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Richmond Circuit Court

--Feb. 19th, Judge Meredith, presiding.--Jim Ellis, free, with aliases, Wm. Hardeman, John Thacker, Jas. Henry alias John Williams, and John Orritt, penitentiary convicts, who had served two years in that institution, were severally put to the bar, and being identified as the same parties, were severally re-sentenced to a further term as the laws of the State require, for a period of five additional years, to commence from and after the period for which they are now undergoing confinement.

Allen Ewing, John Myers, with numerous aliases, and Jno A H R Armistead were severally put to the bar, and upon being identified as parties who had already served two terms and were now undergoing confinement for a third offence, were, as required by law, resentenced to the period of their natural life.

This Court having been engaged recently in hearing chancery cases, will adjourn on to-morrow for the term. The next regular session will commence on the first day of May, proximo.

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