The Central road.
In consequence of a report that a Yankee cavalry force was in the neighborhood of Tolersville, on the line of the Central railroad, on Monday afternoon, the train on that road did not leave the city at its usual hour yesterday morning, and the train due from the
West failed to arrive last evening.
We are therefore without information from
Gordonsville, and other points along the line.
At 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon it was not determined whether the train would start out this morning.
The particulars of the threatened raid, as far as we have learned them, are, that a heavy body of the enemy's cavalry was known to be within six miles of Tolersville on Monday afternoon, and as no information had been received of their departure from that locality, the
President of the road deemed it advisable to detain the trains.
Information was received during the afternoon, however, that the track had not been molested; but nothing was known of the whereabouts of the enemy.