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Confederate States Congress.

Thursday, March 12, 1863.
Senate.--The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, Mr. Hunter, of Va., in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Woodbridge.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Military Committee, introduced a bill to increase the efficiency of the Medical Department; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Phelan submitted a resolution directing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of paying for slaves impressed by the Government, and who have died, or who shall hereafter die, whilst in the service of the Confederate States, from causes legitimately attributed to such in pressmen.

Mr. Davis introduced a bill to provide for the payment of certain North Carolina troops from the time of their enlistment. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Orr submitted a resolution directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire and report upon the propriety of passing an act providing that, should any Quartermaster or Commissary fail to account for money or public property which has gone into their hands officially for a greater amount than his official bond, he shall be liable to indictment; and, upon conviction, be subjected to infamous punishment.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions reported on yesterday by Mr. Wigfall, from the special committee appointed to inquire into the rights and duties of reporters admitted to seats upon the floor of the Senate, and to inquire whether there had been any breach of those duties in certain comments made by a reporter in the columns of a newspaper published in this city on one of the members of this body.

On the motion to lay on the table the first resolution, withdrawing the privilege of the floor of the Senate from the present reporter of the Richmond Enquirer, it was determined in the negative — yeas, Messrs. Clark and Yancey; nays, Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnett Caperton, Davis, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Ark., Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Phelan, Semmes, Wigfall.

On the question to agree to the said resolution, it was determined in the affirmative.

On the question to lay on the table the second resolution, enjoining upon the presiding officer of the Senate the duty of administering the privilege of the floor of the Senate, granting it to such a number of papers only as to him shall seem proper, and withdrawing it from any and all such reporters or papers as in his judgment the public interest or the peace and dignity of the Senate may require, without assigning reasons for such withdrawal, it was determined in the affirmative.

Mr. Phelan submitted the following resolution:

Whereas, The proprietor of the Richmond Enquirer, since the report of the special committee appointed to inquire into the rights and duties of reporters admitted to seats upon the floor of the Senate was made, have declared through the columns of that paper that the article of the 24th of February was inserted by their order: Therefore, be it.

Resolved, That no reporter for the Richmond Enquirer shall be admitted to a seat on the floor of the Senate.

’ On the question of agreeing thereto, Messrs. Baker, Burnett, Davis, Haynes, Maxwell, Phelan, and Wigfall voted aye; and Messrs Barnwell, Opperton, Henry, Hunter, Johnson of Ark, Mitchell, Orr, Peyton, Semmes, Sparrow, and Yancey voted no. So the motion was not agreed to.

The report of the special committee on the above subject was then debated and adopted.

The bill to be entitled "An act to authorize the discharge of certain naval officers from the military service of the Confederate States" was taken up and passed.

The Senate, on motion of Mr. Orr, went into secret session, and so continued till the hour of adjournment.

House of Representatives.--The House met at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Jeter.

The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the President, transmitting a communication covering several reports of engagements with the enemy. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.

The Chair also laid before the House copies of the correspondence between the War Department and Major Gen. Lovell, relating to the defences of New Orleans, submitted in response to a resolution of the House, passed Feb'y 3d, 1863. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Royce, of S. C., moved that when the House adjourns to-day, it adjourn to meet at 7½ o'clock this evening.

On this motion Mr. Foster of Ala., called the ayes and noes, were ordered, and resulted — ayes 3 noes 4

Mr. Foster, of Ala, then moved that when the House adjourns to-day it adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to morrow.

Mr. Baldwin, of Va., moved to amend by striking out 11 o'clock and inserting "sunrise. "

On this motion Mr. Hilton, of Fla., called the ayes and noes; which resulted — ayes 25, noes 44.

The motion of Mr. Foster to meet at 11 o'clock was then agreed to.

Mr. Royston then moved that the House go into secret session; which was agreed to.

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