We append some intelligence from a late number of the
Union, a paper published by the
Yankees in
The oath of allegiance.
We give below very important information for the people of this section of
The important question in regard to the oath of allegiance has justly excited considerable interest in this community, and is being very generally discussed.--There can be no denying the authority of
Gov. Pierpoint in this matter, and, we are glad that he has so promptly met the difficulty by designating who are to be required to take the oath; it clears the way and leaves no occasion for debate upon the subject.
Those officials who pretend that they owe allegiance to
Jeff. Davis's bogus Government can now be easily and very properly got rid of. We call particular attention to the following:
"On or before Friday next (20th inst.) every State, county, city, and town officer within the jurisdiction of
Governor Pierpoint, of
Virginia, and all officers of the militia, and officers and privates of volunteer companies of the
State not mustered into the service of the
United States, will be required to take the following oath:
‘"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the laws made in pursuance thereof, as the supreme law of the land, anything in the
Constitution and laws of
Virginia, or in the ordinances of the
Convention which assembled at
Richmond on the 13th of February, 1861, to the contrary notwithstanding; and that I will uphold and defend the
Government of
Virginia as vindicated and restored by the
Convention which assembled at
Wheeling on the 11th day of June, 1861."’
We regret this Department has been the scene of various outrages within the past few days; and it would seem that the public peace is becoming as unstable as it was under the secession rule.
We have had street rows, and various municipal disagreeable, calculated to create alarm for the future.
We are something at a loss to account for this change in the good order which prevailed for some time after the occupation of the city by the
Federal troops.
We find secessionism more defiant and presumptuous and Unionism growing dejected and uneasy.
We cannot see why this should be so, and sincerely trust that some prompt and efficient measures will be taken to avert calamities which seem to be hanging over us. The community is growing into an unwholesome excitement, and it will require the greatest delicacy and firmness to allay it. Every means should be resorted to to restore confidence, which seems to be fast waning.
We do not believe that it is longer safe to allow the daily congregation of knots of citizens in the streets, a custom which has been tolerated, we think, under a mistaken notion.
From these little gatherings much evil may ensue, and as it is easier to prevent a mischief than it is to correct it and undo its consequences, we sincerely hope that the whole body of the people will, for a time to come, at least, be compelled to ‘"move one"’ The authorities are but playing with fire in a powder magazine, when groups are suffered to clog the sidewalks and occupy the corners in this community under existing circumstances.
Will mischief be guarded against, or will there be a wait until some fearful overt act is committed through the neglect of enforcing a wholesome regulation?
We shall see.
The Norfolk Ladies:
The following charming composition is furnished to the
Union by a correspondent:
Yesterday afternoon, coming from
Old Point, my attention was attracted to a party of she secessionists, who were rendering themselves conspicuous and offensive to the respectable portion of the passengers, by the disgraceful and insulting language they uttered against the
Yankee soldiers, the
Federal Government, and Union people of
Norfolk.--Prominent among this party were those who would have the world believe them the ladies ‘"par excellence"’ of
To the shame and disgrace of these women, be it said, their conduct was better adapted to a brothel house than a steamboat.
I desire to ask you sir, whether there is any law in this country which can afford protection to the loyalist, and punish those who disgrace our steamboats and places of public resort by their presence and infamous conduct.
What excuse is there, or can there be, offered by the military authorities for granting passes to this class to travel to and fro from our city to
Fortress Monroe, for no other purpose than to insult people, and act as spies for the rebel Confederacy?
Has it come to this, that under the very nose of our
Military Governor, our soldiers and Union citizens are
to be subjected to the insults of rebel women, whose husbands and families are living upon the patronage of the very people they heap their billingsgate slang upon?
The unladylike conduct of one of these she secessionists to the guard, who politely asked to see her pass, after she got on board yesterday afternoon, was beneath the dignity of any honorable-minded woman.
She should have been arrested, and an example made of her that would learn others of the same stripe to act with civility to our soldiers, and not treat them as though they were brutes.
Can you, or can the authorities, explain why passes are so lavishly issued to these characters, while honest, honorable and loyal citizens have to stand back like poor men at a frolic, while these creatures are treated as though they had rights and privileges superior to Union men and women?
It is high time that this much abused practice of granting passes to these well known parties was put a stop to.
They have no business at the
Fort, other than to spy into the military movements of the
Government and report through the agents of
Davis all the information they obtain.
If the Orleans she rebels only acted half as bad as the women did yesterday,
Butler did right n putting his foot down upon the feminine wretches, and learn them that women have no more right than men to insult those in the discharge of their official duties, be they privates or
Sir, had we a Butler in our part of the country, these characters would not dare to put on their ‘"Secesh airs,"’ either on steamboats or upon the streets.
If such are to be the recipients of official favors, I say give to
Norfolk a Butler and save
Unionists from petticoat rule.
The New Orleans Church bells.
The ship
North American, which arrived at
Boston Saturday afternoon, from New Orleans, brought the church bells from that city which had been gathered by order of
Gen. Beauregard, and ordered to be cast into cannon.
The following from a New Orleans correspondent is of interest in this connection: ‘"One of the most striking objects which presented itself as our steamer reached the levee opposite St. Mary's Market, was an immense collection of bells lying on the wharf, covering, it seemed to me, a quarter of an acre, and amounting in number to hundreds.
These were
Beauregard's bells, sent in response to his call.
They were of all sizes, from very large church bells, weighing hundreds of pounds, down to small plantation and steamer bells."’