Later from Europe.
The steamer Europa passed Cape Race, on the 7th inst., with dates from Liverpool to the 28th ult. Her advices are interesting. The following is a summary of them: The Persia's news caused increased excitement in England and cotton further advanced. The London Times says that it shows nothing much can be accomplished before the fall, and hopes that means may be devised to end the conflict between the North and South. The Chambers have adjourned that the Emperor is re-considering the principles of the Mexican expedition, and the embarkation of troops has been provisionally suspended. The steamship Hausa, which was to have left Southampton on the 25th of June, was compelled to put back to Bremen, owing to an accident to her machinery. The steamship City of New York, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on the 25th, and reported only one of her boilers working. The ship Sailor's Home, formerly the Independence, had reached Liverpool from Havana with nearly two thousand three hundred bales of cotton. France is about to construct reduced models of the Monitor and the Merrimac, in order to test their merits. Russia has recognized the kingdom of Italy. General Suders was shot at and slightly wounded at Warsaw. The perpetrators of the act have not been discovered.
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