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A Picture of a Yankee Senator.

--In the Yankee Senate, while the Conscription act was under discussion, Mr. Turpie, of Ind., in a short speech, gave the following sketch of Wilson, of Mass:

‘ Had the Senator from Massachusetts been in the Senate in the days of Jackson he would have opposed him, and every slander uttered against that old hero would have come from the lips of the Senator, though he might have but some reverence for Washington. Had he lived in the days of the Revolution he would have been a , and talked flippantly of rebels, and offered rewards for the heads of Sumter and Marion; and he would have betrayed his country as Arnold did. Had he lived in the days of Luther he would have sided with the Pope and feasted on the ashes of the martyrs, and lighted the fires of Smithfield. He might have had some reverence for that Delty which came to save the world, perhaps have obeyed him; he certainly would have followed him to the garden of Gethsemans through the streets of and to the bar of Plate, and his would have been heard, but he would have said "Release out by for the Jesus, let him be crucified."

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