
Later from the North.

New York papers of the 6th have been received:

Gold opened on the 5th at 147½, reached 147¼, and closed at 146⅞.

The Archduke Maximilian has accepted the crown of Mexico.

Gen. Heintzleman has been relieved of the command of the defences of Washington, and Gen. Barnard has been tendered the post.

Still Later.

Baltimore papers, of the 8th inst., have been received. We have received the following summary of the news, through the agent of the Press Association:

‘ A Louisville dispatch states that General Burnside has driven the enemy before him southward to the Hiawassee river, and eastward as far as Greenville, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad. The right wing of Gen. Burnside's army is thus put in communication with the army of the Cumberland. Hooker is to command a part of the reinforcements sent to Rosecrans. Reinforcements are literally pouring down from Louisville.

Eight hundred prisoners, captured at the battle of Chickamauga, have been sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill.

Advices from Charleston harbor to the 3d instant have been received. It was currently reported that Gen. Gillmore's headquarters had been removed from Morris to Folly Island, and that the mass of the troops and war material would soon follow.

The blockade runners Diamond, Alabama, and Lizzie Davis have been recently captured by Yankee cruisers.

Dispatches from the army of the Potomac say there is nothing occurring to indicate immediate active operations. Conscripts in large numbers arriving daily. Changes have been made in the location of some of the corps.

Two citizens of Alexandria have been heavily fined for failing to recognize the "reorganized Government of Virginia" by taking out licenses for the transaction of their business.

Advices from Matamoras to the 12th ult. make no mention of the occupation of that place by the French forces.

The Russian fleet will probably stay in American waters until spring. The Admiral and his officers will visit Washington and the Great West on private invitations.

A new arrangement for the exchange of prisoners has been agreed upon. The details are still under consideration.

Gold in New York, Tuesday, at first board, 146½ at second board, 147½. On Wednesday, at first board, 146⅜; at second board, 146¼. No particular cause is assigned for the advance.

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