lieut Wilson, wounded in the shoulder; Privates H H Bell, breast, severely; Jno A Waters, killed; Lieuts Gwynn and Upshur, slightly wounded.

Capt. Phillips's Company--Sergt Balley, wounded in the head; Lucian Godwin, cheek and side severely;--Moore, thigh, severely; Thos Moody, arm.

Capt. Parker's Company.--Private James Payne, wounded in the leg severely; Jacob C Turner, thigh.

Casualties in Foster's Battalion, attached to the 9th regiment.

Capt. Peebles's Company — Privates W H Hite, wounded; E Temple, back of the neck; Corpl T L Wilkinson, breast, severely.

Capt. Boisseau's Company.--Private A Gilman, wounded.

Capt. Branch's Company.--Lieut J L Scott, wounded in the leg severely; Private H H Foster, head.

Capt. Harrison's Company.--Private J H Robinson, wounded in the abdomen severely; L F Williams, hip.

Casualties reported.

The following casualties from various regiments are reported to us.

Killed--Col Lomax, 3d Alabama, Sunday; Col Jones, 12th Alabama, Saturday; Lieut-Col Willingham, 6th Alabama; Major Nesmith, do; Captains Fox, McCarty, Flournoy, and Bell, do; Capt Mays, 12th Alabama; Capt Thos Bacon, 27th Georgia; Capt Ball, do, Capt Barnes, 4th North Carolina; Captain St mouton do.

Wounded.--Col L B Smith, 27th Georgia; Capt Delamar, do; Capt Dorsey, 28th Geor-

gia; Captain Carter, 4th North Carolina; Capt Kally, do; Capt Gordon, 6th Alabama.

Sixty-seven members were buried at the redoubt taken by the 4th North Carolina regiment.

Additional casualties in the 7th Virginia.

Wounded.--J B Martin, of company B, in hip; A W Davis, of company A, in hand; G R Teaseley, of company A, in nose; A Farnham, of company G, in leg J M Jenkins, of company G, in hand.

Among the relies of the field we have the diary of Lieut. Henry J. Pierce, 25th regiment N. Y State Vols. Under date of May 13th, he writes that McClellan, on that day, with his staff, narrowly escaped being captured by the Confederate pickets. The writer says they have a great deal of artillery, and Richmond ‘"must and will be ours in a short time"’ He says:

‘ "If the rebels make up their minds to fight us hard at Richmond they will do their best, and there is no use or sense in denying that they can fight. They are Americans as well as ourselves, and Americans are not cowards. The coming battle will probably decide the war if we whip them, and if we do not, it will last no one knows how long."

Captain William N. Horsby, of the Forty-ninth Virginia regiment, was badly wounded in the battle of Saturday last, and the impression of his friends in the regiment is that he was sent to Richmond on the evening of the battle. He has; however, not been heard of by any of his friends in this city, who naturally feel much solicitude on his account. Any information left at any of the newspaper offices of the city, or at the residence of his brother-in-law, B. M. De Witt, corner Marshall and First streets, will be gratefully received.

In the statement of the battle yesterday should have been mentioned, that the Florida was among the first to charge the enemy, and lost very heavily. Their Colonel, Lewis L Pyies, was severely wounded. Maj. Call was killed, and six Captains of the regiment shared the fate of the Major.

Capt. Buckner M. Randolph, Fauquier Guards, 49th Virginia regiment, was wounded in the battle of Saturday. He was hit early in the action, and the, wound though hot a dangerous, is quite a painful one. He is at Lieut. Minor's, corner of 2d and Franklin streets.

Whitfield Maya, of the 6th South Carolina, was killed on Saturday by a shot in the abdomen.

Capt. Walker, of the 6th South Carolina, was killed.

Fourth regiment N. C. State troops.

Capt. Barnes, of company F, 4th North Carolina State Troops, was killed in the action on Saturday. We are informed that but one Captain of this regiment escaped uninjured, the rest being killed and wounded. Only 215 men of the 4th North Carolina answered at roll call yesterday morning, and the regiment took over 700 into the fight.

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Serg (12)
Williams (8)
Corpl Jno (8)
T. V. Moore (6)
Thomas S. Jones (6)
Turner (5)
Thos (5)
Corpl (5)
G. W. Smith (4)
JAs (4)
Privates Geo (4)
Lucien Cox (4)
Neil S. Brown (4)
Wright (3)
Wood (3)
Wingfield (3)
John Wilson (3)
Henry Wilson (3)
Walker (3)
W. Thomas (3)
Stewart (3)
Robt (3)
Rebecca Robinson (3)
Robertson (3)
Jno Roberts (3)
James Payne (3)
Mays (3)
E. Alexander Lewis (3)
Andy Johnson (3)
Privates John (3)
James (3)
Jas Hubbard (3)
Doel Foster (3)
Corpl W. H. Ferguson (3)
Edwards (3)
James Butler (3)
Bell (3)
Barnes (3)
Wolf (2)
Watson (2)
Vaughan (2)
Stinnett (2)
Spencer (2)
Scott (2)
Reynolds (2)
Pooser (2)
Parker (2)
Samuel Morrison (2)
Mitchell (2)
Michael (2)
McClellan (2)
Roger Martin (2)
George Madison (2)
Jordan (2)
W. H. Johnston (2)
Jenkins (2)
W. P. Hill (2)
Arthur Harvey (2)
Harrison (2)
Isham G. Harris (2)
Hall (2)
Lucian Godwin (2)
Givens (2)
Flournoy (2)
Charles Evans (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
Addison Coleman (2)
Christian (2)
Chas (2)
Thomas H. Carter (2)
Carson (2)
Bryant (2)
Andrew (2)
Americans (2)
R. C. Allen (2)
Jos Alexander (2)
Young (1)
Ausin Woody (1)
B. M. Witt (1)
Senator Wilson (1)
Nat Wilson (1)
James Wilson (1)
Willis (1)
Lieut-Col Willingham (1)
Josiah Williamson (1)
Wilkinson (1)
Wilder (1)
Tazewell Whorley (1)
Whitlock (1)
Wheeler (1)
Warren Westbrook (1)
Wertenbaker (1)
Waring (1)
Henry Ward (1)
Waller (1)
Wadsworth (1)
Vermillion (1)
Vene (1)
Upshur (1)
James Underwood (1)
Tuten (1)
Audy Tucker (1)
W. Torrence (1)
Tillinghast (1)
Tibbs (1)
Jeff Thompson (1)
Martin Templeton (1)
Temple (1)
William F. Taylor (1)
James Taylor (1)
Corpl Robert Syms (1)
Swanson (1)
Straughan (1)
Stratton (1)
Stockes (1)
Privates Sterling (1)
Jesse Stephens (1)
Stacy (1)
St (1)
John Spruce (1)
Speer (1)
Speasard (1)
Smyler (1)
John W. Smiley (1)
Jos Slayton (1)
Singleton (1)
S. A. Shuford (1)
Shivers (1)
Shippey (1)
Shepherd (1)
Sears (1)
Saunders (1)
Philip Sarvor (1)
Sanders (1)
Sanchez (1)
Samuel (1)
Robins (1)
Alonzo Roaue (1)
Serg Riley (1)
Richardson (1)
Rice (1)
W. S. Reed (1)
Redd (1)
Buckner M. Randolph (1)
Rains (1)
Pyles (1)
Brooks Privates (1)
Powell (1)
Player (1)
Henry J. Pierce (1)
Pickett (1)
Phillips (1)
Harvey Phelps (1)
Phaup (1)
Petitpain (1)
Jesse Pennington (1)
John Pendleton (1)
H. Peeples (1)
Peebles (1)
Marion Pearce (1)
Peacock (1)
A. D. Peace (1)
Paxton (1)
Paul (1)
Parrish (1)
Papy (1)
Thomas M. Palmer (1)
T. Owens (1)
Chas Owen (1)
John Kendrick. Thos Overstreet (1)
Osborne (1)
O'Neal (1)
Nicholson (1)
Newman (1)
Nesmith (1)
Nelson (1)
Juan Stanley Neale (1)
Nath (1)
Nance (1)
Nall (1)
Alfred Myers (1)
Musgrove (1)
Corpl Daniel Murphy (1)
Wm Mullen (1)
Morrisett (1)
Morris (1)
Thos Moody (1)
Minor (1)
Minnick (1)
Milton (1)
J. H. Millor (1)
George Mickler (1)
McNulty (1)
McKinley (1)
McGinnis (1)
R. McCulloch (1)
McClanahan (1)
McCarty (1)
McCartey (1)
McCartan (1)
McCain (1)
Whitfield Maya (1)
Wm Mathis (1)
Mathews (1)
Mason (1)
Macoin (1)
Lynch (1)
A. M. Luria (1)
Lomax (1)
Logan (1)
Lisle (1)
Lipscomb (1)
Charles Lightbaker (1)
Leake (1)
Lang (1)
Kinsey (1)
King (1)
Kidd (1)
Kally (1)
Jos (1)
R. D. Johnston (1)
Jennings (1)
Ivers (1)
Isbell (1)
Irwin (1)
Hutchison (1)
Hurlbut (1)
G. W. Hunter (1)
Hull (1)
Hughes (1)
Ransom Hudgins (1)
Howard (1)
Houston (1)
Houck (1)
Horton (1)
William N. Horsby (1)
Hon (1)
Geo Hoiloman (1)
Hogan (1)
Hoctor (1)
Hite (1)
Hilliard (1)
Daniel Higginbotham (1)
Hendricks (1)
Benj Hartless (1)
Robert V. Hart (1)
Harrington (1)
Wm Harlow (1)
Palmer Hamner (1)
Scott Hale (1)
Gwynn (1)
Grubbs (1)
Griffith (1)
M. Gresham (1)
Gregory (1)
Greer (1)
William Green (1)
Gray (1)
Graves (1)
Jas Gordon (1)
W. P. Gl (1)
Gish (1)
Gilman (1)
Gilliam (1)
Mary Gill (1)
Gibbs (1)
McG Gcodwyn (1)
Benjamin Gatherie (1)
Garland (1)
Garlan (1)
Ganel (1)
Gallagher (1)
Frayser (1)
Franklin (1)
Fox (1)
Wm Foreman (1)
Ford (1)
Forbes (1)
Folkes (1)
Flynt (1)
Flagg (1)
Fink (1)
Evers (1)
David Elmore (1)
Eastin (1)
Early (1)
Henry Eanes (1)
Dutton (1)
Dupont (1)
Dunham (1)
Jac Dunderdale (1)
Duncan (1)
Driggers (1)
Dorsey (1)
James Dorming (1)
Hardy Dorming (1)
Dogan (1)
Dobbins (1)
Dickins (1)
Dennison (1)
Delamar (1)
Delahaye (1)
Dearing (1)
Clara Davis (1)
Davidson (1)
David (1)
Darcy (1)
Henry Dalton (1)
Daguerize (1)
G. Cummings (1)
T. J. Crocker (1)
Crenshaw (1)
Robt Creasy (1)
Corbyn (1)
James Collier (1)
Richard Cole (1)
Coggin (1)
Cocke (1)
Cobb (1)
Clifford (1)
Cleves (1)
Clark (1)
Christin (1)
D. H. Christie (1)
Chappell (1)
Cason (1)
Carroll (1)
Carlisle (1)
Cameron (1)
Call (1)
Caldwell (1)
Byers (1)
Burroughs (1)
Burns (1)
Burnett (1)
Bryan (1)
Effiah Brugh (1)
Brooks (1)
Reuben Brisance (1)
Brewer (1)
John Breckinridge (1)
Branch (1)
Boyt (1)
Bowe (1)
Bouset (1)
Bourges (1)
Bourgeois (1)
Boulet (1)
Booth (1)
Boon (1)
Bond (1)
Boisseau (1)
Blanton (1)
C. C. Blacknall (1)
Bennett (1)
Benj (1)
Belott (1)
Frederick Behman (1)
Lewis Bates (1)
George T. Baskerville (1)
Wm Barker (1)
Banentine (1)
Balley (1)
Ballentyne (1)
Ball (1)
Baines (1)
Bagby (1)
Thos Bacon (1)
Ayres (1)
Uriah Ayers (1)
Thomas Aybar (1)
Arnold (1)
Anglin (1)
R. H. Anderson (1)
Adams (1)
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June 2nd, 1862 AD (2)
January, 6 AD (1)
June 1st, 1862 AD (1)
May 13th (1)
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