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Latest from the North.

Northern dates of the 1st inst. are received.--Among the lies contained in the papers, is one that two regiments of Missourian in the Confederate service had thrown down their arms and marched home; also, two regiments of Texans, and that in regiment of cavalry sent in pursuit of the latter, had joined them. Burnside was in Washington testifying in the Porter Court Martial case. A letter from his army opposite Fredericksburg, says they will not against attempt a crossing there, and that the pontoons are again on the move.

James Brocks made a speech in New York city, on Tuesday evening last, at a meeting, at which resolutions were adopted unanimously requesting New Jersey, on account of her revolutionary history and past associations, to invite all the States to meet in Convention at Louisville in February,--They also call upon New Jersey to ask permission of the President to allow New Jersey to send delegates to the States in rebellion and invite their representation in this Convention; and, in the event the States in rebellion agree to be represented, they further ask Lincoln to proclaim an armistice by land and by sea for six months.

Mr. Brooks was enthusiastically cheered during the delivery of his speech.

Close of the Brute's Administration — his farewell address — advent of the Yankee Shoemaker — his Inaugural.

The Yankee papers contain the addresses of the departing and incoming rulers of New Orleans. --They are valuable as a part of the history of one of the most brutal episodes of the war:

General orders--no. 106.
Headq'rs Department of the Gulf,

New Orleans, Dec. 15, 1862.
Soldiers of the Army of the Gulf.--Relieved from further duties in this department by direction of the President under date of Nov. 9, 1862, I take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible to visit your scattered outposts covering hundreds of miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the kingdoms of Europe.

I greet you, my brave comrades, and say farewell.

This word — endeared as you are by a community of privations, hardships, dangers, victories, successes, military and civil — is the only sorrowful thought I have.

You have deserved well of your country. Without a murmur you sustained an encampment on a send bar so desolate that banishment to it with every care and comfort possible has been the most dreaded punishment inflicted upon your bitterest and most insulting enemies.

You had so little transportation that but a handful could advance to compel submission by the Queen City of the rebellion, whilst others waded waist deep in the marshes which surround St. Phillip, and forced the surrender of a fort deemed impregnable to land attack by the most skillful engineers of your country and her enemy.

At your occupation order, law, quiet, and peace sprang to this city, filled with the braves of all nations, where, for a score of years, during the profoundest peace, human life was scarcely safe at noonday.

By your discipline you illustrated the best traits of the American soldier and enchained the admiration of those that came to scull.

Landing with a military chest containing but seventy-five dollars from the boards of a rebel Government, you have given to your country's treasury nearly a half million of dollars, and so supplied yourselves with the needs of your service that your expedition has cost your government less by four fifths than any other.

You have fed the starving poor, the wives and children of your enemies so converting enemies into friends that they have sent their representatives to your Congress by a vote greater than your numbers, from districts in which when you entered you were tauntingly told that there was "no one to raise your flag."

By your practical philanthropy you have won the confidence of the "oppressed race" and the slave. Calling you as deliverers they are ready to aid you as willing servants, faithful laborers, or, using, the tasty caught them by your enemies, to fight with you in the field.

By steady attention to the laws of health you have stayed the pestilence, and humble instruments in the hand of God. you have demonstrated the necessity that His creatures should obey His laws, and; rasping his blessing, in this most unhealthy climate, you have preserved your ranks fuller than those of any other battalions of the same length of service.

You have met double numbers of the enemy and defeated him in the open field; but I need not further enlarge upon this topic. You were sent here to do that.

I commend you to your commander. You are worthy of his love.

Farewell, my comrades! again farewell!

Benj. F. Butler,
Major-General Commanding.

Banks Announces his policy.

On assuming command, the new Commanding General issued the following proclamation:

Headq's Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, Dec. 16, 1862.

In obedience to orders from the President I have assumed command of the Department of the Gulf, to which is added by his special order, the State of Texas.

The duty with which I am charged requires me to assist in the restoration of the Government of the United States. It is my desire to secure to the people of every class all the privileges of possession and enjoyment which are consistent with public safety or which it is possible for a beneficent and just Government to confer.

In the execution of the high trust with which I am charged, I rely upon the co-operation and counsel of all loyal and well disposed people, and upon the manifest interest of those dependent upon the pursuits of peace, as well as upon the support of the naval and land forces.

My instructions require me to treat as enemies those who are enemies; but I shall gladly regard as friends those who are friends. No restrictions will be placed upon the freedom of individuals which are not imperatively demanded by considerations of public safety; but, while their claims will be liberally considered, it is due also to them to State that all the sights of the Government will be unflinchingly maintained.

Respectful consideration and prompt reparation will be accorded to all persons who are wronged in body on estate by those under my commend.

The Government does not profit by the prolongation of civil contest, or the private or public sufferings which attend it. Its fruits are not equally distributed. In the disloyal States desolation has empire on the sea and on the land. In the North the war is an abiding sorrow but not yet a calamity. Its cities and towns are increasing in population wealth, and power. The refugees from the South Alone compensate in great part for the terrible destinations of battle.

The people of this department who are disposed to stake their fortunes and their lives upon resistance to the Chrernment, may wisely reflect upon the implacable commotions which surround them.--The Valley of the Mississippi is the chosen seat of population, product, and power on this continent, in few years twenty-five millions of people unsuspected in material resources and capacity for war, will swarm upon its . Those who assume to set conditions upon their exodus to the Gulf, count upon a power not given to man. The country washed by the waters of the Ohio, the Missouri, and the Mississippi, can never be permanently severed. If one generation basely barters away its rights, immortal honors will rest upon another that reclaims them.

Let it never be said either that the Eat and the West may be separated. Thirty days distance from the markets of Europe may satisfy the wants of Louisiana and Arkansas, but it will not answer the decisions of Illinois and Ohio. The Valley of the Mississippi will have its deltas upon the Atlantic. The any deal force of the West will debauch upon the Shores with a power as resistless as the torrents . This country cannot be nearly divided Ceaseless were may drain its blood and treasure domestic tyrants or foreign foes may grasp the sceptre of its power — but in destiny will remain unchanged. It will still be united, God has ordained it. What avails, then the destruction of the best Government ever devised by man — the self adjusting self-correcting Constitution of the United States?

People of the Southwest! Why not accept the conditions impound by the imperious necessities of as graphical configuration and commercial supremacy, and your ancient prosperity and renown? Why not become the founders of States which as the entresols and depots of your own central and upper valleys, may stand, in the affluence of their resources, without supporter, and, in the privileges of the people, without a peer among the nations of the earth?

N. P. Banks.
Major General Commanding.

Particulars of the capture of the California steamer Ariel--interesting narrative — more items about Capt. Semmes and his crew.

The narrative of the capture of the United States steamer Ariel by the Confederate States steamer Alabama, published in the Northern papers, is quite interesting. As the passengers of the Ariel were seated at dinner on Sunday, Dec. 7th, Capt. Jenes was informed that a war steamer was bearing down upon them, and, although he made light of the fact, still he left the dinner table and ascended to the deck. The account says:

‘ The war vessel was described about four miles off, sailing under the Stars and Stripes; but Captain Jones soon discovered that the build and rigging were English, and, suspecting mischief, ordered the Ariel to be put under a full head of steam, intending, if possible to leave the suspicious craft far behind. But his efforts were unavailing; for shortly after a blank cartridge was fired, closely followed by two shells, one of which, a common round shell, cut a fearful place from out of the foremast. The other shell, which fortunately passed over the vessel, the passengers were informed was a steel pointed 100 pound projectile, so constructed as to cause a destructive explosion immediately it strikes any object. Had this shell burst over or against the Ariel, there is no knowing what lose of life might have been caused to the unoffending non-combatants on board.

’ The marines who were 140 strong, under Major Garland, were ordered on deck to resist any attempt to board the Ariel by the crew of the pursuing vessel; but when the character, of the craft was fully ascertained it was considered entirely useless to make any resistance, and the marines were ordered below. Capt Lones, whose bravery is well known, insisted that his flag should not be lowered under any circumstances, but that he would fight it out. The marines, however, being disarmed he had to give way, very reluctantly, and the Ariel was surrendered to the Alabama. At this time the Ariel was going about eight and a half knots, and the Alabama eleven knots, under only eleven pounds of steam.

A boat was then sent from the Alabama, manned by twelve wall armed men, and under the charge of a Southern officer named Low, who ranked as Lieutenant in the rebel navy. As they approached the Ariel the passengers began to show evident signs of , as if they feared that a demand would be made upon them for their "money or their lives," or perhaps both. The women were dreadfully frightened and those who had any valuable personal property began to conceal it as rapidly as possible Lieutenant Low, when he boarded the Ariel, stated that the passengers would be allowed to proceed unharmed, and their private property should be respected — This certainly quieted a few of them, although there were yet some skeptics. Captain Jones was next ordered to go aboard the Alabama, and on his return to the Ariel he stated that the Alabama deserved all her previous reputation for speed. She can steam fourteen knots with seventeen pounds of steam, and is allowed to carry twenty five pounds of steam. She has two engines of fifty-two inch cylinder and seventeen inch stroke, and is, in all respects a perfect model of beauty. Her armament is he says, a 100-pounder rifle and one 68 pounder pivot gun, besides six medium 32-pounders. He can fight seven guns a side, having arrangements for to a transferring two of the broadside guns from side to side with great rapidity. Capt. Jones further says that the Alabama has a fine crew, and that they are well disciplined; that the ship is in fine order, and that the deck is arranged for two additional pivot guns, which he was in formed were 100 pounder rifles, and in the Alabama's hold, ready to be mounted should they be required. He says that "Old Beeswax," treated him remarkably well, as well as if he had been a visitor. He was not confined, and had the privilege of the deck and messed in the ward room. The list of officers of the Alabama is correct, as before published in the Herald.

Capt Jones says the only ship that Semmes fears is the Vanderbilt. He made many inquiries regarding her speed and armament, but obtained no information whatever. He laughs at all the other ships we have, and remarked that "be cared nothing for the San Jacinto; that he went to sea by her when in Martinique, and paid no attention to her. What he cannot whip he can run away from."

Lieut. Low, having made inquiries of Captain Semmes about what he was to do with the United States officers and men on board the Ariel, on his return paroled them that they were not to serve the U. S. Government in any capacity or at any place during the present war, and prohibited them

from performing even garrison duty at the forts of California to which place they were bound.

The following are the names of the officers paroled: L. C. Sartori, commander, U. S. Navy; A Garland, Major, U. S. Marine Corps. D. M. Cohan, Captain, us Marine Corps; Tecumech Steece, Lieutenant, United States Navy; T. L. McElrath, 1st Lieutenant, U. States Marine Corps; T. H. Corrie, 1st Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps; W. B. McKean, First Lieutenant United States Marine Corps; A. W. Ward, Second Lieutenant United States; Marine Corps; C. H. Daniels Second Lieutenant United States Marine Corps. The officers were ordered to give up their side arms, and the men their muskets and equipments, which were all taken on board the Alabama, Lieut. Low next called for the manifests and finding some money on them took possession of $3,000 in Treasury notes, belonging to Messrs. Wells. Fargo & Co., and $1,500 in sliver for Nicaragua, belonging to Peyton Middleton, Esq., late United States Special Inspector of Customs in Panama, and to his American partner in Nicaragua E. S. Lane, Esq. Being assured by the purser that the Ariel had no letter man, he did not overhaul the sacks, and in fact nothing in that line was disturbed. Wells Fargo & Co.'s sacks, the private sacks of the Panama Railroad Company, the South and Central American and Panama mails, and even the State Department sacks for the United States Consul at Aspin wall, containing his own correspondence and that for other course's, ministers, and naval officers were safely delivered to the proper authorities at Panama. The ship was however, bonded for $125,000, and the cargo and freight for $135,000 more, making a total of $260,000, the whole to be paid to the Confederate authorities within thirty days after the establishment of the independence of the Confederate States.

Lieut. Low having destroyed all the sails of the Ariel, ordered her to keep in company with the Alabama and both ships steamed towards Jamaica. At night he again visited the Ariel, and took away with him one of her steam valves, so as to temporarily disable the engine. Capt. Jones was informed by Capt. Semmes that his passengers would be landed at a point on St. Domingo, which has only a few note, and is at a great distance from supplies. To this Captain Jones earnestly remonstrated, stating that eight hundred and fifty persons, a third of them women and children, could find nothing to live on there. He then said he would land them in Jamaica; for he was determined to barn the ship in revenge for Vanderbilt having given one of the finest steamers in the world to the Government to run him down. While the Ariel was deprived of her, steam valve, being without sails the could do nothing but drift about, and certainly could not escape. Therefore the Alabama could go off in search of other victims. On the 9th inst., at 9 o'clock P. M., the vessels arrived off Point Mordant, about forty miles from Kingston. Near this the Alabama gave chase and boarded a vessel, from which some information was received, which induced Capt. Semmes to again change his mind, and he permitted the Ariel to resume her voyage. The reason given was, that this vessel had reported yellow fever raging in Kingston, and he would not subject the passengers to its ravages; but the passengers were afterwards informed that no yellow fever; and prevailed there for same time. The conduct of the officers and crew of the Alabama, while in charge of the Ariel, was extremely courteous. They were in regular communication with the United States, both by letters and papers and were fully cognizant of our days of sailing, and that there were no cruisers to intercept her in these waters. For this reason the specie to come by the Ariel was left at Aspinwall as Capt. Jones did not think it prudent to bring it.

The Outrages in Fredericksburg.

A letter in the Tribune, dated Fredericksburg, December 15th, says:

‘ The old mansion of Douglas Gordon — perhaps the wealthiest citizen in the vicinity — is new used as the headquarters of Gen. Howard, but before he occupied it every room had been torn with shot, and then all the elegant furniture and works of art broken and smashed by the soldiers, who burst into the house after having driven the rebel sharpshooters from behind it. When I entered it early this morning, before its occupation by Gen. Howard, I found the soldiers of his five divisions diverting them selves with rich dresses found in the wardrobes; some had on bonnets of the fashion of last year; and were surveying themselves before mirrors, which an hour or two after wards were pitched out of the win dew and smashed to pieces upon the pavement; others had eleventh scarfs bound around their heads in the forms of turbans and shawls around their waists.

We destroyed by fire nearly two whole squares of buildings, chiefly used for business purposes, together with the fine residences of O McDowell, Dr. Smith, J. H. Kelly, A. S. Catt, William Slaughter, and many other smaller dwellings. Every store, I think, without any exception, was pillaged of every valuable article. A fine store, which would not have looked badly on Broadway, was literally one mass of broken glass and jars.

Disgusted and Indignant.

The Cincinnati Enquirer expresses itself in the very plain words which follow:

‘ Shall we continue travelling on in the policy which the Abolition leaders have marked out? --Shall we any longer continue to be deluded by their hopes and predictions? Is it not high time, then, for the people to arouse and reflect upon the programme that is now before us? We have been going it blind long enough. We have shut our eyes too long upon the errors and abuses of the men in authority. Is there any reason to believe that we shall reach a successful consummation until there is a change in our national policy?--To have been wise and thoughtful, and prudent, and patriotic — to have dissented from the popular humbugs of the day — has been to incur the appellation of "traitor" from the partisans who, before God, we religiously believe to have been the authors — the main authors — of our national troubles. The sooner we repudiate the philosophy and the ideas of these Abolition leaders — the sooner we reject them totally — the sooner we retrieve our steps the better for the country, and the sooner will our eyes be gladdened by peace and the land.

The Yankee oligarchy.

In the same issue, the Enquirer incites the West to rebellion by a display of the oligarchy usurped, by the New England States in the Senate at Washington. "It will be seen by the ensuing table,"says the Enquirer, "that six miserable little New England States, through the Abolition party, has taken possession of nearly all the committees in the Senate. The same preponderance is also seen in the House. The Abolition policy makes fifteen millions of people who live in the Middle States and in the West a tall to the New England kite."

The table is as follows:

Committee,Chairman,Where from.
Foreign RelationsSumnerFlow England,
FinancesFessendenNew England.
Military AffairsWilsonNew England.
Naval AffairsHaleNew England,
Post OfficesColiamerNew England,
PensionsFosterNew England,
ClaimsClarkNew England,
Public BuildingsFootNew England,
Contingent ExpensesDixonNew England,

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