The War News — Grant Quiet — Another Reverse for Butler on the Southside — the battles in Louisiana, &c.
Grant seems to be quietly (with the exception of same cavalry demonstrations) ting reinforcements before trying another attack on
General Lee.
There was no news of interest from the Army of Northern Virginia yesterday.
Engagement on the Southside — the enemy still Furthest back.
Intelligence from the
Southside is of an interesting character.
At an early hour yesterday morning our forces advanced on the army and succeeded at about 12 M. in carried by a charge their rifle pits, or outering along his whole front, and drove him ck a mile and a half.
At 5 P. M. the enemy, having been heavily reinforced, attempted to retake his lost position, and succeeded in regaining his pits in one or two places on the right of his line, but was afterwards driven back with considerable loss.
Our loss in wounded most of whom were to
Petersburg, is estimated at about Some fifty or sixty of them were brought to this city, among whom were the following officers
Capt. Ellis, of the 35th N. C. musket ball in the thigh, ranging upward towards the body, and
Capt. Petty, at the same regiment,
Col. Johnson, of the
N. C., was also wounded, though not seriously
Lieut. Mallen, co D, 7th Va reg't,
Kemper's brigade, was shot through the abdomen.
The heaviest fighting occurred on our right.
The 35th and 49th N. C. and the 32d Va did the principal fighting on our left.
The following official dispatch relative to the fight, dated at headquarters on the field, was received at a late hour yesterday evening.
We have driven the enemy back about a mile along the whole extent of his front, and have captured some prisoners.
The raiders on the move again.
The raiders are again on the move.
From person who came down on the
Fredericksburg train from the
Junction, we learn that it was reported at that place that they were seen in the neighborhood of Hanover Court House yesterday morning.
Last night at 8 o'clock the telegraph wire was lapped at some point between this city and the junction, and it is supposed that they are at their work at some point on the Central Railroad.
The recent fight in Louisiana.
The following official dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday from
Lieut. Gen. Kirby Smith.
It gives the result of the battles heretofore reported in
--I have the honor to report that the thirteenth army corps of
Gen. Banks's command was signally defeated three miles below
Mansfield, La., on the afternoon of the 8th.
The nineteenth army corps coming to its support, was repulsed with loss and in disorder.
Reinforced by parts of the sixteenth and seventeenth corps, the enemy in force made a stand at
Pleasant Hill, a strong position, twenty miles below
Our troops stacked with impetuosity on the afternoon of the 9th.
Night closed on a most sanguinary struggle, in which the enemy were worsted, and retreated under cover of the darkness, leaving their wounded on the field.
From the best information we can obtain
Gen. Banks's command numbered at least thirty-five thousand, of which twenty-eight thousand were engaged at
Pleasant Hill on the 9th.
Our cavalry pursued to
Gen. Taylor commanded on the field.
We captured twenty-eight pieces of artillery, over three thousand prisoners, and over two hundred wagons.
Our loss as severe — over two thousand killed and wounded--
Gen. Monton,
Cols. Beard,
Taylor, and
Buchel among the casualties.
Providers has given us a signal and glorious victory.
The end of the Southside cavalry raid.
The Petersburg
Express, of Thursday, gives the following account of the conclusion of the cavalry raid on the
Danville and Southside roads.
After being repulsed at
Amelia Court-House, they proceeded to
Wilson's, which they destroyed.
They then proceeded on up the road to Wellsville Depot, which they also burnt; from thence to Blacks and Whites, which they burnt.
From this station their purpose was to go up to the
High Bridge, via the
Junction, but learning at Blacks and Whites that a strong force was at the
Bridge, they turned off to the
South and took a very circuitous route to
Trotter's Store, in
Brunswick, and into the edge of
Trotter's Store they went to
Lawrenceville, where they found a quantity of county salt, all of which they emptied into the road and drove their wagons and teams through it. They also destroyed a considerable quantity of tithe corn, and a small quantity of bacon there belonging to the
They captured
Lieut Carber, the enrolling officer at that place.
They rushed into the town yelling like devils.--The people were greatly alarmed, but offered no resistance.
There was a good deal of depredation, but no burning of houses or other outrages on private property.
They reached
Lawrenceville Sunday evening, when the sun was about an hour high, staid there all night, and left about 7 o'clock Monday morning, taking the direct route to
After getting within seven miles of this place they turned off to the left at
Spratley's and went to
Jarratt's, having no doubt heard that
Belfield was an exceedingly dangerous place for them to visit.
We will here remark that these raiders told
Mr. Derby that they were not out on a fighting excursion.--that such was not their business, though if necessary they would engage in it. Their sale object, they said, I was to destroy railroads, &c., &c.
They reached
Jarratt's about 6 o'clock Monday evening in a great hurry, burnt the water tank, tore up the railroad for about a mile, and cut the telegraph wire.
They remained there but a short time, and then put off at full speed towards
Freeman's bridge, over
Nottoway river, in
Sussex, where they arrived about two hours before day Tuesday.
The bridge had been destroyed by our people, and the raiders crossed over on logs overlaid with fence rails.
They then made a circuit and struck the Jerusalem plank road, which they kept until they got within fourteen miles of
Petersburg, where they turned off to the right, and reached Mount Sinal Church Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock, where they halted.
They were fired on near the church by some of our cavalry, which greatly alarmed them.
They did not return the fire.
In the midst of the confusion into which they were thus thrown,
Mr. Derby effected his escape and made his way safely to
Petersburg, where he arrived at a late hour Tuesday night. He stated to us several interesting particulars in connection with the raiders, which are worthy of being included in the narrative which we have given.
Their rear-guard, he says, was suffering greatly for want of food.
As they started front Bermuda Hundreds with only three days rations, they had gotten quite hungry.
They were much fatigued Tuesday evening, and ate ashcakes or anything else they could get. They tore the Norfolk railroad up for 400 yards, about ten miles below
Petersburg, and bragged exceedingly of what they had done.--They said that it was the most successful land they had ever made, and that if they got back it would be a glorious affair.
Gen. Kantz has an accurate map of
Dinwiddie, in which every road is laid down, which he regularly reters to. He asked a great many questions about the county — how far it was to
Stony creek,
Lawrenceville, &c. He appears to be a middle aged man. At
Wilson's Depot,
Speare took off his hat and asked those present if they had ever seen a real live Yankee, and then, with a pompons air, said "If you have not, here is one," and his Adjutant immediately added, "What do you think of him?
Do you see any horns? "
Yankees acknowledged that they were repulsed at
Chula, and said that they lost a few men there, which caused them to change their course.
They got hold of an
Express at
Lawrenceville and laughed heartily at its contents, saying that it was stuffed with rebel lies, &c.
Mr. Derby was told by one of the raiders that
Speare was fired upon by our men at
Chula, fell from his horse, and lay on the ground some time feigning to be dead.
He finally crawled away and got back to his men.
The force of the raiders was composed of the 11th
Penn, 3d New York, and 1st District of Columbia, and the rear guard of part of the 11th Penn.
There were heavy rains all the way from Blacks and Whites to Mount Sinal Church, and the men were caked with mud from their heads to their heels.
Mr. Derby says, to the credit of the commander of these raiders, that he saw several of them severely punished for damaging private property, which they were strictly prohibited from doing.
They were at liberty to steal horses and food, but nothing else.
He (
Mr. D.) says that he was treated by them with entire kindness, and that many of them were of gentlemanly appearance and behavior.
They took no negroes away forcibly from their masters.
They carried off only such as voluntarily joined them, and many of these deluded creatures, after experiencing the fatigues and privation and toils of the journey for a day, stopped following the
Yankees and turned back towards their comfortable homes, which they had so foolishly left.
The Lexington Cadets.
We learn, in addition to the casualties already published in the
Lexington Cadets, that
Cadet Randolph has died of his wounds, and that
Cadet Jefferson was mortally wounded — making seven killed, instead of five.
All the other wounded are doing well, and are in fine spirits--twenty of them were able to return home.
The following are the casualties in
Johnson's battery,
Lieut V. J. Clutter commanding, in the battles of
Spotsylvania, up to the 15th instant.
Lieut. V. J. Clutter, of
Richmond, severely in foot;
Privates Jonas Banheiser, of
Richmond, in arm;
L. R. Thomas, mortally, in head;
Jos. Covington, of
Middlesex, in hip;
Leonard Magor, of
Middlesex, arm amputated; Corp'l
Adams, of
Pittsylvania, slight, in shoulder;
Privates R. Brown, do, do, in knee;
Henry Inman, do, do, in head.
The following is a list of the killed and wounded in the
Huger Battery, from
Norfolk, Va.:
Sergt Peed.
Privates C. Latimore,
W. A. Moore,
A. Parroit,
Thos B. Phillips, arm off;
Samuel Barnes, slightly.
A Diary from Butler's Army.
The following are some extracts from a diary captured last Monday in the
Drewry's Bluff fight.
The name inscribed on it is
Jno. L. Ripper, Co E, 39th III. "Veteran Volunteers:"
Camp Grant, Va.,April 21--I commenced scratching in this new Diary.
Very cool day — have battalion drill.
May 6, 1864.--
Gen. Gillmore,
Gen. Terry,
Gen. Ames, and
Gen. Foster, are all here about 5 miles from Bermuda Hundreds.
Our regiment was thrown out to- day in front as skirmishers--
Col. Main on the right and
Col. Osborn on the left — the centre commanded by
Major Linton.
I was in charge of our men on the advance to
Fort Darling, and surely a more fatigued set of men never were seen than ours.
The day was very hot, and but little water to be found.
Several of our men got sun struck.
About 2 o'clock, came to a dead halt — a question arose, are we on the right road?
Several thought not. At 3 o'clock,
Gen. Gillmore, accompanied by
Gen. Terry and Staff, made a reconnaissance to the front, and soon found out that it was policy to halt — as
Gen. Baldy Smith was advancing on our left, and it was necessary for this part of the column to advance very slowly.
Butler's narrow escape.
At about 5 o'clock,
Gen. Butler and Staff rode through the different regiments, and were cheered with a long and continuous cheer
Gen. Butler advanced to the outpost, where I was stationed, and still forward he went, until he was fired upon by a party of guerillas, who had been concealed behind a church — some 200 yards beyond the outpost.
One of the
General's Orderlies was taken prisoner, after being severely wounded.
General Butler narrowly escaped capture.
We could have taken a very pleasant game of "
Yucher " (Yankee spelling) on the
General's coat tail, so straight did it stick out behind, as he fairly flew to the rear.
Our regiment now fell back, having been relieved by the 7th New Hampshire, and bivouacked for the night.
Find a great number of troops in our rear — camps or bivouacs in every direction — a great many eastern men, (real Yankees,) more in ract that from any other section.
I find that
Gen. Gismore is determined to "dig the rebs out of their holes, " as he has a fine lot of shove is, axes, and other implements for digging, and I think we will have a fine time of it, as we have the "Great Ditch Digger" with us, and of course the spades and shovels will have to fly.
May 7, 1864--Calm morning.
The regiment in front were at work all night, slashing the trenches; can't tell what to day will bring.
At 8 o'clock we moved out and relieved the 100th New York in the trenches, as the troops were at work all night, making formidable works to repel an assault.
We are about seven miles from
Fort Darling, and about the same distance from
The day is sultry — in fact so much so, that it is really uncomfortable.
The 1st
Conn, battery is with us, and one or two others.
Gen. Terry is flying around like as if he had a brick in his hat. A continued fire has been kept up on our left, and I bear this moment that
Petersburg is taken. Three o'clock P. M.--Hear some very heavy firing on the left — hear that the 18th army corps had a fight.
The 100th New York and 24th Massachusetts were in the skirmish, and the 100th New York gave way as usual.
The 9th Maine retrieved their lost character at
Fort Wagner this evening.
We got rations this afternoon, having been out for two days. We have a hard time when out of rations.
May 8.--Went out in front on picket this morning.
Everything passes off beautifully so far. Three o'clock. We were relieved in the evening by the 10th
Conn, and we fell back within the limits of the breastworks.
Find that a great amount of work has been done within the last 24 hours, building forts, etc.
May 9.--Preparing for a march this morning Weather pleasant.
Sun rose shrouded in red.--Every appearance of a very hot day. The Third brigade has passed us; also Battery B, 4th U. S.
Gens Gillmore,
Foster and
Terry have gone to the front.
We advanced to within sight of
Fort Darling.
At 12 o'clock reached a high bluff, almost in sight of
Hear the roar of cannon all around.
It is supposed that the gunboats have advanced, or are advancing up the river, and shelling the rebels on the other side.
We have now advanced to the river, and are supposed to be below
Fort Darling.
Another fort has been constructed for the support of
It seems to be a pretty strong place.
The 34th was now thrown out as skirmishers on the extreme right.
Advanced until we came to
Dr. John Howlett's house on the bluffs of the river.
Here would have been a good feast for the boys in the way of forage, but the officers took charge of the house and placed a guard around it, with instructions that they should not allow the fowls, &c, to be disturbed; but one officer ordered a private to knock over a chicken for him. The private made the attempt, but the guard stopped him, when the officer told the private not to mind them.
This was a pretty example for privates.
We have numerous instances of this kind in the army.
We were relieved this evening by the left wing and we fell back to the
Half Way Church, as it is called, in
Chesterfield county, Va.
The 18th corps has surrounded
Petersburg — so it is said — and have them in such a way that they can't get in or out. I learn that our advance here is only a feint, to keep the rebels from getting to the rear of our forces at
Tall stealing.
I have just learned that the Dr. Howlert house has turned out to be quite a treat to our Boys, as many valuable things were obtained.
May 10.--Heavy firing heard this morning in the direction of
Petersburg Col. Howell says that the rebs are advancing on us in force, but I now hear that they have been driven back.
Several of the boys are now brought in wounded, as we hear that the battle was pretty hot to the left of our division.
About noon a woman came up to where we were stationed and demanded that the
General should stop the firing as the balls were flying all around her house, and that it was dangerous to stay there.
This was fun for our boys, although anything else to the poor woman.