A Bloody Leaf in the history of this War--ten lives for one.
We have published from the Northern papers a brief paragraph giving the main facts in the narrative below. The subject is too important to be thus disposed of, and as this is one of the events which will, in all probability, lead to a change in the character of this war, we give a full history of it, furnished in the columns of the Palmyra (Me.) Courier, a Union paper. That paper says: ‘ Saturday last, the 18th inst., witnessed the performance of a tragedy in this once quiet and beautiful city of Palmyra, which, in ordinary peace times, would have created a profound sensation throughout the entire country, but which now scarcely produces a distant ripple upon the surface of our turbulent social tide. It will be remembered by our readers that on the occasion of Forter's descent upon Palmyra he captured, among other persons, an old and highly respected resident of this city, by name Andrew Allsman. This person formerly belonged to the Third Missouri cavalry, though too old to endure all the hardships of very active duty. He was therefore detailed as a kind of special or extra provost marshal's guard or cicerones, making himself generally useful in a variety of ways to the military of the place. Being an old resident and widely acquainted with the people of the place and vicinity, he was frequently called upon for information touching the loyalty of men, which he always gave to the extent of his ability, though acting, we believe, in all such cases with great candor, and actuated solely by a conscientious desire to discharge his whole duty to his Government. His knowledge of the surrounding country was the reason of his being frequently called upon to act as a guide to scouting parties sent out to arrest disloyal persons. So efficiently and successfully did he act in these various capacities, that he won the bitter hatred of all the rebels in this city and vicinity, and they only awaited the coming of a favorable opportunity to gratify their desire for revenge. The opportunity came at last when Porter took Palmyra. That the villains, with Porter's assent, satiated their thirst for his blood by the deliberate and predetermined murder of their helpless victim, no truly loyal man doubts. When they killed him, or how, or where, we know not.--But that he was foully, ceaselessly, murdered, it is useless to attempt to deny. When Gen. McNeil returned to Palmyra, after that event, and ascertained the circumstances under which Allsman had been abducted, he caused to be issued, after due deliberation, the following notice: ’Andrew Allsman, an aged citizen of Palmyra, and a non-combatant, having been carried from his home by a band of persons unlawfully arrayed against the peace and good order of the State of Missouri, and which band was under your control, this is to notify you that, unless said Andrew Allsman is returned unharmed to his family within ten days from date , ten men who have belonged to your band, and unlawfully sworn by you to carry arms against the Government of the United States, and who are now in custody, will be shot as a mete reward for their crimes, among which is the illegal restraining of said Allsman of his liberty, and, if not returned, presumptively aiding in his murder. Your prompt attention to this will save much suffering. Yours, &c.,
For order of Brigadier-General Commanding McNeil's column. A written duplicate of this notice he caused to be placed in the hands of the wife of Joseph C. Porter, at her residence, in Lewis county, who, it was well known, was in frequent communication with her husband. The notice was published widely, and as Porter was in Northern Missouri during the whole of the ten days subsequent to the date of this notice, it is impossible that, with all his varied channels of information, he remained unapprised of General McNeil's determination in the premises — Many rebels believed the whole thing was simply intended as a scare — declaring that McNeil did not dare (?) to carry out the threat. The ten days elapsed, and no tidings came of Allsman. It is not our intention to dwell at length upon the details of this transaction. The tenth day expired with last Friday. On that day ten rebel prisoners, already in custody, were selected to pay with their lives the penalty demanded. The names of the men selected were as follows: Willis Baker, Lewis county; Thos. Numston, Lewis county; Morgan Dixler, Lewis county; Herbert Hudeen, Ralls county; Jno. M. Wade, Ralls county; Marion Lair, Ralls county; Captain Thomas A Suider, Monroe county; Eleanor Lake, Scotland county; Miram Smith, Knox county. These parties were informed on Friday evening that unless Mr. Allsman was returned to his family by 1 o'clock on the following day, they would all be shot at that hour. Most of them received the announcement with composure or indifference. A little after 11 o'clock A. M., the next day, three Government wagons drove to the jail. One contained four and each of the others three rough, beard coffins. The condemned men were conducted from the prison and seated in the wagons--one upon each coffin. A sufficient guard of soldiers accompanied them, and the cavalcade started for the fatal grounds. proceeding cast to Main street, the cottage turned and moved slowly southward as far as Malone's livery stable. Thence turning cast, it entered the Hannibal read, pursuing it nearly to the residence of Col. James Culbertson. There, throwing down the fences, they turned northward, entering the Fair Grounds (half a mile cast of the town) on the west side, and, driving within the circular amphitheatrical ring, paused for the final consummation of the scone. The ten coffins were removed from the wagons and placed in a row, six or eight feet apart, forming a line north and south, about 15 paces cast of the central pagodas, or music stand, in the centre of the ring. Each coffin was placed upon the ground, with its foot west and head cast. Thirty soldiers of the 2d M. S. M. were drawn up in a single line, extending north and south, facing the row of coffins. This line of executioners run immediately at the cast base of the pagoda, leaving a space between them and the coffins of twelve or thirteen paces. Reserves were drawn up in line upon either flank of these executioners. The arrangements completed, the doomed men knelt upon the grass, between their coffins and the soldiers, while the Rev. R. M. Rheades offered up a prayer. At the conclusion of this, each prisoner took his seat upon the foot of his coffin, facing the muskets which, in a few moments, were to launch them into eternity. They were nearly all firm and undaunted. Two or three only showed signs of trepidation. The most noted of the ten was Captain Thomas S. Suider, of Monroe county, whose capture at Shelbyville, in the disguise of a woman, we related several weeks since. He was now elegantly attired in a suit of black broadcloth, with a white vest. A luxurious growth of beautiful hair rolled down upon his shoulders, which, with his fine personal appearance, could not but bring to mind the handsome but vicious Absalom. There was nothing especially worthy of note in the appearance of the others. A few minutes after one o'clock Colonial Strachan, Provost Marshal General, and Rev. Mr. Rhodes, shock hands with the prisoners. Two of them accepted bandages for their eyes; the rest refused. A hundred spectators had gathered around the amphitheater to witness the impressive scans. The stillness of death pervaded the place. The officer in command now stepped forward and gave the word of command, ‘"Ready, aim, fire !"’ The discharges, however, were not simultaneously — probably through want of a perfect previous understanding of the order and of the time at which to fire. Two of the rebels fall back-wards upon their coffins and died instantly. Captain Suider sprang forward and fell with his head towards the soldiers, his face upwards, his hands clasped upon his breast, and the left leg drawn half-way up. He did not move again, but died immediately. He had requested the soldiers to aim at his heart, and they obeyed but too impolitely.--The other seven were not killed outright, no the called in, who dispatched them with their revolvers.