Hays's Louisiana brigade.
Upon information received that the brave
Louisiana brigade of
Gen. Hays are suffering for the want of blankets, overcoats, socks, and shoes, and appeal is made for contributions of such articles, or for money with which to purchase them.
These brave soldiers have been in almost every battle in
Virginia for the last two years; their ranks have been sadly thinned; numbering now only about six hundred men; they are cut off from their homes and families, and deserve that special provision shall be made for their comfort.
The members of the original committee for the relief of the
Louisiana exiles, together with a few other gentlemen have kindly consented to serve and receive subscriptions.
The names and address of the committee are given as follows:
Hon. C. M. Conrad,
Hon. T. J. Semmes;
Major Bayne,
Ord. Dep't;
John Freeland;
Col. Palpey, A. and L.
Gen.'s Office;
Samuel J. Hanesen;
Bell &
Samuel M. Price,
D. T. Williams,
H. E. C. Baskerville.
Persons may subscribe by calling at the Va. Life Insurance office.