
Congressional summary.

In the Senate, Thursday, a resolution was submitted requesting the President to furnish the Senate a statement of the number of troops in the Trans Mississippi Department, showing the number of same, &c., and kind of troops and arms used.

A petition was presented from the 3d Assistant Engineers in the C. S. Navy, asking increased annual pay.

A bill was reported to confer upon the chief of the Bureau of Ordnance the rank, pay and emoluments of a Brigadier-General in the Provisional Army.

In the House, Senate bill to pay officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates, not legally mustered into the service of the Confederate States, was taken up and referred to the Military Committee.

Senate bill to provide for having the laws relating to military and naval affairs digested and published, was referred to Committee on Printing.

Senate bill to establish the form of fifty cent Treasury notes, was referred to Committee of Ways and Means.

Senate bill to amend an act entitled ‘"an act to regulate impressments, approved March 26, 1863,"’ was referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Senate bill to provide for the transfer of persons serving in the army to the navy, was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

A bill to provide for placing in the military service of the Confederate States citizens of the State of Maryland residing or sojourning within the limits of the Confederacy, originally introduced by Mr. Vest of Mo., and referred to Judiciary Committee, was reported back and favorably as to the constitutionality of Congress exercising the power and the bill was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

A bill to increase the salary of the Judge of the District Court of the Confederate States for the Eastern District of Virginia, to $5,000 per annum, payable quarterly, was not agreed to.

A bill to authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus was reported back by Mr. Russell from the Judiciary Committee, with a recommendation that the committee be discharged from its further consideration, and that it be laid upon the table, which was agreed to. Mr. Russell then reported a bill from the same committee, authorizing a suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. The question upon postponing the bill and placing it upon the calendar was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Barksdale moved a reconsideration of the latter vote, which motion was under discussion at 2½ o'clock, when the House took a recess till 8 o'clock.

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