The commander of the Georgia is Capt. Wm. L. Maury, not Com. M. F. Maury, who is now in England. Capt. Maury is a relative of the distinguished navigator, and has relatives in Richmond. There will be two one-armed men in the next Congress as representatives from Georgia--Hon. Mark Blanford from the 3d, and Capt. G. N. Lester from the 8th district. Private letters received in Savannah announce that the steamer Lamar, from Savannah, was recently captured by the enemy on her way to Nassau. Judge Geo. W. Summers, of Kanawha, once an honored politician in Virginia, is now a candidate for the Yankee Congress from Western Virginia. The late Dr. Schuman, of Salem, N. C., bequeathed $80,000 to the Foreign Missions of the Moravian Church. The Virginia Hotel, in Staunton, Va., was sold on Wednesday last to Capt. Booton, of Page county, Va., for $105,000. In Rockingham county, Va., four men were convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary at Richmond. A negro girl, aged 19 years, sold in Lynchburg, Va., last week, for $6,000 cash. Irish potatoes, and plenty of them, are selling at Danville, Va., at $6a$8 per bushel. Yesterday was the 100th day of the siege of Charleston, S. C. Dr. Richard D. Arnold has been elected Mayor of Savannah, Ga.
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