Latest from the North.
great riot in New York.
the Conscription resisted.
two hundred people supposed to be killed.
destruction of houses.
a Colonel hung to a Lamp-Post.
another riot at Hartford, Conn.
proclamation of Gov. Seymour address of Archbishop Hughes--attack on the Tribune office--Negress beaten and killed by the scene — the draft suspended — buildings burnt, Kic. We have received through Hen. Robert Ould, New York papers of Wednesday, the 15th inst. The news contained in them is highly important. A terrible riot commenced in New York on Monday, the day fixed for the draft. We condense from the New York Post, of Monday evening, the particulars of the conflict:
The Opening of the riot.
This morning some of the laborers employed by two or three of the railroad companies, and in some of the foundries, assisted by a gang of desperate men, went to different establishments in the upper wards, where large numbers of workmen are employed, and compelled them, by threats in some instances, to cease their work. The rioters thus gained large accessions of strength, and marched through the streets yelling and shouting, and brandishing their clubs and other weapons. At twenty minutes past ten o'clock the crowd marched down 3d avenue, and congregated opposite the enrolling office. At 10 o'clock, although orders had been given to the military and to the police of the different wards no assistance had arrived except ten or twelve policemen. The Provost Marshal at that hour decided to commence the drawing. The great wheel was placed upon the table; the blindfolded man took his position beside it; the man at the wheel was ready to perform his duty, and the Provost Marshal announced that the draft in the Twenty second ward, which was begun on Saturday, would then be concluded. The wheel began to revolve amid the somewhat excited demonstrations of the crowd of spectators, numbering from one hundred to two hundred persons; and the draft proceed for about twenty minutes, when the more formidable riot took place. The first demonstration of violence was made immediately thereafter. A volley of stones crashed through the open doors and large windows of the enrolling office, (which had been constructed for a store on the first floor of the building.) One or two persons inside the office were struck by stones, and other persons — among whom were the Provost Marshal, who had maintained his position on the table where the wheel stood, and the Commissioner, Surgeon, and other officers of the draft including Deputy Provost Marshal Vanderpokel, and the reporters for the news papers — at once made their escape from the room to other parts of the building and to the rear. The Provost Marshal, who would probably have been murdered if caught, was assisted over the wall of the back yard.Destruction of the building.
When the room had been cleared the rioters approached with their clubs and with their hands full of stones and bricks began to destroy the windows which had escaped the previous volley. When however, some of the more excited persons in the crowd had entered the office and begun the work of demolishing the machinery of the draft and the furniture in the room, the building was occupied by very large numbers, who seized upon the lists, records, blanks and the great books in which the names of the drafted men were to be engrossed, bore them into the street with loud demonstrations, lore them into fragments, and scattered them over the neighborhood. For many rods above and below the building, and in Forty-sixth street, the ground was almost covered with the blanks and the other papers. Everything in the enrolling office was utterly destroyed, except the large safe which was understood to contain the record of the men drafted on Saturday, and which the mob could not open. The men were excited beyond description, and endeavored to pound down the supports of the building with sticks of timber. Shortly after this destruction smoke issued from the rear of the room, and a great shout was rased by the crowd when they saw that the building was on fire. They then shock hands with each other and gave various indications of unbounded delight. The fire burned slowly, but when it reached the second story the demonstrations of the crowd were renewed with greater intensity and violence was freely against the enrolling officers and all persons in any manner connected with the draft. It was understood that some of the enrolling officers were in the upper part of the building, and though several families of women and children occupied that pad, stones and other missiles were thrown through the windows. While the building was burning the crowd discovered the side door, and attempted to enter. Those at the door called vociferously to their companions to follow and rush up the stairs. But few, however, were permitted to ascend, the police assuring them that none but women and children were there. The police force then ready for duty consisted of only about twenty men, and nearly all were drawn up in Forty-sixth street, a few rods from the burning building. They made no effort whatever to stop the operations of the mob, and would have been unable to act effectively, in any event, on account of their small numbers. Mayor Opdyke, on receiving information of the riot, communicated with General Sanford, and preparations were at once made to send a sufficient force to quell the disturbance. In the meantime however, the rioters acted without the slightest restraint from the authorities. During all this time the fire in the enrolling office spread to the upper part of the building and to the adjoining but dings, and the entire block was in flames at 12 o'clock. The families in the upper part of the building on the corner of Forty-sixth street threw out a small part of their property and escaped with their lives. Two or three men with axes attacked the telegraph poles in Third avenue, and at 11 o'clock two of them had been cut down and the wires destroyed.Assaults on the police.
The Express says: ‘ On the corner of 42d street and Third Avenue, a police officer in endeavoring to fire into the crowd, shot a horse which was standing there and killed a woman, who resides somewhere in 42d street, on the Rocks. The crowd on seeing this rushed in, and taking hold of an officer who was near, struck him with paving stones, iron bars, and everything else within their reach. The poor fellow ran across the street, pursued by the mob, when a ball was fired at him, striking him in the back of the head. ’ The man finally got into a brick yard, where a number of females beset him and abused him, until he dropped down exhausted, and could only be rescued by the united efforts of several gentlemen, who took him to St. Luke's Hospital. The greatest excitement prevailed at this time, and the most fierce of all were the women, who, with crowbars, clubs, shovels, and other implements of destruction, were running about calling on the men to die at home. Some person here advised the crowds to go round Lexington avenue and look for the police there. But only a few went up, who, on the corner of 42d street and Lexington avenue, came across a police officer, whose head was beaten to a jelly, but he got off and escaped. A comparative quiet ensued for about an hour, during which many procured bars of iron, &c. At about two o'clock crowds began to arrive from the lower wards, and as groups arrived they were loudly cheered by the populace. Some of the fresh arrived men brought heavy fire arms with them, but nearly every one had a pistol or revolver.Assault on a Tribune Attache.
At 2 o'clock Mr. Howard, a gentleman connected with the city press for many years, was standing on the corner of 46th street and Third avenue, looking at the scene, when the cry was raised, "Here is add — d Abolitionist, let's hang him," &c. He was immediately surrounded by a mob, to whom he made known his vocation. A voice here cried out, "He is a Tribune man; hang the son of a --! Mr. Howard was seized by the hair and taken to an awning post, but, fortunately, something else diverting the attention of the crowd, he had a chance to escape up Third avenue, but only for a short time, for a blow with a paving stone on the back of the head and another one in the face him so that he lost all consciousness, and while in this state he lost his gold watch and chain, diamond breastpin, and $30 in money. Four gentlemen here came up, and taking charge of the wounded man covered him to the truck house of Hook and Ladder company No. 16, followed all the time by the excited crowd, who wanted nothing less than to hand him, but he was finally got in and the doors closed. The crowd in the meantime kept hammering at the doors, but they had to give up, as the doors resisted, and Mr. Howard was finally got away without further trouble.The mob on the Increase.
At about 3 o'clock, a procession of about five thousand people came up. First avenue, all armed with bars, pistols, etc., threatening vengeance on all persons connected with the draft. They halted in front of the Eighteenth ward station house, in 22d street, and sent up yells which were anything but human. Two of these officers were left lying on the pavement at the corner of 42d street for some time before the crowd would allow them to be removed. Several of the policemen were so fortunate as to procure disguises, and thus made their escape unnoticed by the crowd. Sergt. Wade was struck in the breast with a stone, but sustained do serious injury. Sergt. McCredle has not been heard from.A Virginian Leading the mob.
Mr. Andrews, of Virginia, ascended a charity which stood opposite the burning mine where thousands were assembled. Behind this was an open space of untitled ground occupied by dense masses, whom Mr. Andrews proceeded to address: ‘ He wished he had the lungs of a Stentor, and that there was a reporter present to take down his words. He said be had lately addressed them at a meeting at the Cooper Institute, where he told them Mr. Lincoln wanted to tear the hard working man from his family and send him to the war. He denounced Mr. Lincoln for his Conscription bill; which was in favor of the rich and against the poor man. He called him as Nero and a Caligula for such a measure. Had the country not given to this war plenty of men? Were they more liberal in supplying men and money in the time of their revolutionary fathers, or in the war with England in than in the present unhappy struggled Certainly not,--He then advised the people to organize resist the dratt, and appoint their leader, and, if necessary, he would be their leader. [Uproarious cheering.] ’Private property destroyed.
Immediately after this the leaders of the assaulting party proceeded to a large and beautiful dwelling on the corner of Forty seventh street and Lexington avenue, followed by an excited crowd and immediately proceeded to attack this building, which was said to be by some the residence of Major General Sanford, and by others that of Mr. Dowe, a tailor, who belonged to the Provost Marshal's office, others thought it was Horace Greeley's. They smashed in the doors, which were torn from the hinges, smashed every pane of glass, both front and rear, and then commenced to fling out the windows everything upon which they could lay their hands. Pictures, with gilt frames, elegant pier glasses, sofas, chairs, clocks, furniture of every kind, wearing apparel, had clothes, & a whole library was scattered in showers through the windows, and they wound up by setting fire to the building, amid the wild cheers, yells, and bootings of those who surrounded the house. Immediately after, Capt., Manierre, Provost Marshal of the Eighth District, adjourned the drawing of the names in that district, the wheels containing the ballots, and the lists and papers belonging to the officer were conveyed to the Twenty-ninth Precinct Station-house for safe keeping, as an attack on the officers was anticipated. This expectation, no doubt, caused the drawing of the names to be postponed.Arrival of the regulars.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon, a detachment of regulars was sent from Governor's Island to report to Col. Robert Nugent, the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of this city. The troops were under command of Captain Watkins, and numbered about one hundred men. It was currently reported that the great through which had burned up the Marshal's quarters in Third Avenue had taken possession of the arsenal. The rumor, however, was unfounded. In some streets through which the regulars passed the seemed to anticipate that they came to enforce the draft. Small groups of women and men, in Wooster and other streets on their line of march, hooted and cursed at them, while some exclaimed: "You can't take our husbands." The movement of the regulars was kept secret by officers and men. The guide, Dr. White, U. S. A., and Capt. Watkins, refused to reveal their destination. At a quarter past 4 o'clock a crowd of about three thousand persons, who were being rapidly reinforced from almost every direction, marched down 5th avenue, and then crossed over East 31st street toward the 7th avenue. They were armed with bars of iron, staves, and other implements. They gave continually vociferous groans for the conscription, and one of them bare a banner, formed of a large panel of wood, on which was inscribed the words, "no draft." The colored Orphan Asylum has been burned by the mob. Allerton's hotel, at Ball's Head, has been burned. When the mob was passing down Second avenue somebody in the Armory fired on them from a window. They then fired and destroyed the building. Every negro who has been seen by the mob has been either murdered or horribly beaten. Some twenty have thus far been killed.Provost Marshal Kennedy Beatin.
Soon after the commencement of the disturbance in the Ninth District to-day, word was sent by special messenger to the police headquarters, and in a very short time Superintendent Kennedy and several of his officers were as the scene of the disturbance. No sooner was Mr. Kennedy recognized than he was seized knocked down, and severely beaten. He was only saved from death by the interposition of Mr. John Higgles, a prominent politician, and he was then put in a carriage and sent to the police headquarters. He is now attended by two physicians. At 435 Allerton's hotel, in 14th street, near Fifth avenue, was set on fire by the mob, and it is stated was completely destroyed. The building is a brick one, with a wooden piazza running round and a number of framed out houses attached. The house which was burned and sacked at the corner of 17th street and Lexington avenue, is said to have been inhabited by Capt. Jenkins, of Col. Nugent's Department. A large mob has just left the lower part of the city for up town.Attack on the Tribune office.
A gang of rioters assailed the Tribune office early in the evening, broke the windows of the counting-room, and did considerable damage to its interior, but they were finally repulsed by streams of sculling water thrown upon them. A heavy force of police is now guarding the Tribute and Times offices. It is raiding hard, and further demonstrations to-night are unlikely, although they are threatened. The only additional damage reported to have been done in the up-town district was the total destruction of a block of five-story brick buildings on Broadway, between Twenty eighth and Twenty-ninth sts. The telegraph wires from 44th to 14th street were destroyed by the mob. The Tribune editors have procured a large supply of rifles, and the full force of the office is ready to repulse any attack. All the Post Office employees are stationed at the Post Office, fearing an attack on it. --Cannon have been placed in the Post-Office and Custom House. The fire bells have been ringing since 4 o'clock and not less than a dozen different fires are reported. The American Telegraph office is closed. A crowd of rioters are at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and threaten to demolish it. Crowds of boys have been running through the streets, attacking colored men and women, and also their dwellings. Arms have been sent to the Custom House from Governor's Island.The riot of Tuesday.
The riot of Tuesday closely resembled that of the day before, in the matter of killing negroes, burning, houses, and killing policemen. It commenced about 3 o'clock in the morning by the destruction of the Armory on 31st st, owned by Mayor Opdyke. The armed guards of the building killed one of the mob, and the crowd then rushed in, destroying the Armory. Two policemen were killed by leaping from the windows. The rioters then commenced forcing all they met in the streets into their ranks. About 12 o'clock a crowd gathered at the corner of 17th street and 6th avenue to destroy a residence there, but were fired upon by a company of the 12th U. S. infantry, and after some resistance were put to flight. Two or three of the crowd and the same number of the troops were wounded in this fight. Four or five parties of the rimers were fired into by the military at different points in the city, and a number killed. In 2d avenue fifteen of the rioters were killed by the military. The house of Mayor Opdyke was attacked, but the police arrived in time to save it from any further destruction than the loss of the glass in the front windows. The residence of Mr. Gibbous (a cousin of Horace Greeley) was completely sacked and gutted of every particle of furniture, and even the wearing apparel of its occupants. The house of Postmaster Wakeman was also sacked.--Even the carpets were taken up and carried off. Col. H. F. C. Brien, of the 11th N. Y. Volunteers, who had command of the troops on Monday, was caught by the mob going into his house (which had been sacked) on Tuesday and beaten dreadfully. The Herald says he was hung after being beaten, but the Tribute gives the following account of it. After beating Col. O'Brien until he was completely insensible they again drugged him into the yard and threw him into a corner where every now and then they visited him and renewed their attack upon him. Several persons witnessed this outrage from their near window, and protested against it when the mob cried out kill them too, don't let's have any witnesses" The ringleaders notified the neighbors that they intended burning the block at night, and were going to burn the body of the Colonel. The greatest excitement existed in the neighborhood, and many people took away their more valuable property. Previous to the return home of Col. O'Brien the mob had ransacked and completely gutted the house.--During the afternoon aid arrived and the injured man was removed to a place of security and where he could receive medical attendance. It is thought he cannot survive.Speech of Gov. Seymour.
Gov. Seymour made a speech at the City Hall, in which he said: ‘ "My Friends:I have come down here from the quiet of the country to see what was the difficulty, to learn what all this trouble was concerning the draft. Let me assure you that I am your friend. [Uproarious cheering] You have been my friends--[cries of "Yes," "Yes," "That's so"--"We are, and will be against."] and now I assure you, my fellow-citizens, that I am here to show you a test of my friendship. [Cheers] I wish to inform you that I have sent my Adjutant General to Washington to center with the authorities there, and to have this draft suspended and stopped. [Vociferous cheers] I now, ask you as good citizens to wait for his return, and I assure you that I will do all that I can to see that there is no inequality, and no wrong done any one. I wish you to take good care of all property, as good citizens, and see that every person is safe. The safekeeping of property and persons rests with you, and I charge you to disturb neither. It is your duty to maintain the good order of the city, and I know you will do it. I wish you now to separate as good citizens, and you can assemble again whenever you wish to do so I ask you to leave as to me now, and I will see to your rights. Wait until my Adjutant returns from Washington, and you shall be satisfied. Listen to me and see that no harm is done to either persons or property, but retire peaceably. [Cheers]--Some of the crowd here shouted, "Send away those bayonets," referring to a company of soldiers who were drawn up in front or the City Hall; but the Governor declined to interfere with the military and showing in the crowd, retired Mr. E. O. Barrio of Brooklyn, formally of Tennessee, then himself, and asked the crowd to disperse and await the reply from Washington, which he was certain would come by telegraph this afternoon, and which he knew would be that no draft would take place. [Cries of "Send there soldiers away, then we'll go."] Upon the suggestion of some person Mr. Perrin told the crowd that the soldiers present were subject to the command of Gov. Seymour, and could not go unless he ordered them away. The speaker then retired, as did also the crowd, after many mutterings against the troops. ’ Gov. Seymour also issued a proclamation calling on the people to disperse to their homes, and assuring them that he would attend to their having their just rights. Archbishop Hughes issued the following letter to the Roman Catholics of New York: ‘ "In spite of Mr. Greeley's assault upon the Irish, in the present condition of the city I will appeal, not only to them, but to all persons who love God and revere the Holy the religion, which they profess to respect also the laws of man and the peace of society — to retire to their homes with at little delay as possible, and disconnect themselves from the seemingly deliberate intention to disturb the peace and the social rights of the citizens of New York. If they are catholics, or of such of them as are Catholics, I ask, for God's sake — for the sake of their Holy religion — for my own sake, if they have any respect for the Episcopal authority — to dissolve their had associations with reckless men, who have little regard for either Diving or human laws. ’ "County Seat.John,"
"Archbishop of New York."
"Archbishop of New York."
The very Latest.
The Herald, of the 15th, has intelligence up to 1 o'clock A. M. Gov. Seymour had received information from Washington that the draft was positively suspended. The residence of Mr. Sinclair, publisher of the N. Y. Tribune was sacked and burnt about 11 o'clock Tuesday night, after this news, and many other residences. Webb's ship yard was in the hands of the rioters, who were proceeding to burn the vessels there. The body of Colonel O'Brien could not be found. The Herald estimated that 200 persons were killed in the two days rioting, of whom 156 were negroes. At 1 o'clock Wednesday morning the mob were still sacking and burning. Among the bloodiest fights was that occurring at the burning of Allerton's Hotel, where a company of 40 soldiers were overpowered by the mob. Nine of the soldiers were dreadfully wounded. In some instances the women jerked the bayonets from their owners and plunged them into the already wounded soldiers. A negro was hanged to a tree in Clarkson street. His clothing was then set on fire, and was burned completely from his body. The cry of the mob, Tuesday morning, was "Hang the Abolitionists." The Hudson River Railroad was torn up. Gov. Seymour, at a late hour Tuesday night, issued a proclamation declaring New York to be in a state of insurrection. The mob was on its way to burn the Spuyton Devil bridge to prevent troops from arriving in the city.Riot at Hartford, Ct.
Springfield, July 13.
--A riot has broken but in Hartford, and troops have been sent to protect the armory and arsenal there.
There is considerable excitement in this city.
Riot at Newark N. J. Cheers for Jef. Davis.
Tuesday evening in Newark, N. J., a mob gutted the office of the Daily Mercury, an Abolition journal, and then stoned the house, smashing in the windows. The crowd exhibited their sympathies by frequent cheers for Jeff. Davis, Gen. McClellan, and Fitz John Porter, and groans for the President, the Provost Marshal, and other officials.Gen. Lee's Army across the Potomac.
The following is a dispatch from General Meade: My cavalry now occupy Falling Waters, having overtaken, and captured a brigade of infantry, 1,500 strong, two guns and caissons, two battle flags, and a large number of small arms. The enemy are all across the Potomac.The New York Tribune, commenting on this dispatch, says: ‘ We regret to say that the dispatch from our special correspondent, which we printed yesterday afternoon, announcing the escape of the rebel army across the Potomac, is confirmed by the official bulletin of Gen. Meade. The only loss attending the movement was of a brigade of infantry, fifteen hundred strong, two guns, two caissons, two battle flags, and a number of small arms. Everything else Gen. Lee has succeeded in placing beyond the Potomac, and he thus not merely carries off the spoils of his Pennsylvania invasion, but the laurels of the campaign, subsequent to his defeat at Gettysburg, belong also to him. ’ We do not suppose that Gen. Meade has not pressed the pursuit with all the energy and determination which the condition of his army admitted. It may well be that the terrible conflicts at Gettysburg seriously shattered his forces, and that he delayed his final attack in the hope to strengthen himself sufficiently to make it irresistible. Until further advised, we forbear criticism on his recent movements.