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The difference.

--When Gen. Lee's army was in Pennsylvania the moderation of the invaders, and, in particular, their courteous and respectful demeanor towards women, were acknowledged and dilated on even by the pensioned correspondents of the Yankee press. The manly and humane address of General Early at York to the women of that section contained no promise of protection which it did not literally fulfill. No single soldier of the Confederate army has ever been accused of the slightest act of disrespect, much less of wrong and outrage, to a woman. Now, mark the difference!

The army of Lee returns to Virginia, the army of Meade once more invades our soil, and the first acknowledgment we receive of the honorable and manly deportment of our own chivalric soldiers towards females, is a series of the most brutal outrages upon ladies in Loudoun county which have ever disgraced the annals of war! And we are told that the worst of such cases never see the light! We have heard from respectable authority horrors perpetrated upon. Virginia women on Virginia soil which it makes the blood run cold to contemplate. For crimes like these there can be no like retaliation, for no man who has a soul, who is not merely a brute in the form of man, could ever descend to such deeds of darkness. To the hands of our soldiers alone can we trust the work of retribution.--Let them on every battle field remember, and visit upon the heads of these demons, fresh from the infernal pit, the punishment of their enormous wickedness.

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