Late Northern news.
We continue our extracts from our latest Northern papers.
The loss of the
Monitor is officially announced.
She went down off
Cape Hatteras, and about thirty of her crew were lost.
The steamer
Rhode Island went to her assistance, and saved the greater portion of her crew.
Description of the battle at Murfreesboro'--desperate fighting Allege of capture of Confederate prisoners, arms, and colors.
A correspondent of the New York
Herald gives that papers a description of the two days
battle at Murfreesboro', which he says was one of the most furious battles of modern times, "sustained by both sides with splendid determination."
Gen. Rosecrans marched from
Nashville, on the
Friday before the battle, with 45,000 effective men and 100 pieces of artillery and skirmished all the way to the battle-field.
The writers says:
The whole of Tuesday was spent by our forces reconnoitering.
The enemy was found strongly pointed with artillery on the bank of
Stone's river, west side his flanks resting on
Murfreesboro', west side.
The center also had the advantage on high ground, with a dense growth of cedar masking them completely.
Their position gave them the advantage of a cross fire.
Gen. McCook's corps closed in on their left on Wilkison's Pike;
Negley (of
Thomas's corps) worked with great difficulty to the front of the rebel centre,
Rousseau's division being in reserve.
Crittenden's corps was posted in comparatively clear ground on their left,
Palmer's and
Van Cleve's division in front,
Wood's in reserve.
A battle was expected all day on Tuesday, but the enemy merely skirmished and threw a few shells one of which killed
Orderly McDonald, 4th United States Cavalry, not the feet from
Gen. Rosecrans.
That afternoon the
Anderson Pennsylvania Cavalry, on
McCook's flanks, was drawn into an ambuscade and its two
Majors Rodegarten and War, were killed.
Crittenden's corps lost 4 killed and 21 wounded that day, including
Adjutant Elliott, of the 57th
Indians, severely.
McCook's loss was about 50.
On the same day the rebel cavalry made a dash in the rear, on
Lavergne, burned a few wagons, and captured thirty five prisoners.
That night dispositions were made to attack the enemy in the morning.
After dark the enemy was reported massing near
McCook, obviously to turn our right wing.
This correspondence with the wishes of
Gen. Rosecrans, who instructed
Gen. McCook to hold him in check stubbornly, while the left wing should be thrown into
Murfreesboro's behind the enemy.
At daybreak, on the last day of December, everything appeared working well.
The battle had opened on the right, and our left wing was on hand.
At seven o'clock ominous soon is indicated that a fire was approaching our left.
Aids were dispatched for information, and found the forests full of flying negroes and straggling soldiers, who reported whole regiments falling back.
Meantime one of
McCook's side had announced to
Gen. Rosecrans, that
Gen. Johnston had permitted the three batteries of his division to be captured by a hidden attack of the enemy, and that it had somewhat demoralized our troops it was obvious.
The brave
Gen. Sill, one of our best officers, was killed,
Gen. Kirk wounded, and
Gen. Willich killed or missing, besides other valuable officers wounded.
Gen. McCook sent word to hold the front and he would help him, that it would all work right.
The General, confident of success, continued to visit other parts of the field, and, with the aid of
Gens. Thomas.
Negley, and
Wood, the tide of battle was turned.
Early in the day we were seriously embarrassed by the enterprise of rebel cavalry, who made some serious dashes upon some of
McCook's ammunition and subsistence trains, capturing a number of wagons, and artillery ammunition grew alarmingly scarce.
At one time it was announced that not a single wagon load of it could be found.
Some of our batteries were quiet on that account.
This mis fortune was caused by the capture of
McCook's trains.
About 2 o'clock the battle had shifted again from right to left, the enemy discovering the impossibility of succeeding in their main design had suddenly massed their forces on the left.
The fire continued to approach on the right with alarming rapidly extending to the centre, and it was clear that the right was doubling upon the left.
The enemy had compelled us to make a complete change of front on that wing and were passing the centre.
Gen. Bosecrane, with splendid during dashes into the furious fire, and sending his staff along the lines, started
Bearty's brigade forward.
Some six batteries opened, and sustained a magnificent fire.
Directly a tremendous shout was raised along the whole line, and the enemy began to fall back rapidly.
He now galloped to the front of
Crittenden's left, with his staff in order the line of battle when the enemy opened a full battery and emptied the saddles of the escort.
Van Cleve's division was sent to the right, and
Col. Beatty's brigade in the front.
The General urged the troops forward.
The rebels, terribly punished, were driven back fully a mile.
The same splendid bravery was displayed in the lines, and the enemy made formidable demonstrations on one left while they prepared for another onslaught on our right.
Meantime orders had been issued to move our left upon the enemy but before they had time to execute them they burst upon our centre with awful fury, and it began to break.
Roassean's division was carried into the breach magnificently by their glorious leader.
The enemy again retreated in the dark cedar thicket.
Again they essayed our right, and again we were driven back.
By this time the number of our stragglers was formidable and the prospect was discouraging but there was no panic.
We were suddenly massed against their forces on the left, crossing the river or moving under cover of bluffs on the right, and for about two hour the fight raged with unremitting fury, to the advantage of the enemy for a considerable length of time when they were checked by our murderous fire of both musketry and artillery.
The scene at this point was magnificently terrible.
The whole battle was in fail view, the enemy deploying right and left bringing up their batteries in fine style our own vomiting smoke and iron missiles upon them with awful fury, and our gallant follows moving to the front with unflinching courage, and lying flat upon their faces to escape the rebel fire until the moment of action.
Shell and shot fell around like hall.
Gen. Rosecrans was himself incessantly exposed.
It is wonderful that he escaped.
chief of staff, the noble
Lieutenant-Colonel Garesche had his head taken off by a round shot and the blood be spattered the
General and some of the staff.
Lieut. Lyland Kirk, just behind him, was lifted clear out of his saddle by a bullet, which shattered his left arm. Three orderlies and gallant
Sergeant Richmond, of the 4th U. S. cavalry were killed not ten feet from him and five or six horses in the staff escort were struck.
Between 5 and 6 o'clock the enemy, apparently exhausted by his rapid and incessant assaults, took up a position not assailable without abundant artillery, and the fire on both sides slackened, and finally silenced at dark — the battle having raged eleven hours, the loss on our side being considerable, and the terrific nature of the field comparatively limited.
Our casualty list that day excluding captures, did not exceed perhaps fifteen hundred, of whom not more than one-fourth were killed.
This is attributable to the care taken to make our men lie down.
The enemy's loss must have been more severe.
When the battle closed the enemy occupied the ground which was ours in the morning, and the advantage was theirs.
Their object in attacking as was to cut us off from
They played their old game.
McCook's force had held more firmly against
Hardee's corps and Choa ham's division, the plan of battle would have succeeded.
At dark they had a heavy force on our right, leading to the belief that they intended to pursue.
Their cavalry, meantime, was excessively troublesome, cutting deeply into our trains, behind us, and we had not cavalry enough to protect ourselves.
The 4th regulars made one splendid dash at them capturing 67, and releasing 300 prisoners they had taken from us recapturing 500 prisoners of the enemy.
Gen. Rosecrans determined to begin the attack this morning and opened furiously with our left at dawn.
The enemy, however would not retire from our right, and the battle worked that way. At 11o'clock matters were not flattering on either side — At 12 our batteries received new supplies of ammunition, were massed, and a terrible fire was opened.
The enemy began to give way
Gen. Thomas pressing on their centre and
Crittenden advancing on their left.
The battle was more severe at that hour than it had been, and the result was yet doubtful.
Both sides were uneasy, but determined.
Gen. Rosecrans felt its importance fully.
If he is defeated he will be defeated badly, because he will fight as long as he had a brigade.
If he is victorious the enemy will be destroyed.
At this hour we are apprehensive.
Some of our troops behaved badly, but most of them were hordes.
I believe all but
Walker's brigade, consisting of the 17th and 31st Ohio and two other regiments, were not in Wednesday's battle, being on guard, but they were engaged to-day.
The enemy seemed fully as numerous as we. They did not use as much artillery
Generals Joe Johnston and
Bragg were in command.
Prisoners say they lost largely.
General McCook was brave to a fault and possessed. He narrowly escaped death many times.
His horse was killed under him, and he was severely hurt by his horse falling under him.
11¼ A. M.--No later tidings of to-day's battle.--The rebels are destroying our wagon train on the
Murfreesboro' pike.
A dispatch to the Baltimore
American claims that the
Federals captured 3,000 prisoners, 50 guns, and seven stands of State colors.
He says the loss on both sides is "absolutely tremendous."
The Convention Movement at the North--remarks of Jas Brooke.
The fact that at a Democratic meeting in New York, on the 30th ult., resolutions in favor of a Convention of all the States, both Confederate and Abolition, were passed, has been noticed.
We give a further account of the proceedings.
The idea of any "Convention," save one to settle boundaries — between the
Confederate States and the
United States--will excite a smile of incredulity throughout the
After a few congratulatory remarks by the
President the Hon. James Brooks has introduced, and addressed the meeting at some length.
In conclusion he said.
"Gentlemen It is quite time to begin the discussion of these matters here and elsewhere--South as well as
North; now is the day and now is the hour to bring up the people--one once common people.
both North and South, to the study of this subject Our Constitution is necessary for our common liberty.
Our common form of Government is not only necessary for our common liberty, but necessary to preserve us from
European intervention and
European arms, 'Divide and conquer' is the principle of monarchies against republics everywhere.
Divide and conquer is the principle which now actuates the
British Kingdom, if not the
Emperor of
France, Divide the North and South, and then, if possible, conquer both when both are exhausted.
Unity and universality of Government is, therefore, a necessity for us both North and South, and the quicker and deeper and wider this principle is comprehended universality, the quicker we shall all lay down our arms and stop this horrible effusion of human blood.
[Applause,]. Gentlemen, I love to speak for practical purposes, and hence I have prepared two or three resolutions to present for your consideration, for your discussion hereafter, not for action at this time and this place, but for submission to this Democratic Association.
I see nothing else that is left to us except the principles that are embraced in these resolutions.
Revolution is the last thing to be thought of under a form of Government like ours, where grievances can be redressed at the ballot box. We have to endure this Congress; we have to endure this
President; it is wiser to endure them than to overthrow them by revolution.--It is possible — barely possible — that at last they may be awakened, and may hear and head the voice of the people.
Hence I have elected a State as a medium through which my resolution shall be presented to the people both of the
North and the
A State of the Revolution--one of the old thirteen, of high and holy history, which has never been mien either to the
North or the
South and which has ever been faithful to the
Constitution of our common country — that is the
State, the glorious
State of New Jersey [Cheers] I process, therefore, the following resolutions, to be submitted to this Democratic Association for discussion, for action, and, if you approve them, for presentation to the
Government of
New Jersey: and let me remark here that the
Government of
New Jersey is a homogeneous Government; the three branches are all of one faith and one opinion, and it is not so in any other Northern State of the
We anne's the resolutions:
Resolved, That the
State of New Jersey, through her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war.
- 1.
By inviting the non-slaveholding States and the loyal slaveholding States--Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next.
- 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia.
North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them also to meet in like National Convention.
- 3. He is further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for such State or States as may accept this call for a National Convention.
Resolved, That a committee be created on the part of this Association to present these resolutions to the
Governor and Legislature of
New Jersey and to urge upon that State that, in consideration of her revolutionary history and patriotic she is entitled thus to lead in a National Convention for the restoration of the
Union of these States.
The resolutions were greeted with cheers, and it was asked that they be passed upon immediately.
The President, therefore, put the question, and they were carried unanimously.
A dispatch from
Fortress Monroe, dated the 1st says there have been stirring times there among the troops and war vessels.
Gen. Nagle's division has left York town and
Gloucester Point, and is now lying in ships in
Hampton Roads.
The dispatch says:
Many other transports loaded with troops, stores, etc., arrived, and joined the expedition.
The fleet is now putting to sea and comprises about enough men, or all arms, to take and hold any point on the
Southern coast.
The destination of this expedition is supposed to be
North Carolina; but as a number of iron clads accompany it, I presume it will go to some important Southern port — say
At any rate, it will soon be at its destination, and wherever it goes a heavy blow will be struck.
The flag ship is the steamship
Woodbury, which has
Gen. Nagle add staff on board.
It is not known whether he will command the whole force or not — his own division comprising twelve regiments, including the 10th Pennsylvania volunteers.
A projectile to Sink the Confederate Ironclads.
A letter from
Washington gives an account of a "terrible projectile" which has been experimented with there:
To-day another trial of Stufford's projectiles was made at the
Navy-Yard in this city, with his rifled sub-calibre shot.
The most astonishing results were attained, even surpassing former experiments--Three sizes or weights were used, for the purpose of ascertaining the adapted to the largest penetration will the same gun. A large of of eight one inch plates and twenty one-inch of oak. seven plates in front and one in the rear, was pierced and demolished, the timber being all rended into splinters and the bolts all broken.
A penetration of six inches of iron was made with a shot of thirty-two pounds weight, with ten pounds of powder, from a fifty-pounder
Dahlgren rifled gun.
Whitworth and
Armstrong are distanced with one sixth of the charge which they used.
It has never yet been equaled.
In these result
Capt Dahlgren is prepared to bid the rebel iron-clads "a happy New Year," if they come within hailing distance.
New Year's day in Washington — scenes in the Yankee Court.
The fifteen thousand slain at
Fredericksburg and the thirty thousand at
Murfreesboro' have but little sympathy in
No thought of those poor devils clogged the festivities of New Years day there.
From the
Republican. the
Abolition Court journal, we take a description of the scenes attendant on the opening of the year:
The throngs attracted to the residences of the several members of the
Cabinet, who held receptions on the occasion.
were unprecedented in numbers, in elegance of equipage and official costume, as well as in the large number of personages conspicuous in every walk of professional life.
Secretary Seward.--The accustomed hour of twelve o'clock which custom designates for opening welcome doors on such festal occasions.
had hardly, arrived are the tide was setting in the direction of the residence of this colossal patriot and statesman, who, in his position at the head of the
Cabinet bears upon his shoulders in this hour, so largely of the destinies of a great and distracted people.
Distinguished for the unostentatious elegance of his manners he never could have been more happy in such amenities than he was on this occasion.
The diplomatic corps, in full Court costume, and the officers of the army and navy, in full uniform, as well as the civilians
en mass paid their respects to him with cordial greetings well calculated to disperse for an hour the grave and solemn cares which such stormy times as these weigh upon a great public man. His daughter,
Miss Seward, and his daughter in-law,
Mrs Frederick Seward, the lady of the
Assistant Secretary of State, were present to contribute their full share in the graceful and pleasant honors of the holiday entertainment.
The distinguished
Secretary was in fine spirits, and the dignified simplicity of his manners, combined with his happy mood, could not have failed to inspire in his numerous guests the most pleasurable recollections of their visit.
Secretary Chase.--The throng which pressed their way to the elegant mansion of this another colossal national pillar, the illustrious financial head of the
Government, was no less imposing than in the case of his great associate, of whom we have already spoken.
Secretary Chase, in his lofty symmetrical, physical proportions, in the massive, intellectual outlines of his evenly developed brow and head in his large, pleasant and penetrating eye and finely developed features.
is, unquestionably, one of the grandest of the great public men to look upon that this country has ever produced, and the marvelous urbanity of his manners renders him as delightful in his social courtesies as he is lofty and imposing in his personal appearance.
Among those whose names were announced, and who were ushered into the reception room while we were present, was the brave and pacific old veteran,
Gen. Wool, who, though he has seen so much wearing service for his country, and is more than threescore years and ten in edge still steps, and looks and acts more like a well-preserved, vigorous man of 60.
As we were looking sith upon the massive brow of the noble old veteran, another here was ushered into the room in the person of that magnificent soldier,
General Heintzelman.
Miss Kate Chase, whose adornments, as a true daughter and a noble hearted women — not less than her sweet.
captivating manners and personal graces make her so universally admired-- by the side of hereafter to do the choicest graces of the on assign.
Her other, you get sister,
Miss Nettle, and
Miss Parsons, of
Columbus, Ohio, the
daughter of an intimate friend of the family, contributed additional attractions to the vigitation; and we would do injustice to our own feelings did we not make the most special mention of
Mr. Chas Wilson, the gentlemanly usher, who so admirably performed his duties on the occasion.
Secretary Stanton.--The multitude which honored the distinguished and able head of the War Office with a festal call was, perhaps, larger, as it fully equalled indignity and elegance, that of either of the other Cabinet functionaries.
At the time of our call the hour for such calls bad been nearly terminated, and the house was still thronged, and scores of elegant public and private carriages lined the pavement for a long space on either side of the
Secretary's spacious and elegant mansion.
The distinguished
Secretary received the pressing throng in an easy and affable manner, which hardly allowed you to believe yourself in the presence of one whose flat at the head of the military operations of the country so takes hold upon the stupendous interests at this time of one of the greatest nations upon the face of the earth.
We think he left eminently a favorable impression upon all who honored him with their presence on the occasion.
His accomplished-lady, with
Miss Stanton, a niece, and
Miss Wilkes, a friend of the family, both of them graceful young ladies, added their presence to the accomplishments of the entertainment.
Attorney-General Bates--The calls upon the
Attorney-General were little less numerous and equally as complimentary in their character as in the case of those already mentioned.
The able
Attorney-General, venerable for a long career of eminent professional and patriotic public services, as for everything that most adorns the sanctuary of social private life, received his guests with the utmost case and frankness, to which his dignified and polished lady, with their two agreeable daughters, and their guests,
Miss Woodson and
Miss Dorsey, added a full shore to the gracefulness of the honors.
Secretary Welles and Postmaster-General Blair, in consequence of the late deaths in their families, held no receptions.
The "shivering, starving" rebel soldiers.
The Philadelphia
Inquirer thinks the rebel soldiers must be remarkably skilled in masquerading, or be peculiar adepts in the art of metamorphosing themselves.
It says:
We have had an untold number of "reliable men" and women, who have been ready to swear that scarecrow in cornfields in May are princes in attire compared with the rebel battalions.
They have had no tents, no blankets, no overcoats; their coats are out at elbows, their unmentionables in latters, fore and aft, and their shoes lacking either sole or upper, or both.
Yet, somehow, when we catch a lot of them they have changed all this by some wonderful legerdemain, and stand before us, if not in princely attire, at least clad comfortably enough for all practicable purposes.
In fact, we find them neither scarecrows nor skeletons, but soldiers; soldiers, well enough clad to fight with a will.
Now, we suggest that it is to us a matter of very little moment whether they have leather to their feet or wool and cotton to their backs; our only concern is with their ability to wield their arms, and their purpose to make fight.
For our own part, the stories of these "reliable" persons from rebeldom long ago ceased to make an impression.
Were a whole regiment of such to come from all points in the rebel States, and to testify, all with one voice, to the indescribable destitution of the rebels, we should not abate one jot of our preparations to meet them as soldiers need to be met — with ample forces, well trained and fully equipped.
We should make war on the only safe military principle — to be fully prepared for any force which the enemy can possibly bring against us. If they are poorly clothed, badly red, and insufficiently supplied with transportation, ammunition, and other
military equipments, then so much the more easy may be our tack.
Better to win success, even with a considerably larger preparation than was actually necessary, than to fall from that grossest military blander — the underrating of the number condition, and resources of the enemy.
Of course, in courtesy to the reliable gentlemen and ladies who may hereafter hear testimony to the bad condition of the shivering starving robe, addiers, we shall print, even as our contemporaries do, their narrative.
But we worn our vendors before-hand not to be missed by the re of the old rebel . When our armies, on their advance, begin to report the capture of squads, and companies, and regiments of lank, squalid, tattered, starving soldiers, then we shall think the armies of rebeldom are in a sufficiently had way to make the matter an element in our calculations of success or rapture.
Until then we shall deem the reliable reports touching the condition of their wardrobes as unworthy of the stress heretofore laid on them.
The Confederate loss at
Fredericksburg was a small that the battle soon ceased to engage our attention, and the grand army of
Burnside has nearly passed out of the public The following extract from a letter date "Opposite
Fredericksburg, Jan. 1." will refresh our memories.
This is New Year's day, and it is very generally observed throughout the army as a holiday.
Games and amassments were plenty, and "New Year" calls were the order of the day — the officers of many regiments, in a body, calling upon their
General officers to offer their congratulations.
The officers and men, generally, were in good spirits, but there was almost an entire absence of the alcoholic stimulus which is usually an accompaniment of the day at home.
The officers, being confined almost entirely to "hard tack" for their fare, in consequence of the embargo upon all kinds of edition and babbles which now exists between here and
Washington, complained loudly of their scanty food.
The restrictions upon all traffic between the army and
Washington are so rigid that all packages between the points, no matter to whom they are directed, are opened and examined before leaving.
Washington, to discover whether anything contraband is contained in them, and some amusing stories are told of private stores for
General officers being opened, and their contents confiscated as being contraband.
The sutler business has been almost destroyed by the obstacles which have been thrown in their way in galling goods to the army, and the prices of everything not furnished by the
Quartermaster of commissary Departments are at treble and quadruple rales.
Were small stores cheap, however, it would make little difference to men, some of whom have not been paid for four and six months, and have not seen a "green back" for so long that — they almost forget what it looks like.
From indications observable on all sides there is little doubt that important movements will take place before long, but where the army will go is a subject open to conjecture, and you are probably as able to guess as I am to indicate it to you were I entrusted with the secrets of headquarters, which I am not. You may rest assured that the army will not go into winter quarters here, notwithstanding the many predictions which have been made that it will.
The sick and wounded are being removed to
Washington as rapidly as possible, and nearly every man who cannot perform a day's march has been sent away.
The army is in good condition and in buoyant hopes that the next time they meet the rebels they will do it on a fair field where they can achieve success and revive the drooping hopes of the country.
The mass of the men strongly desire to be home again with their families and friends; but they fell also that they have a duty to perform, and that they cannot return home honorably until that duty is done.
It is said that the rebel camps in our front, on the other side of the river, have been considerably thinned out within the past week, and conjecture is busy to determine the point where the rebel troops have gone, if they have gone at all; for they still keep up a respectable picket appearance in our front.
This state of uncertainty as to the whereabouts of our active and wary enemy and the expectation that orders may be issued to move at any moment, keeps us in a healthy state of excitement.
The Baltimore
Gazette, of the 2d inst., in an editorial in regard to the campaign in
Tennessee and the movements of
Rosecrans, says:"That the district of country through which he has marched is swept nearly, if not quite, bare of supplies there can be no doubt whatever, and it is equally certain that he cannot divide his forces and hold both
Nashville and
Peace feeling in Illinois.
Spring field (
Ill.) correspondent of the St. Louis
Democrat writer:
I look for some strong anti-war demonstrations from a portion, at least, of the
Democratic side of the Legislature this week.