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Confederate States Congress.

Monday, March 23.
Senate--The Senate met at 12 o'clock M., Mr. Hunters of Va. in the chair.

Prayer by Rev. Mr. Soleman of the Baptist church.

Mr. Clay, of Ala introduced a bill in relation to the custody of persons charged with offences against the Confederate States. The bill provides that the committing magistrate shall place accused persons in the safest places of confinement, and remove those already committed should good reason exist.

Mr. Clay introduced a bill to abolish supernumerary Commissaries and Quartermasters, the office of Regimental Commissary among other things being abolished. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Sparrow offered a resolution which was agreed to, that the Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads inquire into the expediency of providing for the transmission of foreign mail matter by the way of Matamoras and Havens, in such manner as may be deemed most practicable.

A message was received from the House that the Speaker had signed the bill to provide for the funding and further issue of Treasury notes.

Mr. Brown introduced a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to pay officers of the navy their necessary and actual travelling expenses under orders in lieu of mileage, in certain cases.--Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Phelan reported a bill to be entitled and act to continue in force. "An act entitled an act to authorize a loan and the issue of Treasury notes, and to prescribe the punishment for forging the same, and for forging certificates of stock and bonds." approved May 16th, 1863. Referred to the Penance Committee.

Mr. Haynes, from the committee appointed to confer with the committee of the House on the impressment bill, reported an amendment by way of a substitute for the original bill. It was postponed until Tuesday, made the special order and printed for the use of Senators.

The bill to be enlisted and act to establish a Court for the investigation of claims against the Government of the Confederate States was called up, amended, and debated.

After rejecting an amendment offered by Mr. Orr. restricting the right of appeal to the Supreme Court, by a vote of is ayes to 13 nays, the Senate, pending the further consideration of the bill, went into secret session.

House of Representatives--The House met at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Bishop Early.

Mr. Royston, of Ark. moved that the house go into secret session, which was agreed to.

After some time in secret session the consideration of the Tax bill was completed and the doors were opened.

The House then, in open session, agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the impressment bill.

The bill reported from the Committee of Ways and Means to provide for the assessment and collection of direct taxes and internal revenue was then taken up. Pending the consideration of this bill the House adjourned.

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