Additional from the North.
We make up from our latest Northern papers the following additional intelligence, which is interesting:
The "reconnaissance" Near Dalton, Ga — what it Turned out.
The Nashville
Union gives the particulars of the
Yankee defeat at
Tunnel Hill.
The account is a glowing one, but some truth comes out in its summary of the results:
Gen. Thomas was present, and superintended matters in person; and after discovering the enemy's position, became convinced that it was too strong to be carried by assault, and he therefore made preparations for a strategic movement, the nature of which, however, we deem it imprudent to mention; and therefore
Cruft's division was ordered to take up a new position, thereby leaving the brigades of
King and
Hambright, of
Johnson's division, which were in the advance, with no other support than
Morgan's brigade of
Jeff. C. Davis's command
Mistaking this for a retreat the rebels, at about 2 o'clock A. M., on the 26th, advanced their lines, and, before they were discovered, were within twelve feet of our pickets, who were but a short distance in advance of the main body.
As soon as our lines were discovered the enemy of musketry, which was returned in gallant style, for an hour and a half, and until the rebels withdrew.
Our informant describes the scene as one of the grandest he ever witnessed; the continual rattling of musketry, from ten thousand infantry, and the bright blaze of the powder, which, at first in flashes, finally settled as if a steady Hame until the heavens were illuminated, rendered the affair altogether beyond the power of description.
Nothing can surpass the gallantry displayed by our troops in this battle.
They have added to their hard-earned laurels, and given the world a new cause for admiring their heroism, patriotism, and valor.
During the night trains were heard coming in from the
South continually, and from prisoners it was learned that
Johnston was calling in his scattered forces; but that all would not amount to more than 15,000 men.
Gen. Palmer's garments were pierced no less than four times, by bullets, during the series of engagements.
The Union loss is put down at two hundred, and that of the rebels at five hundred.
The results have prevented
Johnston from detaching troops to operate against
Gen. Sherman, familiarized our troops with a hitherto unknown country, and at the same time demonstrated the tremendous strength of the rebel position at
No portion of our good fortune in the opening of this campaign has illustrated more clearly the impossibility of subjugating the
Confederate States than the disastrous failure of
Sherman's movement, with the "brilliant"
McPherson to aid him. No movement made in this war will carry so forcibly to the
Yankee mind the impossibility of conquering so large a territory.
A dispatch from
Washington, to the New York
Tribune, shows how much was expected of the expedition and what a failure it has been:
General Sherman is reported at the War Department as having arrived at
Selma, in Alabama. --This is in accordance with his instructions.
He left
Vicksburg with twenty days rations, in light marching order, and intended to march twenty miles a day, and make a lodgment on the
upper Alabama river.
It was left to the option of
Gen. Sherman whether the depot should be established at
Selma or
He chose the former position, on the northeast bank of the river.
It was agreed that
General Logan should move from
Huntsville, and form a junction with
Sherman on the
Sherman moved promptly at the appointed time, and outgeneraling
Polk, threw his forces between
Mobile and
Polk's army, and falling on the forces of the mitred General, scattered his army and moved directly forward to
The War Department has trustworthy information that
Logan's cavalry has made a junction with
Sherman's forces at
Gen. Johnston, being alarmed for the safety of
Mobile, sent one division of his army to that city.
Sherman's orders are to destroy the
Mobile, Montgomery, and Atlanta railroad, it is patent that
Johnston will also be cut off from
Mobile, and must, if pressed, fail back toward the
Atlantic coast or to
Lee's army in
The army of
Gen. Sherman is of sufficient strength to warrant success in case of attack by the combined forces south of his present position, and, reinforced by
Logan's corps, he may safely attack even
Johnston's army.
The movement of
Thomas to
Dalton is adding strength to
Sherman's position, and threatens the rebel position at
The expedition into
Florida is intended to attract the enemy in that direction, while
Sherman and
Thomas move into the heart of
Alabama and
Georgia There is the utmost confidence here that this brilliant movement, attended with such signal success, insures the early termination of the war.
Price resolutions in the Yankee Congress.
In the
Yankee Congress last week the old peace commissioner resolutions were up again, and disposed of as usual.
The following are the proceedings in the
Mr. Long (Ohio) offered a preamble, concluding with the following resolution:
That the
President of the
United States be and be is hereby most earnestly but respectfully requested to appoint
Franklin pierce, of
New Hampshire,
Millard Filimore, of New York, and
Thomas Ewing, of
Ohio, and such other persons as the
President shall see proper to select, as Commissioners on the part of the
United States who shall be empowered to meet Commissioners of like number, for the came object, on behalf of the
Confederate States, at such time and place as may be agreed upon, to ascertain, before a renewal of hostilities, whether the war shall not come to a close and the
Union be restored by a return of all the States to their allegiance and rights under the
Mr. Dawes (Mass.) inquired of
Mr. Long whether he would not substitute
Mr. Vallandigham for
Mr. Ewing or
Mr. Fillmore; while
Mr. Ashley, of
Ohio, thought
Mr. Buchanan ought to be added to the list of Commissioners.
The resolution was rejected, only twenty-two members voting for it, vis:
Messrs, James C. Allen, Ancens.
Brooks, Conroth Drulson,
Knapp, Long
Miller (Pa.) Morrison,
O'Neil, (
Ohio,) Pradleton,
Randall, (Pa,)
Ross, Silles,
Strouse, Voothess,
Chilton A. White.
The nays were 96.
Mr. Schenck (Ohio) offered a series of resolutions, namely that the present war against armed insurgents, banded under the same of the Southern Confederacy, was brought on by a wicked and wholly inexcusable rebellion, and all these
gaged in, of aiding and abetting is, have incurred the name of public enemies, and should be treated as such.
The above was agreed to.
The next branch was read, nam-fly, "This rebellion should be effectually put down, and to prevent a recurrence of such a rebellion in future, the cause which led to this one must be permanently removed."
The yeas and says were demanded on the last clause, as to the removal of the course of the rebellion.
Mr. J. C. Allen, (IlI.,) as his name was called, voted "yen," amid excessive laughter.
Mr. Allsy (
Mass.) voted "no"
This caused much merriment, but the gentleman directly changed his vote, explaining that he, for the moment, thought he was voting right, being opposed to the gentleman from
House were in most excellent humor, their laughter being loud and prolonged.
Mr. Cox, (
Ohio,) amid the confusion, said, "We on this side vote for the resolution because the causes of the war are abolition and accession, and ought to be removed.
Mr. Mallory said he voted aye for a reason similar to that just assigned by the gentleman from
The roil call having been completed, the result was announced as unanimous — yeas 125.
The next resolution in the series was read, as follows: That in the struggle now going on for the safety of our country and for the
Government, there is no middle ground on which any good citizen or true patriot can stand; neutrality or indifference and anything short of a hearty support of the
Government being a crime where the question is between loyalty and treason.
This last resolution was also unanimously adopted.
Mr. Cox (
Ohio) offered the following:
Resolved, That the rebellion be and the same is hereby abolished.
This resolution was agreed to amid laughter.
Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) offered the following:
Resolved, As the sense of this
House that the military arrest, without civil warrant and trial, by a military commission, without jury, of
Clement L. Vallandigham, a citizen of
Ohio, not in the land or naval service, by order of
Major General Burnside, and his subsequent banishment by order of the
President, executed by military force, were acts of mere arbitrary power, in palpable violence of the
Constitution and laws of the
United States.
Mr. Washburne (Ill.) supposed that the question had been settled at the last election is
Ohio, and moved to lay the resolution on the table.
Disagreed to — yeas 34, nays 84.
The resolution was then rejected — yeas 47, nays 76.
A letter from
Key West gives the following in reference to the cargo of the steamer
Cumberland, recently captured in the
The cargo of the
Cumberland is a well assorted one, and very valuable.
Among other things found on board were one hundred barrels of gunpowder and a large number of Enfield rifles.
She has also in her hold a very large quantity of fine gray rebel uniform cloth, and bales upon bales of superior navy blue, besides an immense number of ready made rebel uniforms, boots and shoes — in short, everything necessary for the outfit of both sea and land forces.
I have it on good authority that the cargo cost seventy thousand pounds in gold in
England; that the ship was sold there for fifty thousand pounds, and that ten thousand pounds more were expended on her in
Another pleasant little piece of into "leence is, that a most elegant and costly set of pair furniture, in
papier machie, suitable for an "illustrious and honored
President, " has been found on board the
It was intended as a present to
Jeff. Davis from his admirers in
Another set, intended for
ex-Senator Mallory, the rebel
Secretary of War, was also found on board.
The quota of New York under the new draft is 91,163 men.
The Legislature of
Nebraska has nominated
Lincoln for
President, and
Andy Johnson for
Vice President.
Memphis, Tenn., the citizens between sixteen and fifty five have been enrolled in the
Federal service by conscriptions.
At a meeting of the
Union members of the Ohio Legislature, on the 26th ult., a resolution was passed declaring that the people of
Ohio and the soldiers in the army demand the re-election of
Abraham Lincoln.
U. S. Senator Hicks, of
Maryland, reported dead has recovered his health.
A reward of $500 was paid by the U. S.
ment for the murder of Louis.
Judge Seymour has been minated by the Democrats of Connection for Governor.