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Still later from the North.

We have received the New York Herald, of Wednesday, the 10th inst, one day later than the above date. There is nothing later from Vicksburg, except a rumor telegraphed from Murfreesboro' that a lady had arrived there from the Confederate lines who said it was generally believed among our soldiery that Vicksburg had fallen, and 12,000 Confederates had been captured. The Herald don't bite at the tempting bait. We give a summary of the news:

The bombardment of Vickburg — a Confederate Traitor — Banks at Post Hudson-- Grant's position.

Grant has gone to digging, and a letter in the Herald, dated May 31st, says that his forts have been constructed so as to completely command the rebel fortifications, and that were it not for the rifle-pits Vicksburg might now be carried at any moment by assault. The opinion of Grant, however, seems to differ from that of the correspondent, and he still clings to the "shovel and the hoe." According to the correspondent, Gens. Laubman is on the extreme left, Grant in the centre, McPherson on his right, and Sherman on the extreme right. All have their batteries of siege guns so posted as entirely to command Pemberton's work. The opening of the bombardment is thus described:

‘ Orders were received late last evening to be ready at 6 o'clock this morning to bombard the city. Accordingly at that hour every gun along the line was in position, and opened upon the unfortunate city. For a full hour a tremendous cannonade was kept up, the object at which it was directed being the Court-House and vicinity. It is impossible to convey anything like an adequate idea of the demonstration. It is impossible that one hundred and fifty-guns, all raining at the same moment a terrific storm of fire upon the beleaguered garrison, and all concentrating their efforts in one locality, have failed to produce important results. The next intelligence from Vicksburg will be awaited with considerable anxiety.

During the assault of the 22d inst some thirty of our soldiers were taken prisoners and carried to Vicksburg, where, after remaining in confinement for two or three days, they were paroled and sent across the river to Young's Point under a flag of truce. One of these paroled prisoners returned to his regiment last night by way of Haines's Bluff.

He reports a distressing condition of affairs in Vicksburg. When our army was approaching from Big Black river all the women and children near the environs of Vicksburg were ordered to come within the lines, under the impression that a greater degree of safety could be had there than without. Experience has proved this impression incorrect. The Union shells are no respecters or persons, and when dropping in the vicinity of peaceful dwellings explode as viciously and as destructively as when in the midst of an armed host. Large numbers of women and children have been killed, he says. The very first shot fired by the mortar boats killed a woman and her child. Latterly the citizens have constructed for themselves caves in the cellars of their dwellings, to which, with their wives and little ones, they retire when the cannonade becomes furious.

The failure of our endeavors to take the city by assault will be succeeded by an effort to reduce the place by means of the spade — to what purpose, whether to mine or approach by means of parallels, has not been determined. The argument in favor of this course is economy of life, for even a successful attack upon the city would be attended with an extravagant loss of men.

The strength of Vicksburg towards the land is equally as strong as on the river side. The country is broken to a degree affording excellent defensive positions, and an attacking party must necessarily be exposed to a fire which could not be withstood by any troops. In addition to this the ravines intervening the ridges and knolls, which the enemy has fortified, are covered with a tangled growth of cane, wild grape, &c., making it impossible to move the troops in well dressed lines. The attempt of to-day has exhibited the impossibility of taking the city by storm; but a few weeks of the spade will show that Vicksburg can be taken. Let the people of the North feel assured of this.

General Pemberton was anxious to indicate to General Johnston his exact situation, and sent a trusty fellow, named Douglas — son of a prominent citizen of Illinois, who several years since migrated to Texas, and there joined the rebel service — through his lines, with instructions to make his way by night past the Union pickets, and, seizing the first horse he met, to ride to Gen. Johnston at Jackson.--Last Wednesday night, at dark, he started, and, holding a pass from Pemberton, was allowed to leave the enclosure in the rear of Vicksburg. Young Douglas had, unknown to his superiors, for a long time meditated escape and he could not neglect this golden opportunity. Instead of trying to avoid our pickets, therefore, he marched boldly up to them and surrendered himself a prisoner. General Lauman conversed with him long enough to discover that there was meat in that shell, and sent him to General Grant. To him he delivered the message he was instructed to deliver to Johnston. It was in effect as follows: "I have 15,000 men in Vicksburg, and rations for thirty days--one meal a day. Come to my aid with an army of 30,000 men. Attack Grant in his rear. If you cannot do this within ten days you had better retreat. Ammunition is almost exhausted, particularly percussion caps." This is the substance of the message, although not its exact terms. Douglas volunteered also other valuable information which leaves no doubt of the ultimate capture of the rebel army.

The news from Port Hudson is important. General Banks has entirely surrounded the place and is master of the situation. His lines extend from river to river, and the gunboats are investing the fort above and below. Not a man can escape. My informant left on the 29th ult., and reports heavy cannonading by land and water. It was said the rebel commander had offered to capitulate and surrender the position, if allowed to march out with the honors of war. This proposition was not entertained. After bombardment the offer — unconditional surrender — was renewed, but refused by the enemy. This was the situation on Friday. An attempt was made by a Georgia regiment to break through our lines and escape, but they were repulsed with considerable loss.

Gen. Banks, in an official dispatch, dated the 28th; after highly complimenting the negro troops, two-thirds of whom he got killed at Port Hudson, says:

‘ Our losses from the 23d to this date, in killed, wounded and missing, are nearly one thousand, including, I deeply regret to say, some of the ablest officers of the corps.

The fight at Brandy Station — position of Affairs at Fredericksburg.

The following dispatch, dated Washington, June 9th, is the only notice of the fight in Culpeper which has reached the New York papers:

‘ A severe engagement took place this morning between our cavalry and that of the rebels, under Gen. Stuart. The locality at which it occurred was Beverly's ford, on the Rappahannock, five miles above Rappahannock Station and about the same distance below the Sulphur Springs.

A dispatch from below Fredericksburg, dated the 7th, estimates the number of Confederates there at 30,000. The dispatch adds:

Although the crossing of the Rappahannock at this point was for the third time effected on Friday evening, our forces have advanced no further than the open plain behind the rifle-pits from which the enemy was driven, or rather in which the greater part of his sharp shooters, on whom he depended to held the ford, were captured. The brigade of General Neil crossed over yesterday at ten o'clock and took a position on the left. In the evening Gen. Shaler, who has innately been promoted for conspicuous gallantry displayed at Fredericks burg and Marye's Heights five weeks ago to day, joined us with his brigade. Two lines of battle — the first consisting of Gen. Hewe's forces and the second comprising Shalar's troops — were formed plainly in right of the rebel and under the of back artillery yet very quiet on both. sides. The Sixth Vermont Volunteers, of the brigade commanded by Colonel Grant, were thrown forward as skirmisher, and suffered the only casualties inflicted by the enemy yesterday.

The movement thus far has been conducted differently from the previous advances of our troops. When the army crossed before heavy guns on the heights — a mile, at least, from the river — were relied upon to cover the laying of the pontoons. This time two batteries of field artillery were brought quite down to the bank of the stream, and the diagonal fire which they unceasingly maintained not only kept the rebels silent in their rifle-pits, but successfully prevented the approach of any reinforcements which would otherwise have joined them. Len's orders were that the ford should in no case be given up, and the Florida troops within the rifle-pits were expected to hold them against all comers; but when the shell, and shrapnel, and grape, and canister began to rain down upon them, they were compelled to lay low, and when, an our fire ceased for an instant, the 5th Vermont and 26th New. Jersey regiments charged up the steep ascent, the rebels had no time to get away.

Execution of Confederate officers as

An official dispatch from Gen. Rosecrans communicates the following facts, furnished him by Col. Baird, Federal Commander of the Post at Franklin, Tenn.

Two men came into camp about dark, dressed in our uniforms, with horse equipments to correspond, saying they were Col. Auton, Inspector General, and Mater Dunlop, Assistant, having an order from Adjutant-General Townsend, and your order to inspect outposts; but their conduct was so singular that we arrested them, and they insisted that it was very important to go to Nashville to-night--Col. Baird asked if there were any such persons in the army; and if so, their descriptions. I replied at once that they were probably spies, and directed him to order a court, and if they proved to be spies to execute them immediately, which was done; and they were tried, condemned to be hung, and the sentence was carried into execution before 10 o'clock this morning.

On being discovered they confessed they were officers in the rebel army, one a colonel, named Lawrence W. Orton, formerly W. Orton Williams. One claims to be a first cousin to Robert Lee, and is said to have been chief of artillery on Gen. Bragg's staff, and formerly to have been on Gen. Scott's staff of the 2d regular cavalry.


A letter from Folly Island, S. C., says a reconnaissance in full revealed the fact that there are only 1,000 on the island.

The Ohio Democratic State Convention was to assemble at Columbus on the 11th inst. to nominate a candidate for Governor and other State offices. Hon. C. L. Vallandigham is the most prominent candidate for the Gubernatorial nomination.

John Wood, the actor, died in California on the 8th inst.

The subscriptions in San Francisco to the cause of Poland amount to $3,600.

An explosion occurred at Fort Lyons, near Alexandria, Va., on the 9th instant, killing twenty men.

Among the last lot of prisoners released by the rebels and delivered under flag of truce at City Point were a number of deserters from the Union army to the rebels. They will be sent to their regiments for trial for their desertion to the enemy.

The wheat crop in Maryland is very poor.

The 34th New York regiment, whose time is out, went through Washington Tuesday, with 400 men out of 1,200 that they carried into the war.

Gold was quoted in New York on the 9th at 142½ Exchange 155 ½ to 156.

Fernando Wood is out in a card in the New papers, asserting that on his recent visit to Lincoln he reiterated to him the views he expressed in his recent peace speech in New York. He don't say what Lincoln's reply was.

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C. L. Vallandigham (1)
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