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Words of Wisdom.

--In a sermon of the celebrated Scottish divine, Dr. Blair, delivered in Edinburgh on a National Fast Day in 1793. occurs the following paragraph, which is as true now as it was then, and which is well worthy the consideration of Southern men at this time:

"But while we duly value this high advantage of the liberty of the press, and the freedom of political discussion, and when we behold it perpetually acting as a censorial check on all who are in power, let us beware lest abusing our liberty we suffer it to degenerate into licentiousness. The multitude, we well know, are always prone to find fault with those who are set over them, and to arraign their conduct; and too often this spirit appears when public dangers ought to silence the voice of discontent, and to unite every heart and hand in the common cause. The management of a great empire, especially in difficult times, is the conduct of an unwieldy and intricate machine in direction, the movements of which where is the hand so steady as never to err? Instead of the violent censures which the giddy and presumptuous are so ready to pour forth, moderation in discussing matters of which they are very incompetent judges, would be much more wise and becoming. The art of government and legislation is undoubtedly the most wise and difficult of all the arts in which the human mind can be engaged; and where the greatest preparation of knowledge, experience, and ability are absolutely requisite to qualify men for the task.

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